The American problem? Our "poor" have it too easy.

Sweat equity is what you do everyday to get things like a farm. When it's handed to you you've already passed the hard part. And you had nothing to do with actually paying for just had to wait for someone to die.

Not true. I pay the property taxes on the land and don't even live there.
Sweat equity is what you do everyday to get things like a farm. When it's handed to you you've already passed the hard part. And you had nothing to do with actually paying for just had to wait for someone to die.
Now maybe thats why you never bought a house or made any effort to. If thats the case I would say your whole argument about making wise choices with money are totaly moot....because you knew all along you had a free farm coming your way.
You've bean arguing under false pretenses this whole time.

How so? I just decided to try my hand at this last year, and the place actually belongs to me and my mom, who is still alive. I am TRULY afraid for the future of workers in this country. It makes me nauseous to see what has been going on the past decade. I think that your problem is that you assume my posts allude to only myself always. I think this country will only prosper with a secure and booming middle class, but it seems to be spiraling down the other way. Soon, I am afraid we will have a handful of very rich people and the rest of us in work camps or destitute. I just don't see it gettng better unless we can equalize the wealth drain on 90% of our citizens. That is why I am so passionate about this subject.
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Work 2 halfway decent ones... collect aluminum cans... do odd jobs for cash... live in a cheaper place... don't buy smokes... cut back to Busch instead of Sam Adams... drink cheap coffee... deliver pizzas on the weekend... don't have a $100 a month cell phone bill... cut out cable TV... stomach your pride and work at WalMart as a greeter....

The key is you do what you have to do because your personal well being is nobody's responsibility but your own... good economy, bad economy, mediocre economy, it don't matter... you ain't OWED it, you suck it up and drive on

You didn't answer the question... how are poor folks to work hard enough climb out of poverty when there aren't even enough jobs for educated, experienced workers? There just aren't enough jobs for everyone - especially jobs where one makes enough to save and amass wealth. There just aren't.

Like I and so many others had to do... suck it up and drive on and do whatever the fuck you have to do... do I have to add study? Take a community college class... work as a stripper on the weekend... travel 30 miles for a job... move to Bangor and work as a shopkeep... sign up to be a medical test guinea pig... join the Coast Guard....

There are jobs... just not ones you and the other lazy fuckers don't wish to take one or more of... because you feel it is beneath you or you feel like you are OWED a middle class salary for scrubbing urinals... if you gotta work 2 or 3 jobs, it is your responsibility to do so... if you don't do what it takes for advancement, too bad too sad that is your fucking problem... you don't want to change careers or take a step back in your career, again your fucking problem.... you do what you have to do... that is unless you have the liberal mindset of enitlement
There are jobs... just not ones you and the other lazy fuckers don't wish to take one or more of... because you feel it is beneath you or you feel like you are OWED a middle class salary for scrubbing urinals... if you gotta work 2 or 3 jobs, it is your responsibility to do so... if you don't do what it takes for advancement, too bad too sad that is your fucking problem... you don't want to change careers or take a step back in your career, again your fucking problem.... you do what you have to do... that is unless you have the liberal mindset of enitlement

There are not enough jobs for every able adult in this country and most of the jobs in the service sector pay next to nothing. Even if you have 2-3 minimum wage jobs, you ain't making much. Put that up against the cost of living (food, water & shelter) and it's even less. Why can't you admit this?
You do nothing but blast big business. BLAMED walmart for wanting to open a store in your hometown on the site of a landmark building.

I am very pro-small business, but I do have a healthy distrust of mega-corporations. I do blame the corporate coddling in congress for much of what ails this country. Buy Local!!!

If the same product, same or better quality, is made in Timbuktu for 70% less and it is a low skill job why should we buy local for 3 times more? What does that do for our youth to compete in a competitive free world market?
Isn't that what we are supposed to teach and educate our youth? Protectionism never works and adds to the problem.
There are jobs... just not ones you and the other lazy fuckers don't wish to take one or more of... because you feel it is beneath you or you feel like you are OWED a middle class salary for scrubbing urinals... if you gotta work 2 or 3 jobs, it is your responsibility to do so... if you don't do what it takes for advancement, too bad too sad that is your fucking problem... you don't want to change careers or take a step back in your career, again your fucking problem.... you do what you have to do... that is unless you have the liberal mindset of enitlement

There are not enough jobs for every able adult in this country and most of the jobs in the service sector pay next to nothing. Even if you have 2-3 minimum wage jobs, you ain't making much. Put that up against the cost of living (food, water & shelter) and it's even less. Why can't you admit this?

So everyone is only qualified for middle class jobs??? All jobs open are just minimum wage? Funny, I can get a job making sandwiches at Sheetz here at $14.75 an hour... I can get a dealer job at a casino and make good pay if I needed it to survive...

I have worked 2 jobs at a time, hell I even delivered pizzas on off time when I was in the military.... I ETS'd and worked a full time job during the day, a part time job on the weekend, and still studied my ass off to advance my career and put myself in demand... I did not stagnate and I did not think it was fucking OWED to me...

Why can't you admit that you do what you have to do rather than thinking you are owed enough to live on just because you fucking exist

Kill yourself, it's not worth the effort, Peepers
So you are getting a free farm......sounds to me like you have no moral authority to be speaking about how tough it is to be poor.

No... I am inheriting the land. There is no farm there yet... that will be all me.

Well being a good dem shouldnt you give half to the state.

And I'm not a dem. I'm registered independent.

Do you have any idea how lame that sounds? The land IS THE FARM !!!! The land is the lions share of the price!!!!
Unless your talken about twenty acres or something...but I would hardly call that a farm.
Have you ever worked a farm? And do you realize how difficult it is?
Not to sound like an A-hole but do you have any idea what your getting into?
I dont want you to think you shouldnt give it a try but I think your in for a rude awakening.
And exactly how old are you if you dont mind me asking? The whole thing seams kinda pie in the sky.
If it were me and I was younger(i'm assuming your twenty something) i would continue to work at a normal job and use the farm as a weekend place. Because you will never make as much money farming as you would in a regular job unless your talking a huge farm with grocer contracts.
Better off continuing to work and retire there. You'll have a lot more money in the end.
Sign me ....been there and done that.
So what do you all suggest we do?

Let the poor starve and our economy will boom right?

We have lost a couple of generations to the welfare life. We have provided assistance with no requirements other than need. We need to try tying welfare to education of the children on welfare. If a family wants to keep it's welfare they make sure the children are in school and if they need tutoring they let the schools know. Let's not lose another generation. If welfare recipients refuse, let them eat in the soup kitchens and live on the streets with the other losers. This might also stop some of the unwed pregnancy's too if they have to make them go to school. As for those people that have been on welfare their entire life's they are a lost cause and we need to concentrate on the next generation.
Since what you just said is an out and out lie.

For you, yes it is. b/c you lack the ability to stay near the subject once you have run out of things to say, to you pick lines out, twist them to some dumb fuck agenda that's running in your head, then spew out an accusation.

And for clarification; Putting a question mark at the end of an accusation doesn't stop it from being an accusation.

What is the lie? Clarify, plz

LMFAO> are so ignorant.

Look at what you posted here......(above)...

THAT is asking for clartification youy fucking moron....not what you did earlier.

If you dont see the difference between the two you are dumber than I thought.

You nailed your own lying ass to the wall.

First of pretty much have lost any debate when you need to resort to name calling people who were not name-calling you.

Second of seem allergic or at the worst, FEARFUL of people asking questions for clarification.

What is there to be so AFRAID and rude about when people ask questions? Is the honest search for clarification so much of a bad thing to you and those like you?
The American problem? Our "poor" have it too easy.
....And, instead of concentrating on puttin'-together some kind o' (actual) life, our assholes spend wayyyyyyyyy too-much-time pickin' on poor-people....or, anyone else who can't (actually) fight back.

You'll recognize these assholes, in the workplace, by the fact they're always shootin'-off their mouth, with "Ya' know what's gonna HAPPEN, don't you??"....and, then there's "I GUARANTEE you <blah><blah><blah><blah>...." They don't actually know much of anything, but they like to sound that way, 'cause work's the only place they get to shoot-off their mouth!

Typically, it's a result o' the fact....their mother (or wife) is runnin'-the-show, at home.

Exactly. The poor have a free ride. They do better taking a handout than they could working. Why work?

When the educated "did everything right" former middle class workers can't even find a job, how in the hell do you expect the poor to do so? I have news for you, sparky. Working 2 or even 3 minimum wage jobs does not exactly catapult you into the middle class (or even make up for one living wage job). Add in a family, and you're stuck. EXACTLY HOW DO YOU EXPECT PEOPLE TO CLIMB OUT OF POVERTY WHEN THERE ARE NO DECENT JOBS???

Uhhhh....maybe get a job and work your ass off so you move up in the company? Let me guess your one of those people who think working the drive thru at Micky D's is a career choice.
When I started working in machine shops at age 20 I swept the floors I deburred I cleaned the bathrooms...I did whatever was asked of me. And you know what? Twenty five years later I was able to retire.......because I worked my ass off and wasnt to proud to take instuction from people who knew more then me.
The whole attitude of people who are poor generaly sucks !!!!!!They have a chip on there shoulder and refuse to listen to there they stay poor because of there ego.
And thats the truth,i've seen it a million times!!! They are to proud to clean floors or scrub a toilet.
So I say FUCK EM !!!!!! They care more about street cred then there familys!!!It's there attitude that got them where they are.
I cant count the times i've heard some punk say he's not working any harder because they don't pay him enough.
HELLOOOOO....How about you work harder and show you deserve a raise you egotistical piece of shit.
I have zero sympathy for these people!!! In fact I have nothing but contempt for them!!!
Again I say......FUCKEM!!!!!!

No kidding. And that's why Republicans are going to be such winners.
This is the root of why we are struggling. The poor have it too easy. We have a massive class of people that are purely dependent on others to get by. Here is how.....

If our poor knew education was the key to survival, they'd be flocking the free libraries to get a better education than what our failed schools are giving. And using the free internet. But they aren't. They would also stop spending money on high-priced shoes, rims for their cars, expensive cars in general, video games, plasma tv's........and of course drugs. What a "poor" person in America spends on cable tv, a tv, rims, a cell phone, clothes, could buy a semester at community college. But priorities aren't there. Because they KNOW the gov't will not let them starve or die.

If our poor were truly starving, they'd be desperate to learn how to plant and grow their own food. But they aren't. Not only are they not finding ways to create their own food, but they are taking in so many excess calories that they are obsese. Like most of America. They do not need to worry about how to grow or find food, they know food stamps are always gonna be there. Otherwise, we'd see protests in the ghettos demanding the gov't allow some parks to be used as food growing land for them.

Our "poor" live a life that is rich compared the 95% of the other humans on planet Earth. The reason we have class warfare is envy, not necessity. Our poor have it too easy. If it was a necessity, they'd strive for their own education. They'd find ways to grow their own food, start their own businesses, find their own housing. Necessity creates quite a bit of innovation and efficiency.

But our "poor" know this.....they will be taken care of. They use the ER as a personal doctor. They get food stamps. They get $50 a month subsidized apartments. They get welfare. They get free education, soon to get free wireless internet. Hell, Jesse Jackson Jr. just said he wants a Constitutional amendment that guarantees people in the ghetto a "right to an Ipad and Ipod".

They know that we the people will keep finding a way to keep them alive and living a relatively easy life. So then it becomes that their only gripe is that what we are giving them is not as nice or fancy as what the rest of us have earned. They're spoiled brats. Their free apartment isn't as nice as the one I bought, and they're pissed. The food their food stamps buy is not as good as the food I worked for to buy, and they're pissed. The free welfare money they got is not enough to buy the same car I did with the money I earned and they demand that be changed immediately.

And then you have what I call the "Poor College Grad". He's the guy that all through college took "Diversity 101" or "Cultural Studies". He was in all the socially cool clubs. Wore the Che t-shirts. Hated Bush of course. Meanwhile, he was doing little to secure his financial future, learn to invest, learning to start a business. Instead, he decided to become more worldly, and less practical, only to become a whiny, pissed off 27 year old college grad who is pissed that his brilliance in the world of sociology could only get him a job cooking for Noodles.

And thats the problem we have in America right now.
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So what do you all suggest we do?

Let the poor starve and our economy will boom right?

We have lost a couple of generations to the welfare life. We have provided assistance with no requirements other than need. We need to try tying welfare to education of the children on welfare. If a family wants to keep it's welfare they make sure the children are in school and if they need tutoring they let the schools know. Let's not lose another generation. If welfare recipients refuse, let them eat in the soup kitchens and live on the streets with the other losers. This might also stop some of the unwed pregnancy's too if they have to make them go to school. As for those people that have been on welfare their entire life's they are a lost cause and we need to concentrate on the next generation.

And need based assistance is often determined by INCOME ONLY.
And what determines "need"? A single Mom can get aid for her kids and COME FROM A WEALTHY FAMILY or be "divorced" on paper only. No one checks to see if the father still lives in the home.
The entire system encourages FRAUD. But as long as the grocery lobby writes the food stamp laws, real estate investors write the Section 8 laws and politicians can always count on the vote of parasites nothing will change.
You do nothing but blast big business. BLAMED walmart for wanting to open a store in your hometown on the site of a landmark building.

I am very pro-small business, but I do have a healthy distrust of mega-corporations. I do blame the corporate coddling in congress for much of what ails this country. Buy Local!!!

OK Mr. Peepers here is a great social experiment for you when you get your farm up and running since your so pro working poor. Lets say for the sake of argument you need five hands to help out around the farm. The going rate for farm hands in the ares is fifteen bucks an hour. You being the champion for the working poor hire them at twentyfive bucks an hour. What do you think is going to happen? There is the obvious...but I bet you dont know the laundry list of other problems it will create for you.
You do nothing but blast big business. BLAMED walmart for wanting to open a store in your hometown on the site of a landmark building.

I am very pro-small business, but I do have a healthy distrust of mega-corporations. I do blame the corporate coddling in congress for much of what ails this country. Buy Local!!!

OK Mr. Peepers here is a great social experiment for you when you get your farm up and running since your so pro working poor. Lets say for the sake of argument you need five hands to help out around the farm. The going rate for farm hands in the ares is fifteen bucks an hour. You being the champion for the working poor hire them at twentyfive bucks an hour. What do you think is going to happen? There is the obvious...but I bet you dont know the laundry list of other problems it will create for you.

Come on man... $50/hr + fully paid pension and health and life and disability and dental and 3 months paid vacation and 3 months sick leave and 3 month personal time and guaranteed 20% per annum COLA and company cars. Put his money where his mouth is.
As you have already given up on your premise and have slid into equivocation, I'll take this as a concession of your point
You would never listen to the gist what I have to say anyway, so what is the point?
Your point -was- that you cannot live on$ 10/12/hr.
That point was countered, and so you slipped away from it.

What premise... that yes, we should allow the poor to suffer and die in the streets because there should be no safety nets even though there aren't enough jobs to support us all?
Who put that forth?
Actually..the opposite is true.

The rich have to much money.

It's kind of like Plumbing...put to much water down one pipe..and it will back up.

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