The American Kulaks


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Our Progressive run educational system has sabotaged the teaching of history because it is their only chance to mask their failures.

Our Progressive President has declared Jihad on the "wealthy" presently loosely defined as anybody making over $200K annually but soon to mean anybody employed but not by government. It's all been done before.

After the glorious Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks, the Democrats elder brother in economy thinking, too declared that those who owned things weren't paying their fair share, weren't sacrificing enough for the state. They declared the kulaks, the farmers who owned even meager parcels of land to be "class enemies" Does this sound at all familiar?

Do you want to know how it turned out for the kulaks and the Soviets? Remember, the crime of the kulaks was owning land and keeping Mother Russian well fed.

The Marxist, envious as any Modern American Leftist who chafes at prosperity and confiscated their property, even those worth as little as $100. They kulaks were exterminated, estimates are in the tens of million and the production of food under the kind hand of the Progressives plummeted so that even 50 years later people would line up for a week to buy a stale loaf of bread.

American making more than $200K per year are the new Kulaks
seems of late there is a lot of talk of war etc......really think everyone needs to turn off the talking heads and think for themselves

frank you and your jihad just need to shut the fuck up
seems of late there is a lot of talk of war etc......really think everyone needs to turn off the talking heads and think for themselves

frank you and your jihad just need to shut the fuck up

I watch no TV news and I listen to about 10 minutes of "Right Wing Hate Radio" a week on average. I'm listening to a Failed, Downgraded President try stir up class warfare and lay the blame for his failed policies at the feet of American Prosperity and frankly, I've had enough.

Your policies SUCK!


Not once, not ever.
when does the killing begin?

Probably right after you Progressives get a 5-4 SCOTUS and take away our Second Amendment rights

damn you are just full of the boogey man today arent you.....

do you reconize that the scotus has upheld the 2nd adm time and time again?

but dont let facts interrupt the you and your jihad

You should actually follow SCOTUS before you speak. If Obama gets to replace Thomas or Scalia with another Progressive teacher who covered for him at Harvard like Kagan did, it's goodbye Second Amendment
so why the attack on the scotus and all.....

and how in the world are you gonna handle 4 more years of obama....cause the gop aint getting its act together.....
The inside of Crusader Frank's brain iah fwiw tbh smh

Our Progressive run educational system has sabotaged the teaching of history because it is their only chance to mask their failures.

Our Progressive President has declared Jihad on the "wealthy" presently loosely defined as anybody making over $200K annually but soon to mean anybody employed but not by government. It's all been done before.

After the glorious Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks, the Democrats elder brother in economy thinking, too declared that those who owned things weren't paying their fair share, weren't sacrificing enough for the state. They declared the kulaks, the farmers who owned even meager parcels of land to be "class enemies" Does this sound at all familiar?

Do you want to know how it turned out for the kulaks and the Soviets? Remember, the crime of the kulaks was owning land and keeping Mother Russian well fed.

The Marxist, envious as any Modern American Leftist who chafes at prosperity and confiscated their property, even those worth as little as $100. They kulaks were exterminated, estimates are in the tens of million and the production of food under the kind hand of the Progressives plummeted so that even 50 years later people would line up for a week to buy a stale loaf of bread.

American making more than $200K per year are the new Kulaks

You might be surprised to discover that I agree with some of the above. Particualrly comparing America's AFFLUENT CLASS to the Kulaks.

Amerca's Kulak class is carrying the tax load that the UBERWEALTHY ought to be paying.
Good post, Frank.
Yes, the demonization of those more successful is a staple in many dysfunctional cultures. Whether it is the Jews in Europe, The Ibo's in Africa, the Lebanese all successful outsiders get demonized when things get rough and the result is the whole country goes to shit.
Obama and the Dums are following this playbook, hoping people will rebel against "millionaires and billionaires." Hint: Which billionaire is Obama's biggest supporter?
I love how the threat of a couple of percentage points of tax have people in such a tizzy. Oh noes
Our Progressive run educational system has sabotaged the teaching of history because it is their only chance to mask their failures.

Our Progressive President has declared Jihad on the "wealthy" presently loosely defined as anybody making over $200K annually but soon to mean anybody employed but not by government.
Aw, jeez.....another "conservative"-psychic.


Seeing-as-how you're unable to post you record of "hits" & "misses", I'm guessin' most people (here) will ignore another o' your "predictions".

I guess you could put-together such a record (with hyper-text footnotes to each hit/miss), if you could manage the work-load.

I suggest you start searching on your name & phrases, like....





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I love how the threat of a couple of percentage points of tax have people in such a tizzy. Oh noes

You want to pay about $10k more to the gov't, sleazebag? Not that you've ever made that much in your life.


But anyways, sleazebag, go fuck yourself. You're a cretin on this planet and it will be a great day when you shut the fuck up.
so why the attack on the scotus and all.....

and how in the world are you gonna handle 4 more years of obama....cause the gop aint getting its act together.....

My apologies, the thread got instantly derailed by Moonbat. The Kulaks came to a terrible end, but the point is that Class Warfare has been tried and failed miserably. We either learn from it or we keep Progressives in power

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