The American Culture War was won by the Left


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2021
Fort Worth, TX
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal
I hope Marijuana becomes legal in all 50 states. I could care less what gays do. If they want to get married I could care less. Hell, marry your dog if you want to. :D I am not sure why interracial marriage wasn't excepted in the first place.

I think it should be up to the woman if they want to abort their baby or not. I believe we are all multidimensional beings and our consciousness never dies. So maybe the soul of that baby wants to be aborted to relieve some karma or to have that experience. If the baby is aborted the soul will just be born in another mother. So those are my thoughts on that.

What you are not seeing though is that the classic liberal has been hijacked and most of these new people on the left or more Marxist then anything and don't even believe in freedom anymore. That is what I see anyways. They are all running around telling people to wear masks and social distance and stay in your houses. That is not liberal at all. And now these fake liberal Marxists are pushing their BLM and WOKE mentality that isn't awake at all. Now they are claiming people act too white. Just freakin stupid....
The American Culture War was won by the Left
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

I don't see them winning much of anything.
  • I realize some people are really attracted to the same sex! I don't pretend to understand or agree with it, but they shouldn't be prevented from living how they choose. I simply reject calling it a "marriage." It is a civil union. It's the results that should matter not the name.
  • I'm not a fan of sex or marriage between the races, but again, whatever floats your boat. What can you do, arrest people and put them in a rack? This isn't the 16th century anymore.
  • Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?
  • Rappers can wear their pants around their ankles. Free expression. But I can choose not to go to their concerts or buy their music.
  • Abortion has always been legal. Do we really want unwanted children growing up in homes with mothers who don't love them? The bigger problem to focus on is rampant unwanted pregnancy.
There would have had to be a "culture" in order to have a war in or over it.
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

And white boys need to pay for all that systemic racism. You're too white to have a job.
What is it you think you've won, French?

That is why we as white people, we get our DNA done and find the percentage of African in us, then we can claim to be black. Coca Cola did say we need to be less white.:auiqs.jpg:
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

Looks like the left won here.
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

Yea, and men in public showers with little girls.
Thats not happening.

Yes, it is. Besides, you support it, right?

Not the:
Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states (not to drive, but in your home its fine)
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music video
Last edited:
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

Yea, and men in public showers with little girls.
Thats not happening.

Yes, it is. Besides, you support it, right?

Not the:
Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states (not to drive, but in your home its fine)
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music video

No, Penelope. You said transgenders aren't sharing showers with little girls. You're wrong - again.
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

Yea, and men in public showers with little girls.
Thats not happening.

Yes, it is. Besides, you support it, right?

Not the:
Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states (not to drive, but in your home its fine)
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music video

No, Penelope. You said transgenders aren't sharing showers with little girls. You're wrong - again.
Men sharing showers little girls, I highly doubt it.
I'd like a link for your suspicions.
The American Culture War was won by the Left
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

I don't see them winning much of anything.
  • I realize some people are really attracted to the same sex! I don't pretend to understand or agree with it, but they shouldn't be prevented from living how they choose. I simply reject calling it a "marriage." It is a civil union. It's the results that should matter not the name.
  • I'm not a fan of sex or marriage between the races, but again, whatever floats your boat. What can you do, arrest people and put them in a rack? This isn't the 16th century anymore.
  • Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?
  • Rappers can wear their pants around their ankles. Free expression. But I can choose not to go to their concerts or buy their music.
  • Abortion has always been legal. Do we really want unwanted children growing up in homes with mothers who don't love them? The bigger problem to focus on is rampant unwanted pregnancy.

Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?

That is the most ridiculous comparison to weed yet...If you had ever been in law enforcement you would have witnessed almost daily what the results of weed really are, and not read the hyperbole by politicians being forced to legalize it for votes and being stoners themselves.

Let me explain the difference to you...Tabaco does not alter your psyched, weed does. Whats laughable is that they try and tell you inhaling tabacco is bad but not weed..

How anyone could want weed legalized so school bus drivers cant take a hit before they drive your kids to school or back, or any other person working involved with the citizenry...

Alcohol is bad and I would be all for banning it rather than legalize weed...but there is one major difference between Alcohol and Weed...MILLIONS of people me included imbibe alcohol everyday and are not impaired or drunk...I drink a glass of white or red wine most days with dinner.Wine, Been, Cocktails have TASTE they are enjoyable in moderation..

Weed has one purpose and one get you stoned, You cant smoke weed without getting high...You can drink and millions do without getting high or impaired...

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