The Al Franken Blunder


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I've been silent regarding his politicizing the live coverage of the confirmations procedures, because he helped me and advocates stop a major corporation who's been abusing it's power.
But he's gone too far recently and must be addressed in a reflective lesson.
His Blunder is by calling into question Trump's sanity, back pedalling, then adding that a few other Dems believe the same.
1)that's an ad hominem excuse.
2) his reasoning is saying it's because he lies a lot (subjective to one's own delusions) this would be saying Clinton was Insane and the Liberal news media caught lying as being all insane.
3) Franken & the Dems would be admitting to abusing and baiting a disbled person and reveling in their disability.
4) this means Franken and the Dems in their manner claiming him ill would be
"unqualified to serve"
the claim they made when they tried to convince people Trump was making fun of a disabled man (and did so by "Lying").

According to Franken he and those Dems involved in this ad hominem attack and demonization of the president need to step down from office, if not then they get caught in a check mate- admitting they lied making them the insane ones according to Franken's logic=check mate because he traped himself in a corner.
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Rump IS a pathological liar. There's more than enough evidence of that. It's not exactly a bigly secret
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
Republicans are going to have a tough time getting campaign contributions from the Multi National Corporations now that Trump has our "Representatives" towing the American Line as opposed to the Multi National Corporation Line.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
I question his honesty, as he never speaks to anyone who isn't sympatico with him and his socialist moonbattery. It's this kind of stepping in the shit is why.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.

So you admit Liberals abuse disabled people and need to step down from office.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
So you admit Liberals abuse disabled people and need to step down from office.
So, you admit Trump is disabled?!?!
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.

So you admit Liberals abuse disabled people and need to step down from office.
You really need to try to separate the things you read from the things the voices in your head tell you. I wrote nothing resembling what you said, so it must have been your internal voices.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
So you admit Liberals abuse disabled people and need to step down from office.
So, you admit Trump is disabled?!?!
Trump MUST be disabled; he wants to make America Great Again!
The OP is against ad hominem attacks? I can't wait until he discovers what Trump says about US Intel agencies, America being just like Putin, Judges being disqualified because their Mexican, or Obama having a fake birth certificate.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
So you admit Liberals abuse disabled people and need to step down from office.
So, you admit Trump is disabled?!?!
Trump MUST be disabled; he wants to make America Great Again!
Again? America is great right now.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
Oh my, Franken said some of his Repub colleagues had issued, man that seal the deal for me. If you can get Schumer and Pelosi to add some truth to this situation I'm sold. God knows I think everything of their opinions.
I've been silent regarding his politicizing the live coverage of the confirmations procedures, because he helped me and advocates stop a major corporation who's been abusing it's power.
But he's gone too far recently and must be addressed in a reflective lesson.
His Blunder is by calling into question Trump's sanity, back pedalling, then adding that a few other Dems believe the same.
1)that's an ad hominem excuse.
2) his reasoning is saying it's because he lies a lot (subjective to one's own delusions) this would be saying Clinton was Insane and the Liberal news media caught lying as being all insane.
3) Franken & the Dems would be admitting to abusing and baiting a disbled person and reveling in their disability.
4) this means Franken and the Dems in their manner claiming him ill would be
"unqualified to serve"
the claim they made when they tried to convince people Trump was making fun of a disabled man (and did so by "Lying").

According to Franken he and those Dems involved in this ad hominem attack and demonization of the president need to step down from office, if not then they get caught in a check mate- admitting they lied making them the insane ones according to Franken's logic=check mate because he traped himself in a corner.
Franken's main blunder was being born.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
Oh my, Franken said some of his Repub colleagues had issued, man that seal the deal for me. If you can get Schumer and Pelosi to add some truth to this situation I'm sold. God knows I think everything of their opinions.

Nobody is trying to convince you of anything. You'v made it clear that you only believe Alex Jones, and his ilk. Enjoy your fact free existence.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
So you admit Liberals abuse disabled people and need to step down from office.
So, you admit Trump is disabled?!?!
Trump MUST be disabled; he wants to make America Great Again!
Again? America is great right now.
Not for the millions whose jobs and careers have been destroyed by trespassers and the global employee pool.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
Oh my, Franken said some of his Repub colleagues had issued, man that seal the deal for me. If you can get Schumer and Pelosi to add some truth to this situation I'm sold. God knows I think everything of their opinions.

Nobody is trying to convince you of anything. You'v made it clear that you only believe Alex Jones, and his ilk. Enjoy your fact free existence.
You know all you have to do to see my position is to pull your lips off the democrat dick and see I'm just standing there watching you suck them. Get off your knees.
Actually, he said some of his REPUBLICAN colleagues question Trump's mental stability. I'm pretty sure most Democrats are convinced there is a serious problem with trump's mental processes. Just lying isn't that much of a problem, but lying about such silly things that can be easily verified is of concern. Trump has serious mental deficiencies.
Oh my, Franken said some of his Repub colleagues had issued, man that seal the deal for me. If you can get Schumer and Pelosi to add some truth to this situation I'm sold. God knows I think everything of their opinions.

Nobody is trying to convince you of anything. You'v made it clear that you only believe Alex Jones, and his ilk. Enjoy your fact free existence.
You know all you have to do to see my position is to pull your lips off the democrat dick and see I'm just standing there watching you suck them. Get off your knees.

With a cool comeback like that, I'll bet you're the toughest guy in the 7th grade.

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