The Air Leaves the Insurrection Balloon


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Surprising no one who knows the basic facts of the “insurrection”. But it’s been written for a mainstream media audience, so there’s plenty of explaining.

The prospect of dozens of Jan. 6 rioters cutting deals for minor sentences could be hard to explain for the Biden administration, which has characterized the Capitol Hill mob as a uniquely dangerous threat. Before assuming office, Biden said the rioters’ attempt to overturn the election results by force “borders on sedition”; Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the prosecutions his top early priority, describing the storming of Congress as “a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy, the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.”

Justice Department prosecutors sent expectations sky-high in early statements and court filings, describing elaborate plots to murder lawmakers — descriptions prosecutors have tempered as new details emerged.[…]

There are also sensitive issues about precedent for the future, given the frequency of politically inspired demonstrations on Capitol Hill that run afoul of the law.

While violent assaults in the Capitol are rare, protests and acts of civil disobedience — such as disrupting congressional hearings or even House and Senate floor sessions, are more common. That means prosecutors and judges will have to weigh how much more punishment a Trump supporter who invaded the Capitol during the Electoral College count deserves than, say, an anti-war protester chanting at a CIA confirmation hearing or a gun-control advocate shouting in the middle of the State of the Union address. […]

That reckoning is coming sooner rather than later, lawyers say, putting prosecutors in the position of wrist-slapping many participants in the riot despite framing the crimes as part of an insurrection that presented a grave threat to American democracy.
Let the armed militia surrounding the Capitol be a reminder that the politicians will take away your guns, while safely hiding behind their own armed militia.

These are just people. They are not Gods. Fuck them. Do not let them take your guns and hide behind theirs.
I'm not sure anyone has argued that they all should serve jail time. Many of them will be too scared to drive 48 in a 45 after this. There likely is not any reason to jail a person like that.
Nobody wants people in jail who were just idiot followers. Now they will face repercussions in their lives in terms of their jobs and families, or they may cult up with QAnon/Trumpstettes.
Nobody wants anyone in jail who were there for no better reason, than that the Capitol Police removed barricades and waved them in.
Surprising no one who knows the basic facts of the “insurrection”. But it’s been written for a mainstream media audience, so there’s plenty of explaining.

The prospect of dozens of Jan. 6 rioters cutting deals for minor sentences could be hard to explain for the Biden administration, which has characterized the Capitol Hill mob as a uniquely dangerous threat. Before assuming office, Biden said the rioters’ attempt to overturn the election results by force “borders on sedition”; Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the prosecutions his top early priority, describing the storming of Congress as “a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy, the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.”

Justice Department prosecutors sent expectations sky-high in early statements and court filings, describing elaborate plots to murder lawmakers — descriptions prosecutors have tempered as new details emerged.[…]

There are also sensitive issues about precedent for the future, given the frequency of politically inspired demonstrations on Capitol Hill that run afoul of the law.

While violent assaults in the Capitol are rare, protests and acts of civil disobedience — such as disrupting congressional hearings or even House and Senate floor sessions, are more common. That means prosecutors and judges will have to weigh how much more punishment a Trump supporter who invaded the Capitol during the Electoral College count deserves than, say, an anti-war protester chanting at a CIA confirmation hearing or a gun-control advocate shouting in the middle of the State of the Union address. […]

That reckoning is coming sooner rather than later, lawyers say, putting prosecutors in the position of wrist-slapping many participants in the riot despite framing the crimes as part of an insurrection that presented a grave threat to American democracy.
sounds about white.
The people who were mainly responsible for the mayhem deserve some significant punishment - a few days in jail and a hefty fine.

THis was not an insurrection or an attempt to overthrow the government, or even an attempt to intimidate any lawmaker. It was "Right-crazies" acting out after having watched a summer full of mainly Black Left-crazies committing much worse criminal acts while Leftist politicians sympathized with them.

The transparent phonies on the Left trying to make this into something more than it was is are exposed by the relatively light sentences being meted out.

One thing that I'm a bit curious about is the very dubious claim that 140 (or so) uniformed peace officers were "seriously injured" in the festivities. My sense is that this it a totally-overblown bit of bullshit, but I haven't seen any real information either way. I suspect that everyone of them (excepting a few goldbricks) were back at work within a day or so, but I don't know the reality of it.
Surprising no one who knows the basic facts of the “insurrection”. But it’s been written for a mainstream media audience, so there’s plenty of explaining.

The prospect of dozens of Jan. 6 rioters cutting deals for minor sentences could be hard to explain for the Biden administration, which has characterized the Capitol Hill mob as a uniquely dangerous threat. Before assuming office, Biden said the rioters’ attempt to overturn the election results by force “borders on sedition”; Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the prosecutions his top early priority, describing the storming of Congress as “a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy, the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.”

Justice Department prosecutors sent expectations sky-high in early statements and court filings, describing elaborate plots to murder lawmakers — descriptions prosecutors have tempered as new details emerged.[…]

There are also sensitive issues about precedent for the future, given the frequency of politically inspired demonstrations on Capitol Hill that run afoul of the law.

While violent assaults in the Capitol are rare, protests and acts of civil disobedience — such as disrupting congressional hearings or even House and Senate floor sessions, are more common. That means prosecutors and judges will have to weigh how much more punishment a Trump supporter who invaded the Capitol during the Electoral College count deserves than, say, an anti-war protester chanting at a CIA confirmation hearing or a gun-control advocate shouting in the middle of the State of the Union address. […]

That reckoning is coming sooner rather than later, lawyers say, putting prosecutors in the position of wrist-slapping many participants in the riot despite framing the crimes as part of an insurrection that presented a grave threat to American democracy.

From what I've been reading most will be charged with trespassing.

Trespassing is a long way from insurrection or sedition.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO.
Of course the Banana Republicans want to play down Trumpybear's revolting contempt for the rule of law and all branches of our Constitution Government.

Never forget. Vote them all out in 22, 24 and 26.
Nobody wants people in jail who were just idiot followers. Now they will face repercussions in their lives in terms of their jobs and families, or they may cult up with QAnon/Trumpstettes.
Yes, I’d hire anyone involved on the spot.
of course you would, if you could. Those who can, do otherwise
Some U.S. Capitol rioters fired after internet detectives identify them (

Root them out.

One wonders if you're so enthusiastic about people being persecuted in relation to the many, MANY riots - all much more violent - that happened all last year. Because - and maybe it's just my memory failing - I don't recall you EVER demanding we "root them out" in relation to those people. Curious.
Nobody wants people in jail who were just idiot followers. Now they will face repercussions in their lives in terms of their jobs and families, or they may cult up with QAnon/Trumpstettes.
Yes, I’d hire anyone involved on the spot.
of course you would, if you could. Those who can, do otherwise
Some U.S. Capitol rioters fired after internet detectives identify them (

Root them out.
You NAZIS are proud.
“Libby Andrews, a real estate agent from Chicago, was fired by @properties and removed from its website, even though she had done nothing wrong and had not entered the capitol”
Nobody wants people in jail who were just idiot followers. Now they will face repercussions in their lives in terms of their jobs and families, or they may cult up with QAnon/Trumpstettes.
Yes, I’d hire anyone involved on the spot.
of course you would, if you could. Those who can, do otherwise
Some U.S. Capitol rioters fired after internet detectives identify them (

Root them out.
You NAZIS are proud.
“Libby Andrews, a real estate agent from Chicago, was fired by @properties and removed from its website, even though she had done nothing wrong and had not entered the capitol”

They shrug... collateral damage

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