The AHCA will prove the Trojan Horse for the GOP

Although many republicans have begun to realize that the orange clown is a lying, promise-breaker fake, what ultimately will devastate the GOP brand, will be the HC plan the GOP is proposing...a plan mostly written by private HC insurers, big pharma and rich hospital associations.

Crooked McConnell is trying to postpone the impact of screwing Americans (including republicans, of course) until AFTER the midterm elections and, in some cases, AFTER the 2020 ones.

It will take a bit smarter republicans to look beyond the next few years to see how crooked and mean bribed, elected republicans are being in killing off Americans because of the HC policies....but it will one day soon dawn on these embittered right wingers that they voted to purchase the rope to hang themselves.
If it were up to most Republicans and conservatives there’d be no healthcare legislation at all; no measure would be enacted to ensure low-income working Americans, older working Americans, and those retired would have access to affordable healthcare.

Instead they’d rather return to the bad old days before the ACA, where one’s access to affordable healthcare would depend solely on one’s income, and those who couldn’t afford health insurance would go without access to affordable healthcare.

The Republican ‘plan’: don’t get sick – and if you do, die quickly.
You mean like Obozocare is the Trojan Horse for the Democrats? You mean like that?

How many right wingers benefited from the ACA????

How many of these right wingers will be "happy" that they will be losing HC insurance???

How many times do you need to prove that you're a fucking idiot?
/--- Obozocare was not GIVEN to me. All Obozocare does is require everyone to BUY insurance or pay the IRS a fine. It forced men to pay for mamograms. It classified 24 year-olds as children.It raised taxes on everyone via medical equipment Have you been asleep for the last 7 years?
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You mean like Obozocare is the Trojan Horse for the Democrats? You mean like that?

How many right wingers benefited from the ACA????

How many of these right wingers will be "happy" that they will be losing HC insurance???

How many times do you need to prove that you're a fucking idiot?
/--- Choke on this loser:
Obamacare Was Designed to Explode - Dems Want Single-Payer ...
Mar 30, 2017 - There were two big winners when the House failed to take up the President Donald Trump-backed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare: ...

Obamacare Was Designed to Explode -- Dems Want Single-Payer ...
Mar 30, 2017 - There were two big winners when the House failed to take up the President Donald Trump-backed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare: ...

Obamacare Unravelling: Liberals Push Single-Payer Replacement ...
Oct 19, 2016 - As Obamacare falls apart, liberals are dusting off their Plan B: ... Obamacare Is Falling Apart, and Liberals Want to Replace It with a Single-Payer System ... The Affordable Care Act was neverdesigned to be a permanent solution. ... Jonathan Gruber predicted that whether the law succeeded orfailed, the ...
You mean like Obozocare is the Trojan Horse for the Democrats? You mean like that?

How many right wingers benefited from the ACA????

How many of these right wingers will be "happy" that they will be losing HC insurance???

How many times do you need to prove that you're a fucking idiot?
/--- Obozocare was not GIVEN to me. All Obozocare does is require everyone to BUY insurance or pay the IRS a fine. It forced men to pay for monograms. It classified 24 year-olds as children.It raised taxes on everyone via medical equipment Have you been asleep for the last 7 years?
Come honest

You had insurance before Obamacare. Do you call being a woman a pre-existing condition? 26 year olds who are denied insurance by asshole employers can continue to be covered
You mean like Obozocare is the Trojan Horse for the Democrats? You mean like that?

How many right wingers benefited from the ACA????

How many of these right wingers will be "happy" that they will be losing HC insurance???

How many times do you need to prove that you're a fucking idiot?
/--- Obozocare was not GIVEN to me. All Obozocare does is require everyone to BUY insurance or pay the IRS a fine. It forced men to pay for monograms. It classified 24 year-olds as children.It raised taxes on everyone via medical equipment Have you been asleep for the last 7 years?
Come honest

You had insurance before Obamacare. Do you call being a woman a pre-existing condition? 26 year olds who are denied insurance by asshole employers can continue to be covered
/---- Yes. I paid for it through my employer. It was not free, the cost and deductible went up. My wife lost her Gyno and I lost my Internist. The replacement was some Egyptian Doc who spoke with such a thick accent we couldn't understand him. You be honest for a change and admit Obozocare is collapsing all around the country. It was designed to fail so Pres Hildabeast could user in Single Payer. Problem is Hildabeast lost.
Although many republicans have begun to realize that the orange clown is a lying, promise-breaker fake, what ultimately will devastate the GOP brand, will be the HC plan the GOP is proposing...a plan mostly written by private HC insurers, big pharma and rich hospital associations.

Crooked McConnell is trying to postpone the impact of screwing Americans (including republicans, of course) until AFTER the midterm elections and, in some cases, AFTER the 2020 ones.

It will take a bit smarter republicans to look beyond the next few years to see how crooked and mean bribed, elected republicans are being in killing off Americans because of the HC policies....but it will one day soon dawn on these embittered right wingers that they voted to purchase the rope to hang themselves.
I doubt the bill make it through the senate vote.
You mean like Obozocare is the Trojan Horse for the Democrats? You mean like that?

How many right wingers benefited from the ACA????

How many of these right wingers will be "happy" that they will be losing HC insurance???

How many times do you need to prove that you're a fucking idiot?
/--- Obozocare was not GIVEN to me. All Obozocare does is require everyone to BUY insurance or pay the IRS a fine. It forced men to pay for monograms. It classified 24 year-olds as children.It raised taxes on everyone via medical equipment Have you been asleep for the last 7 years?
Come honest

You had insurance before Obamacare. Do you call being a woman a pre-existing condition? 26 year olds who are denied insurance by asshole employers can continue to be covered
/---- Yes. I paid for it through my employer. It was not free, the cost and deductible went up. My wife lost her Gyno and I lost my Internist. The replacement was some Egyptian Doc who spoke with such a thick accent we couldn't understand him. You be honest for a change and admit Obozocare is collapsing all around the country. It was designed to fail so Pres Hildabeast could user in Single Payer. Problem is Hildabeast lost.
Guess what?

None of that has anything to do with Obamacare

What you describe is your employer being cheap. Why do you want your employer to pick your healthcare?
I hope they do nothing, then when Obamacare implodes democrats will never be in power again. You own obamacare 100%.

Be the fucking idiot that you are........Those 20 plus millions who NOW have insurance because of Obama, will prove a bit of a problem for you morons once the ACA is repealed and replaced by tax cuts for the 2% of wealthy Americans.....

Yes, YOU will own the royal screw up......LOL

The current bill doesn't repeal the unaca. That's the problem. It makes changes/amends the unaca but does not repeal it.

Did anyone ever believe that big gov't loving Rs would ever give up the power and control that the Ds handed the fed gov't? Fed gov't has zero business in the health insurance business.
You mean like Obozocare is the Trojan Horse for the Democrats? You mean like that?

How many right wingers benefited from the ACA????

How many of these right wingers will be "happy" that they will be losing HC insurance???

How many times do you need to prove that you're a fucking idiot?
/--- Obozocare was not GIVEN to me. All Obozocare does is require everyone to BUY insurance or pay the IRS a fine. It forced men to pay for monograms. It classified 24 year-olds as children.It raised taxes on everyone via medical equipment Have you been asleep for the last 7 years?
Come honest

You had insurance before Obamacare. Do you call being a woman a pre-existing condition? 26 year olds who are denied insurance by asshole employers can continue to be covered
/---- Yes. I paid for it through my employer. It was not free, the cost and deductible went up. My wife lost her Gyno and I lost my Internist. The replacement was some Egyptian Doc who spoke with such a thick accent we couldn't understand him. You be honest for a change and admit Obozocare is collapsing all around the country. It was designed to fail so Pres Hildabeast could user in Single Payer. Problem is Hildabeast lost.
Guess what?

None of that has anything to do with Obamacare

What you describe is your employer being cheap. Why do you want your employer to pick your healthcare?
/------ Here you Libtard. Spin this you pathetic POS:
Doctors, Hospitals Won't Accept Obamacare Marketplace Plans | US ...
Nov 4, 2015 - Doctors, Hospitals Say 'No' to Obamacare Plans ... Doctors or hospitals may be left out of insurance networks for many reasons; .... "They are choosing not to come in for follow up and will notcome in for bloodwork," she says.

More Doctors Refusing ObamaCare Patients - The New American
Monday, 03 November 2014 ... I cannot accept a plan [which pays only] Medicare rates. ... The doctor is assured he'll get paid for the initial visit but may be left holding the ... 215,000 doctors are now refusing to accept ObamaCare patients. ... like every doctor and hospital and thanks to Obamacare I have $20 less to put in ...
How many right wingers benefited from the ACA????

How many of these right wingers will be "happy" that they will be losing HC insurance???

How many times do you need to prove that you're a fucking idiot?
/--- Obozocare was not GIVEN to me. All Obozocare does is require everyone to BUY insurance or pay the IRS a fine. It forced men to pay for monograms. It classified 24 year-olds as children.It raised taxes on everyone via medical equipment Have you been asleep for the last 7 years?
Come honest

You had insurance before Obamacare. Do you call being a woman a pre-existing condition? 26 year olds who are denied insurance by asshole employers can continue to be covered
/---- Yes. I paid for it through my employer. It was not free, the cost and deductible went up. My wife lost her Gyno and I lost my Internist. The replacement was some Egyptian Doc who spoke with such a thick accent we couldn't understand him. You be honest for a change and admit Obozocare is collapsing all around the country. It was designed to fail so Pres Hildabeast could user in Single Payer. Problem is Hildabeast lost.
Guess what?

None of that has anything to do with Obamacare

What you describe is your employer being cheap. Why do you want your employer to pick your healthcare?
/------ Here you Libtard. Spin this you pathetic POS:
Doctors, Hospitals Won't Accept Obamacare Marketplace Plans | US ...
Nov 4, 2015 - Doctors, Hospitals Say 'No' to Obamacare Plans ... Doctors or hospitals may be left out of insurance networks for many reasons; .... "They are choosing not to come in for follow up and will notcome in for bloodwork," she says.

More Doctors Refusing ObamaCare Patients - The New American
Monday, 03 November 2014 ... I cannot accept a plan [which pays only] Medicare rates. ... The doctor is assured he'll get paid for the initial visit but may be left holding the ... 215,000 doctors are now refusing to accept ObamaCare patients. ... like every doctor and hospital and thanks to Obamacare I have $20 less to put in ...
That is a free marketplace

We get the same thing with Medicare and Medicaid

Doctors have to adjust to the marketplace
/--- Obozocare was not GIVEN to me. All Obozocare does is require everyone to BUY insurance or pay the IRS a fine. It forced men to pay for monograms. It classified 24 year-olds as children.It raised taxes on everyone via medical equipment Have you been asleep for the last 7 years?
Come honest

You had insurance before Obamacare. Do you call being a woman a pre-existing condition? 26 year olds who are denied insurance by asshole employers can continue to be covered
/---- Yes. I paid for it through my employer. It was not free, the cost and deductible went up. My wife lost her Gyno and I lost my Internist. The replacement was some Egyptian Doc who spoke with such a thick accent we couldn't understand him. You be honest for a change and admit Obozocare is collapsing all around the country. It was designed to fail so Pres Hildabeast could user in Single Payer. Problem is Hildabeast lost.
Guess what?

None of that has anything to do with Obamacare

What you describe is your employer being cheap. Why do you want your employer to pick your healthcare?
/------ Here you Libtard. Spin this you pathetic POS:
Doctors, Hospitals Won't Accept Obamacare Marketplace Plans | US ...
Nov 4, 2015 - Doctors, Hospitals Say 'No' to Obamacare Plans ... Doctors or hospitals may be left out of insurance networks for many reasons; .... "They are choosing not to come in for follow up and will notcome in for bloodwork," she says.

More Doctors Refusing ObamaCare Patients - The New American
Monday, 03 November 2014 ... I cannot accept a plan [which pays only] Medicare rates. ... The doctor is assured he'll get paid for the initial visit but may be left holding the ... 215,000 doctors are now refusing to accept ObamaCare patients. ... like every doctor and hospital and thanks to Obamacare I have $20 less to put in ...
That is a free marketplace

We get the same thing with Medicare and Medicaid

Doctors have to adjust to the marketplace
/---- So one more time - thanks to Obozcare my wife and I lost our doctors were were tole we could keep if we liked them. And where is my $2,500 x 2 = $5,000 ????????
You must be proud of this:
Terminally ill mom denied treatment coverage — but gets suicide drug ...
Oct 24, 2016 - Terminally ill mom denied treatment coverage — but gets suicide drug approved ... a chronic autoimmune disease that causes scar tissue to form in her lungs. ... Where once members exchanged messages of hope, “people ...
I am waiting for the new revised GOP health care act for July. It has already been named, FUCKER (Fantastic Universal Care. Kapot, Expired, and Repealed)
I am waiting for the new revised GOP health care act for July. It has already been named, FUCKER (Fantastic Universal Care. Kapot, Expired, and Repealed)
/---- If only Obozo and the Deep State had left health insurance alone, we wouldn't be facing this. It's like the kid who killed his parents then whined because he was now an orphan.
Crooked Cruz wants to move his vote to yes, I wonder how much money he wants for that..

And Crooked Rand Paul is spending the weekend golfing with Trump.... ummmmm How much will Rand be paid?

Right ON target........the fix is in.....

Actually, I've now concluded that trump is just a useful idiot for the GOP, the REAL evil cocksucker is McConnell and his crooked (but dumber than a doorknob) wife.

McConnell is getting old, so he is at the point of not even trying to hide his corruption... He is a horrible man

I am waiting for the new revised GOP health care act for July. It has already been named, FUCKER (Fantastic Universal Care. Kapot, Expired, and Repealed)
/---- If only Obozo and the Deep State had left health insurance alone, we wouldn't be facing this. It's like the kid who killed his parents then whined because he was now an orphan.

I admit that I do kind of miss my career as VP of underwriting for health insurance companies. I got a certain amount of satisfaction in investigating medical records of applicants, and finding that they lied on their application when they claimed that they had never been diagnosed with cancer, heart disease, etc. I would then rescind their coverage, and return their premiums. I considered them no better than crooks.
Instead they’d rather return to the bad old days before the ACA, where one’s access to affordable healthcare would depend solely on one’s income, and those who couldn’t afford health insurance would go without access to affordable healthcare.

In the "old days" I had healthcare insurance. In fact, I've had insurance my entire adult life until Commie Care started. Now I have none.

Commie Care is about how much you make. The less you make, the more affordable it is. But then again, french fry makers and pizza delivery guys generally vote Democrat.

So yes, let's go back to the "old days" because the old days I had coverage.
The McConnell royal screwing of Americans (including, obviously, republicans) though his HC plan proposal, is soooooooooooo damn good that EVEN congressional republicans will abandon their current plan and sign up for the AHCA.....Correct???..............LOL

Lets DEMAND that elected republicans can ONLY have the AHCA for insurance and then we will see how "great" the plan really is.......

You mean like Democrat politicians did for Commie Care? Tell us, how many Democrats are using Commie Care today, or when it was first passed?

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