The ACLU gets stuffed, as well they should

Lucy, you are a bed wetter with Sassy. I approved of the judge's decision. Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public. Who gives a bed wetting if you don't like it.

"Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public."

So a blow-job in the middle of a grocery store would be considered appropriate to you?

I rated this post informative. It informed me that this person thinks that you have to perform oral sex in public in order to be straight or gay

It does nothing of the sort. I'm straight, I DON'T feel the need to publicly announce to everyone that I meet that I'm straight.


I know, you already said in order to be gay or straight in public means you have to commit sex acts in public. No announcement needed.
If you had any brains you would know she didn't say that. But you are just sticking to your lack of intelligence. idiot.
And you think the majority of LGBT do?

Yes they probably do, also the Gay Pride stuff....we don't feel the need to have a Straight Pride, why is this do you think? It's because we don't feel the need to announce to everyone and anyone that we're Straight.

We have nothing against gays, we just want them to act normal and STFU about being gay.
Lucy, you are a bed wetter with Sassy. I approved of the judge's decision. Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public. Who gives a bed wetting if you don't like it.

"Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public."

So a blow-job in the middle of a grocery store would be considered appropriate to you?

I rated this post informative. It informed me that this person thinks that you have to perform oral sex in public in order to be straight or gay

It does nothing of the sort. I'm straight, I DON'T feel the need to publicly announce to everyone that I meet that I'm straight.


I know, you already said in order to be gay or straight in public means you have to commit sex acts in public. No announcement needed.
If you had any brains you would know she didn't say that. But you are just sticking to your lack of intelligence. idiot.

This is what the Leftists do, twist peoples' words into something they didn't say.
That is what the weird far right does, twist the words of others into meanings not meant.

Go about your business and allow others to do the same.
The ACLU should have known this wasn't going to fly. What a bunch of dopes. The baby murderers can go to Murder Inc. aka Planned Parenthood and leave the Church out of it

Court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions

Calling the challenge “dubious,” a federal court Monday threw out a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union that sought to force a Catholic hospital system to provide abortions against the church’s teachings.

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, said the ACLU did not have standing to sue Trinity Health Corporation, which operates 86 facilities in 21 states.

Kevin Theriot, senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which intervened in the case on Trinity’s side, said the government cannot coerce medical personnel to violate their religion by providing abortions

Federal court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions
The right's unwarranted hostility toward an organization seeking to defend the civil rights of all Americans comes as no surprise.
The ACLU should have known this wasn't going to fly. What a bunch of dopes. The baby murderers can go to Murder Inc. aka Planned Parenthood and leave the Church out of it

Court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions

Calling the challenge “dubious,” a federal court Monday threw out a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union that sought to force a Catholic hospital system to provide abortions against the church’s teachings.

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, said the ACLU did not have standing to sue Trinity Health Corporation, which operates 86 facilities in 21 states.

Kevin Theriot, senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which intervened in the case on Trinity’s side, said the government cannot coerce medical personnel to violate their religion by providing abortions

Federal court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions
The right's unwarranted hostility toward an organization seeking to defend the civil rights of all Americans comes as no surprise.

Get lost Mr "Composition Fallacy"'re a colossal bore....and you run from engagement....coward
Bed wetters like Sassy hate the idea of civil rights for all Americans.
How fair and balanced I am is the point. Lucy is confused, because she can't process nuance and context. RGS bad mouths elsewhere because he gets contradicted here. Sassy and marty are mentally diseased and blurt stupidities. Who cares if homos or heteros hold hands in public.

Dodge my question as usual, dippy.
"The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, said the ACLU did not have standing to sue Trinity Health Corporation, which operates 86 facilities in 21 states."

Meaning the merits of the case were not subject to review.

A party with standing could prevail.
Bed wetters like Sassy hate the idea of civil rights for all Americans.

Lol. the ACLU stopped supporting concept it doesn't agree with a decade ago.

They prefer abortion rights over protest rights, gun control over gun rights, and LGBT rights over religious rights.

They are a progressive joke.
That is what the weird far right does, twist the words of others into meanings not meant.

Go about your business and allow others to do the same.

Jake you know, if you're thinking of buying some panties and waving a Rainbow flag, you can say, don't be shy darling :tongue:
The ACLU should have known this wasn't going to fly. What a bunch of dopes. The baby murderers can go to Murder Inc. aka Planned Parenthood and leave the Church out of it

Court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions

Calling the challenge “dubious,” a federal court Monday threw out a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union that sought to force a Catholic hospital system to provide abortions against the church’s teachings.

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, said the ACLU did not have standing to sue Trinity Health Corporation, which operates 86 facilities in 21 states.

Kevin Theriot, senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which intervened in the case on Trinity’s side, said the government cannot coerce medical personnel to violate their religion by providing abortions

Federal court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions
The right's unwarranted hostility toward an organization seeking to defend the civil rights of all Americans comes as no surprise.

Yes they love to defend the civil rights, like most Leftists, they at the same time fanatically seek to destroy the most fundamental right of the unborn....the right to life itself.

Hence in this instance the Leftist Fascists of the ACLU whining to a Judge to attempt to get him to FORCE people into performing abortions that are against their own personal belief system.
The ACLU should have known this wasn't going to fly. What a bunch of dopes. The baby murderers can go to Murder Inc. aka Planned Parenthood and leave the Church out of it

Court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions

Calling the challenge “dubious,” a federal court Monday threw out a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union that sought to force a Catholic hospital system to provide abortions against the church’s teachings.

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, said the ACLU did not have standing to sue Trinity Health Corporation, which operates 86 facilities in 21 states.

Kevin Theriot, senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which intervened in the case on Trinity’s side, said the government cannot coerce medical personnel to violate their religion by providing abortions

Federal court dismisses attempt to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions

The Anti Civil Liberties Union is testing the perimeter. They don't expect to succeed with every attack on civil rights. But they are persistent, any weakness in the defense of civil rights and the ACLU will end whatever right is in question. To end the Bill of Rights is the goal of the ACLU and the democratic party. They are relentless in their assaults on liberty. The vermin were repelled in this case, but they will regroup and continue the assault. It is their nature.
That is what the weird far right does, twist the words of others into meanings not meant.

Go about your business and allow others to do the same.

Jake you know, if you're thinking of buying some panties and waving a Rainbow flag, you can say, don't be shy darling :tongue:

Go about your lives, Lucy and bed wetter, and let others do the same.

You are not in charge of anyone's morals.
Lucy, you are a bed wetter with Sassy. I approved of the judge's decision. Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public. Who gives a bed wetting if you don't like it.

"Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public."

So a blow-job in the middle of a grocery store would be considered appropriate to you?
Please don't give the perverts any more ideas. Next queers will demand they can screw each other in public, and if you don't like it. You will be a homophobe.
They already do that there are city parks that are so full of the left overs from gay men fucking that kids can't go there anymore
That is what the weird far right does, twist the words of others into meanings not meant.

Go about your business and allow others to do the same.

Jake you know, if you're thinking of buying some panties and waving a Rainbow flag, you can say, don't be shy darling :tongue:


The thin skins of some Atheists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

Walk if off, dicks.
The thin skins of some Religionists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

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