
Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
“A woman’s right to choose”

“A woman’s right to choose” intentionally omits the balance of the message. It should read

“A woman’s right to choose to kill the baby conceived by her and the baby’s father.” But what about the father’s rights? How is it that men cannot take custody of their own flesh and blood, and love and raise it? Men may have the legal obligation to pay child support for eighteen years, but for some unexplained reason, they have no right when it comes to the birth of their child. Militant “feminists” claim that men have no right to an opinion on the life of unborn babies because we don’t give birth to them. “Shut up” they tell all men. Shouldn’t we tell unemployed women to “shut up” about child support if they don’t have a job?

Where is the fairness in this “right to choose”?

There must be dozens, if not scores of men in prison for murder of their unborn children. Scott Petersen is just one example. Ariel Castro, who held three women prisoner for ten years, will soon be on trial for murdering his unborn children. How can it be that no woman is in prison for murdering unborn children?

The reason is that it is all built on lies, beginning with Roe v. Wade. Norma McCorvey lied, claiming that she “was raped.” She wasn’t. Today, racked by the guilt of her legacy, Norma McCorvey works tirelessly to undo the grisly effects of her lie. Norma McCorvey is against abortion. Too late. The damage is done. Thirty-two million dead, and almost as many “mothers” wounded. Women who have had abortions have increased incidences of depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, breast cancer, and suicide.

Kermit Gosnell – Democrat Poster Child for “A woman’s right to choose”

(Click on image to enlarge)

Bill Clinton, darling of the Democrat Party, famously said he wanted to “make abortions safe, effective and rare.” Why “rare” if they are simply “a woman’s [but never a man’s] right to choose”?

If “choice” is good, why do Democrats oppose school “choice” by means of vouchers? Why do Democrats overwhelmingly oppose “choice” to own firearms, guaranteed by the Second Amendment? Why we can’t even exercise “choice” when it comes to smoking cigarettes. To hear extremist rhetoric, they have a “right” not to smell cigarette smoke, but babies have no “right” to their very bodies and lives, and certainly their fathers have no “right” to keep and raise their own flesh and blood.

The founder of Planned Parenthood was Margaret Sanger, a vile racist. “Colored people are like weeds and are to be exterminated.” – Margaret Sanger She is lionized by Democrats, like Hillary Clinton.

Currently, black mothers get abortions at about six times the rate of white mothers.

Don’t hate the messenger, hate the injustice.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” – Jeremiah 1:5
There must be dozens, if not scores of men in prison for murder of their unborn children. Scott Petersen is just one example. Ariel Castro, who held three women prisoner for ten years, will soon be on trial for murdering his unborn children. How can it be that no woman is in prison for murdering unborn children?
Amen to this. If one gender get away with doing such a thing, why not the other when neither one can reproduce all by themselves?

God bless you always!!!

“A woman’s right to choose”

Currently, black mothers get abortions at about six times the rate of white mothers.

And you want to deny each and every black woman the right to decide both whether or not to have give birth to a child and what she can and cannot do with her body.

So basically you are advocating for modern slavery for women.

Great message.

Tell us all more about how you want to throw in jail that tragic 12 year old girl raped by her father and takes the morning after pill.
The democrat governor of Va. tipped the hand of abortion democrats when he suggested that newly born humans should be made comfortable while the doctor and the parents decide whether they conform to the genetic conformation they expected or whether they should be drowned like puppies.
“A woman’s right to choose”

“A woman’s right to choose” intentionally omits the balance of the message. It should read

“A woman’s right to choose to kill the baby conceived by her and the baby’s father.” But what about the father’s rights? How is it that men cannot take custody of their own flesh and blood, and love and raise it? Men may have the legal obligation to pay child support for eighteen years, but for some unexplained reason, they have no right when it comes to the birth of their child. Militant “feminists” claim that men have no right to an opinion on the life of unborn babies because we don’t give birth to them. “Shut up” they tell all men. Shouldn’t we tell unemployed women to “shut up” about child support if they don’t have a job?

Where is the fairness in this “right to choose”?

There must be dozens, if not scores of men in prison for murder of their unborn children. Scott Petersen is just one example. Ariel Castro, who held three women prisoner for ten years, will soon be on trial for murdering his unborn children. How can it be that no woman is in prison for murdering unborn children?

The reason is that it is all built on lies, beginning with Roe v. Wade. Norma McCorvey lied, claiming that she “was raped.” She wasn’t. Today, racked by the guilt of her legacy, Norma McCorvey works tirelessly to undo the grisly effects of her lie. Norma McCorvey is against abortion. Too late. The damage is done. Thirty-two million dead, and almost as many “mothers” wounded. Women who have had abortions have increased incidences of depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, breast cancer, and suicide.

Kermit Gosnell – Democrat Poster Child for “A woman’s right to choose”

(Click on image to enlarge)

Bill Clinton, darling of the Democrat Party, famously said he wanted to “make abortions safe, effective and rare.” Why “rare” if they are simply “a woman’s [but never a man’s] right to choose”?

If “choice” is good, why do Democrats oppose school “choice” by means of vouchers? Why do Democrats overwhelmingly oppose “choice” to own firearms, guaranteed by the Second Amendment? Why we can’t even exercise “choice” when it comes to smoking cigarettes. To hear extremist rhetoric, they have a “right” not to smell cigarette smoke, but babies have no “right” to their very bodies and lives, and certainly their fathers have no “right” to keep and raise their own flesh and blood.

The founder of Planned Parenthood was Margaret Sanger, a vile racist. “Colored people are like weeds and are to be exterminated.” – Margaret Sanger She is lionized by Democrats, like Hillary Clinton.

Currently, black mothers get abortions at about six times the rate of white mothers.

Don’t hate the messenger, hate the injustice.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” – Jeremiah 1:5

Good stuff but fyi. Norma McCorvey passed away some time ago. Sadly, before she ever got to see the Roe decision overturned.

As a side topic, I was honored to have some communications with Norma befire she passed.
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“A woman’s right to choose”

“A woman’s right to choose” intentionally omits the balance of the message. It should read

“A woman’s right to choose to kill the baby conceived by her and the baby’s father.” But what about the father’s rights? How is it that men cannot take custody of their own flesh and blood, and love and raise it? Men may have the legal obligation to pay child support for eighteen years, but for some unexplained reason, they have no right when it comes to the birth of their child. Militant “feminists” claim that men have no right to an opinion on the life of unborn babies because we don’t give birth to them. “Shut up” they tell all men. Shouldn’t we tell unemployed women to “shut up” about child support if they don’t have a job?

Where is the fairness in this “right to choose”?

There must be dozens, if not scores of men in prison for murder of their unborn children. Scott Petersen is just one example. Ariel Castro, who held three women prisoner for ten years, will soon be on trial for murdering his unborn children. How can it be that no woman is in prison for murdering unborn children?

The reason is that it is all built on lies, beginning with Roe v. Wade. Norma McCorvey lied, claiming that she “was raped.” She wasn’t. Today, racked by the guilt of her legacy, Norma McCorvey works tirelessly to undo the grisly effects of her lie. Norma McCorvey is against abortion. Too late. The damage is done. Thirty-two million dead, and almost as many “mothers” wounded. Women who have had abortions have increased incidences of depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, breast cancer, and suicide.

Kermit Gosnell – Democrat Poster Child for “A woman’s right to choose”

(Click on image to enlarge)

Bill Clinton, darling of the Democrat Party, famously said he wanted to “make abortions safe, effective and rare.” Why “rare” if they are simply “a woman’s [but never a man’s] right to choose”?

If “choice” is good, why do Democrats oppose school “choice” by means of vouchers? Why do Democrats overwhelmingly oppose “choice” to own firearms, guaranteed by the Second Amendment? Why we can’t even exercise “choice” when it comes to smoking cigarettes. To hear extremist rhetoric, they have a “right” not to smell cigarette smoke, but babies have no “right” to their very bodies and lives, and certainly their fathers have no “right” to keep and raise their own flesh and blood.

The founder of Planned Parenthood was Margaret Sanger, a vile racist. “Colored people are like weeds and are to be exterminated.” – Margaret Sanger She is lionized by Democrats, like Hillary Clinton.

Currently, black mothers get abortions at about six times the rate of white mothers.

Don’t hate the messenger, hate the injustice.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” – Jeremiah 1:5

Good stuff but fyi. Norma McCorvey passed away some time ago. Sadly, before she ever got to see the Roe decision overturned.

As a side topic, I was honored to have some communications with Norma befire she passed.

Norma deeply regretted her vile lie that she had been raped. It was perjury in a courtroom and is grounds for overturning the case. But try telling that to a bloodthirsty Democrat who hates newborns. (Isn't that the kind of language they use?)

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