The abortion debate

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renoite, if your solution is for nobody to have sex, then you're living in a fantasy world. In the real world, people are having sex, and protection isn't always infallible (means it doesn't always work), some people don't have access to protection as well. And a lot of people aren't ready, can't handle it... How many teenage girls were forced to leave school? And then just end up in a cycle of poverty.
renoite, if your solution is for nobody to have sex, then you're living in a fantasy world. In the real world, people are having sex, and protection isn't always infallible (means it doesn't always work), some people don't have access to protection as well. And a lot of people aren't ready, can't handle it... How many teenage girls were forced to leave school? And then just end up in a cycle of poverty.[/QUOT

teens should not be having sex for one....... I had a friend that had 2 babies at 18 and 19 she finsish school living on her own

my other friend had a baby at 19 and she and her other half on there own

one of my friends told me im scared to have a baby im not ready but im not going to abort my baby this baby didnt ask for it

so while everyone is having sex and geting pg its ok to abort then is what is what your saying whats so worng with giving the baby up if you dont want a baby or to young not all you have to do is have it and sign pappers big deal.............
renoite, if your solution is for nobody to have sex, then you're living in a fantasy world. In the real world, people are having sex, and protection isn't always infallible (means it doesn't always work), some people don't have access to protection as well. And a lot of people aren't ready, can't handle it... How many teenage girls were forced to leave school? And then just end up in a cycle of poverty.

and for for one plan parent hood gives out free brith controll if you cant afford it so thats alwayes there
um no because not all sperm is a baby for one and its sperm so no its not a baby nice try and not all sperm makes it so um no its not a baby................. im so done in this debate to cause its not a debate if your ok with abortion all power to ya im not deal with it
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posted by frazzle
Don't know what "fungible" means? Look it up. Not a term most Americans believe in -except for people like YOU who think the value of a human life is based on their stage of maturity. But our founders at no time believed any such thing.

What makes you say this about our founders frazzle?

Abortion was not illegal at the time of our founders, it was not made illegal until around the middle of the 19th century by some of our States in the, our founding fathers MUST have thought that the embryo or an early fetus had less worth, no? Or they would have done something about abortion being permitted and not illegal, up until the time of quickening which was Common Law governing the situation at the time, no?

Or was it that our founders at the time felt it was no one elses business, so they just didn't get involved in it?

These are questions that I would love answered and wish i could have been a fly on the wall at that time....

Im so done with this blog to because no matter how much i express myself saying its worng most of you think its right................ So this debate isn't really a debate any longer........... So im done with this blog also.........
Abortion was not illegal at the time of our founders, it was not made illegal until around the middle of the 19th century by some of our States in the, our founding fathers MUST have thought that the embryo or an early fetus had less worth, no?
No necessarily. They very well may not have seen the need for the law, without a massive abortion industry around.

Or they would have done something about abortion being permitted and not illegal, up until the time of quickening which was Common Law governing the situation at the time, no?

Up until the 'quickening' women oft didn't really know they were pregnant, as the other major signs (such as the cessation of the period) either might not always manifest (dotting) or may be misinterpreted and arise from stress, diet, or other factors. Your argument supports the assertion that the FF made abortion illegal from the moment they were ware of the pregnancy. Also bear in mind that in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman could hide it with relative ease, making the act hard to prove even if there were suspicions. It is entirely possible that the near-impossibility of ever enforcing such a law aty the time led to its never being put into effect.

Im so done with this blog

Yet you keep posting? :eusa_eh:
Abortion was not illegal at the time of our founders, it was not made illegal until around the middle of the 19th century by some of our States in the, our founding fathers MUST have thought that the embryo or an early fetus had less worth, no?
No necessarily. They very well may not have seen the need for the law, without a massive abortion industry around.
Honestly, i think making it illegal in the mid 19th century is what lead to the abortion industry and lead to roe v wade and lead to planned parenthood to a degree as well and as said all those clinics available now....

I think if the government would have kept their noses out of it, then it would have never become the industry of today, because back then, it was between the woman and her husband, and her pharmacist, or midwife, or doctor....though doctor's were rare...., it was none of the government's business or one's neighbor's business, or planned parenthood's business, or the alan Guttmacher institute tracking statistics business, or your congressman's business or your senator's business...

so since it was no ones business but one's own, there was no physical business or industry openly supporting it....imo.

Or they would have done something about abortion being permitted and not illegal, up until the time of quickening which was Common Law governing the situation at the time, no?

Up until the 'quickening' women oft didn't really know they were pregnant, as the other major signs (such as the cessation of the period) either might not always manifest (dotting) or may be misinterpreted and arise from stress, diet, or other factors. Your argument supports the assertion that the FF made abortion illegal from the moment they were ware of the pregnancy. Also bear in mind that in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman could hide it with relative ease, making the act hard to prove even if there were suspicions. It is entirely possible that the near-impossibility of ever enforcing such a law aty the time led to its never being put into effect.

this very well may be the case JB, but in the middle of the 1800's, when the religious started the movement to make abortion illegal, there STILL was no means to officially detect pregnancy before quickening, so what made congress get involved with this "movement" started by the "religious" was no different then when the founding fathers were around and well?
and to get a abortion you have to at least 2-3 months this is what that baby would look like
is this not a baby i see a head an a eye does this baby have a chance does this baby have voice
does this look like a clump of cells to you... I dont think so im call out on its up to the woman and it is but shouldnt this baby have voice what would he/she say and would it matter

You just "proved" to the morally challenged (I can be be sensitively PC too) that anyone who is no less human than you are -but doesn't yet look like a mature adult human being like you do RIGHT NOW TODAY after years of being allowed to mature -can be legitimately murdered. This is a moral victory for you somehow? I don't get it. Are you under the impression you just skipped this stage of development and you only had the "right" to exist once reaching maturity or what? All those OTHER nasty human beings who haven't been given that same time to mature can be legitimately murdered at the WHIM of someone who doesn't own that life - or what? I don't get it, sorry. Just at which point of YOUR development were you a legitimate target for murder and when were you not? At no point in MY development was I a legitimate murder victim since I was always the sole owner of MY life. But maybe you weren't. But when did someone else own your life and when did you take ownership of it? When you looked more like a mature adult and less like an immature human life or what? You do realize that newborns do not look like full grown, mature adults either. But according to your own arbitrary cutoff that appearance is what determines someone's humanity -that still makes them legimate targets for murder for anyone who thinks only full grown mature adults have a "right" to even live.

I THINK EVERY HUMAN even a unborn child has the very to live but some people take that right away from that child.... thats my point and the pictures I've posted of those babiess have fingers toes a mouth ears eyes why not give that baby life instead of takeing it way..... maybe its just me in my heart i could never say i want a abortion... my good friend at 19 had a baby she and her other half where not ready for this baby but took it on anyway no thought of harming that child... BUT TO LOVE HER TO HOLD HER AND WACH HER GROW she is in my avtar pic with me..... she has a great laugh brights up your day she is almsot 2 now... Im sure that little girl is happy that mommy didnt abort her...

All human beings are a clump of cells!!

Some just have more clumps than others!!

Since we are not being PC, let me add "If you want to kill that Parasite that is growing inside of you, then go ahead!! The less space your representation on earth takes, the more space for my representations. Do you need an abortion doctor??"
All human beings are a clump of cells!!

Some just have more clumps than others!!

Since we are not being PC, let me add "If you want to kill that Parasite that is growing inside of you, then go ahead!! The less space your representation on earth takes, the more space for my representations. Do you need an abortion doctor??"
Not abortion is actually a reasonable evolutionary tool. :lol:

I think if the government would have kept their noses out of it, then it would have never become the industry of today

So, you kill your baby out of spite because they tell you not to?

so since it was no ones business but one's own, there was no physical business or industry openly supporting it....imo.[/B]

Wrong, They were there, they just weren't as well known outside the iundustry. That's like saying the drug dealers didn't exist before the cops caught onto them. They were there, it's just that noone was looking

this very well may be the case JB, but in the middle of the 1800's, when the religious started the movement to make abortion illegal, there STILL was no means to officially detect pregnancy before quickening, so what made congress get involved with this "movement" started by the "religious" was no different then when the founding fathers were around and well?

That doesn'ty even make sense- just what are you trying to say?

Not abortion is actually a reasonable evolutionary tool. :lol:

so too rape and homicide, but we have laws about those now
As the OP of this thread, I ask that everyone remain civil and shy away from using personal attacks on one another to make your point.

Fine.... Don't (any of) you ever get tired of discussing issues with no apparent resolution?

yes I do.........:clap2:

It's already been resolved, abortion is legal, forcing people to have babies is not.
Moral communists just can't deal with it.

If it were resolved, there would be no discussion. Legal opinions change and new precedents are set all the time.

As of last week, I had identified at least 27 threads on this topic that had been started in the two months I've been a member.

So let me ask that again:

Don't (any of) you ever get tired of discussing issues with no apparent resolution?
It's been resolved already. But Americans don't really like anyone to be free, so they keep the debate alive in hopes of forcing everyone to accept their views on things. Using the courts to deny people their free choice isn't what I've been led to believe that the US is all about. Guess I was wrong on that. it's kinda like this board, lot of people with an American flag next to their name, but very little in the way of free speech or free choice.

I think if the government would have kept their noses out of it, then it would have never become the industry of today

So, you kill your baby out of spite because they tell you not to?

so since it was no ones business but one's own, there was no physical business or industry openly supporting it....imo.[/B]

Wrong, They were there, they just weren't as well known outside the iundustry. That's like saying the drug dealers didn't exist before the cops caught onto them. They were there, it's just that noone was looking

That doesn'ty even make sense- just what are you trying to say?

Not abortion is actually a reasonable evolutionary tool. :lol:

so too rape and homicide, but we have laws about those now

you said the founders and our government did not get involved in the abortion debate or making abortion illegal because there was no means to detect pregnancy early on, and I am saying that there still was no means to detect pregnancy early on in 1850 and this did not stop our government from getting involved then and making it illegal.... so why didn't the founders get involved in making abortion illegal or at least mentioning the tragedy of it all...since women were aborting their babies legally during the time of our founders?
you said the founders and our government did not get involved in the abortion debate or making abortion illegal because there was no means to detect pregnancy early on, and I am saying that there still was no means to detect pregnancy early on in 1850 and this did not stop our government from getting involved then and making it illegal.... so why didn't the founders get involved in making abortion illegal or at least mentioning the tragedy of it all...since women were aborting their babies legally during the time of our founders?

Why didn't they free the slaves?
Why didn't they have more human forms of execution?

Your moronic rhetoric has nothing to do with the matter at hand
To suggest that killing a fetus at early stages is on par with killing a citizen, a born person is stupid. It says that thoughts, feelings, self-awareness, etc., things born people posses but fetuses don't are worthless and the only thing that gives human life value is the fact that it possesses the DNA to be called human.

Not worthless. Just irrelevant to the topic. It's all a bunch of straws you're grasping at in order to justify doing something heinous, because too many people got educated in basic science and you couldn't use the canard, "It's not really alive" anymore.

And you don't get it. Human life IS valuable precisely because it's human LIFE. So you don't consider a fetus to have thoughts. I don't consider YOU to have thoughts. Doesn't mean I get to kill you, because technically, you're still alive, so in the eyes of the law, you have value.
I was a fetus once. So where you.

This is perhaps the greatest argument for abortion.

And for life, kill if you must, but admit what you are doing.

It might be an argument for post-birth abortion. I might have more trouble arguing against finding out if someone is going to be an ignorant shitforbrains and THEN killing them.
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a good read on ensoulment, if anyone is shows how the stance of different churches has changed over the centuries....

Aquinas on Human Ensoulment


Atheists, Agnostics and Catholic Church haters, read at your own risk! :D

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