The Abdication of the Fourth Estate

If you right wingers want MORE scrutiny of Clinton's messes by the media, petition the Cheeto-clown to SHUT UP for a week or so and you'd get your wish....Currently, Trump's outrageous statements are just too "good" for the media to pass up.
You don't know what you're talking about.

You want a government fairness doctrine?


Absolutely fucking amazing ...

Here's cnn today.

Point out the biased NEWS stories.


Opinion: Don't indulge Trump pivot talk

Mike Pence borrowed $280,000 for college

A black voter on Trump: What we have to lose

Trump's pivot: Don't let him pretend

Donald Trump: America's One Night Stand


State ordered to review 15K new Clinton documents

Clinton not planning to air ads in Virginia, Colorado

Now, tell me, which candidate do you believe they support? And, today was a light day ... I'll monitor for the next week.

lol, I ask for news stories and you lead with something labeled OPINION.

fuckinay that's funny.

Are you REALLY that stupid? Frankly, you sound like a 5 year old kid who gets all excited because he heard you fart. It doesn't get much more childish than that.

The real question is WHY aren't there any opinion pieces about Hillary. CNN is serving as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Abedin-Clinton Foundation-Muslim donors story.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Huma Abedin-extremist Muslim connection.

I wonder why they ignored the anti-Trump/pro-Hillary mob in Minneapolis.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Powell-Clinton kerfuffle where Powell claimed Clinton lied (again).

Balance + Truth ... apparently, too much to ask for the Hillary media machine.

You make no sense. You have absolutely no understanding of this topic. Stop posting on it. Stop making a fool of yourself.
“The largest broadcast networks — CBS, NBC and ABC — and major newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post have jettisoned all pretense of fair play. Their fierce determination to keep Trump out of the Oval Office has no precedent.”

The great rightwing lie, the master canard of conservatives – the myth of the ‘liberal’ media.
Your inability to differentiate between opinion and news reporting is astounding.

Hannity is a new opinion presenter ... it is comment ON the news, not presentation OF the news.

Visit and see if you believe it is giving fair and unbiased treatment to the candidates.

You don't know what you're talking about.

You want a government fairness doctrine?


Absolutely fucking amazing ...

Here's cnn today.

Point out the biased NEWS stories.


Opinion: Don't indulge Trump pivot talk

Mike Pence borrowed $280,000 for college

A black voter on Trump: What we have to lose

Trump's pivot: Don't let him pretend

Donald Trump: America's One Night Stand


State ordered to review 15K new Clinton documents

Clinton not planning to air ads in Virginia, Colorado

Now, tell me, which candidate do you believe they support? And, today was a light day ... I'll monitor for the next week.

Trump gets 6 stories to hills 2 ? Sounds like they are bias against HILLARY .

Pretty much used to you guys not bothering to actually read the stories ... the negative tone prevalent in the Trump stories is suspiciously missing in the Clinton stories.
Spare-brains wants the media to ALSO cover the current fantasies idealized by right wingers....As if FOX and Breibart and Rush weren't enough.

Why don't you grow up? A childish personal attack contributes nothing to the conversation .... but we've pretty much come to expect that of you.
Absolutely fucking amazing ...

Here's cnn today.

Point out the biased NEWS stories.


Opinion: Don't indulge Trump pivot talk

Mike Pence borrowed $280,000 for college

A black voter on Trump: What we have to lose

Trump's pivot: Don't let him pretend

Donald Trump: America's One Night Stand


State ordered to review 15K new Clinton documents

Clinton not planning to air ads in Virginia, Colorado

Now, tell me, which candidate do you believe they support? And, today was a light day ... I'll monitor for the next week.

lol, I ask for news stories and you lead with something labeled OPINION.

fuckinay that's funny.

Are you REALLY that stupid? Frankly, you sound like a 5 year old kid who gets all excited because he heard you fart. It doesn't get much more childish than that.

The real question is WHY aren't there any opinion pieces about Hillary. CNN is serving as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Abedin-Clinton Foundation-Muslim donors story.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Huma Abedin-extremist Muslim connection.

I wonder why they ignored the anti-Trump/pro-Hillary mob in Minneapolis.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Powell-Clinton kerfuffle where Powell claimed Clinton lied (again).

Balance + Truth ... apparently, too much to ask for the Hillary media machine.

You make no sense. You have absolutely no understanding of this topic. Stop posting on it. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Rule no. 4. When lacking a coherent or cogent counterargument, attack the poster.
And, now, an update 5 hours later:

from ....

but, of course, there's always


Clinton's opponents try to sow doubts about her health

Now, that's a real fair representation of both sides, don't you think?

Then, there's the one they don't bother to mention at all ...

Clinton Foundation executive left 148 phone messages for Hillary's top aide over two year period.

I'm sure he was just asking her for a date ... I mean, there couldn't be any collusion between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, could there?
Last edited:
For more than 40 years the ridiculous right has been whining about the ‘liberal’ media, about the media being ‘unfair,’ and the press being ‘bias’ against conservatives – reporting facts and the truth which conflict with rightwing dogma is to be neither ‘unfair’ nor ‘bias.’

Trump has only himself to blame, he alone is responsible for the idiotic, bigoted things he’s said, and the press has reported exactly what Trump has said, in his own words, absent any ‘bias’ against Trump or the right.
For more than 40 years the ridiculous right has been whining about the ‘liberal’ media, about the media being ‘unfair,’ and the press being ‘bias’ against conservatives – reporting facts and the truth which conflict with rightwing dogma is to be neither ‘unfair’ nor ‘bias.’

Trump has only himself to blame, he alone is responsible for the idiotic, bigoted things he’s said, and the press has reported exactly what Trump has said, in his own words, absent any ‘bias’ against Trump or the right.

You, of course, as we expect, miss the whole point of the conversation. Aren't you at least a little embarrassed?
Here's cnn today.

Point out the biased NEWS stories.


Opinion: Don't indulge Trump pivot talk

Mike Pence borrowed $280,000 for college

A black voter on Trump: What we have to lose

Trump's pivot: Don't let him pretend

Donald Trump: America's One Night Stand


State ordered to review 15K new Clinton documents

Clinton not planning to air ads in Virginia, Colorado

Now, tell me, which candidate do you believe they support? And, today was a light day ... I'll monitor for the next week.

lol, I ask for news stories and you lead with something labeled OPINION.

fuckinay that's funny.

Are you REALLY that stupid? Frankly, you sound like a 5 year old kid who gets all excited because he heard you fart. It doesn't get much more childish than that.

The real question is WHY aren't there any opinion pieces about Hillary. CNN is serving as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Abedin-Clinton Foundation-Muslim donors story.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Huma Abedin-extremist Muslim connection.

I wonder why they ignored the anti-Trump/pro-Hillary mob in Minneapolis.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Powell-Clinton kerfuffle where Powell claimed Clinton lied (again).

Balance + Truth ... apparently, too much to ask for the Hillary media machine.

You make no sense. You have absolutely no understanding of this topic. Stop posting on it. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Rule no. 4. When lacking a coherent or cogent counterargument, attack the poster.

Your inability to make sense is a fact.
Bottom line: Media outlets DO devote more coverage of Trump.....but since the guy is a charlatan, clown, the coverage tends to point out that he IS a charlatan clown.......thereby pissing off his acolytes.

Opinion: Don't indulge Trump pivot talk

Mike Pence borrowed $280,000 for college

A black voter on Trump: What we have to lose

Trump's pivot: Don't let him pretend

Donald Trump: America's One Night Stand


State ordered to review 15K new Clinton documents

Clinton not planning to air ads in Virginia, Colorado

Now, tell me, which candidate do you believe they support? And, today was a light day ... I'll monitor for the next week.

lol, I ask for news stories and you lead with something labeled OPINION.

fuckinay that's funny.

Are you REALLY that stupid? Frankly, you sound like a 5 year old kid who gets all excited because he heard you fart. It doesn't get much more childish than that.

The real question is WHY aren't there any opinion pieces about Hillary. CNN is serving as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Abedin-Clinton Foundation-Muslim donors story.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Huma Abedin-extremist Muslim connection.

I wonder why they ignored the anti-Trump/pro-Hillary mob in Minneapolis.

I wonder why they didn't cover the Powell-Clinton kerfuffle where Powell claimed Clinton lied (again).

Balance + Truth ... apparently, too much to ask for the Hillary media machine.

You make no sense. You have absolutely no understanding of this topic. Stop posting on it. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Rule no. 4. When lacking a coherent or cogent counterargument, attack the poster.

Your inability to make sense is a fact.

The only fact established here is your immaturity, and evident inability to carry on an adult conversation without resorting to grade school attacks.

That, of course, is not borne out by history ... while it is convenient for you to say that, it bears no resemblance to reality.
Of course it's true. Horace Greeley and Hurst used their media empires to influence politics. It was blatant. Murrow intentionally steered news away from isolationism to support for Great Britain before Pearl Harbor. More recently, before cable, NBC was aimed more at corporate America and main street republicans. CBS was wonky and liberal. ABC was more towards lite.

What Donald's done is "special" though. He's tried to bully reporters, talking heads and entire networks. It worked to some extent with Faux, but cost Ailes his job. So now Trump Ailes and Bannon will start a new channel next year.

That, of course, is not borne out by history ... while it is convenient for you to say that, it bears no resemblance to reality.

It's not? Then read this and tell what's not true in it.

History of American newspapers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Folks, in this election you're watching the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it | Fox News

Donald Trump may or may not fix his campaign, and Hillary Clinton may or may not become the first female president. But something else happening before our eyes is almost as important: the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it.

The frenzy to bury Trump is not limited to the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House. They are working hand in hand with what was considered the cream of the nation’s news organizations.

The shameful display of naked partisanship by the elite media is unlike anything seen in modern America.

The largest broadcast networks — CBS, NBC and ABC — and major newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post have jettisoned all pretense of fair play. Their fierce determination to keep Trump out of the Oval Office has no precedent.

Indeed, no foreign enemy, no terror group, no native criminal gang suffers the daily beating that Trump does. The mad mullahs of Iran, who call America the Great Satan and vow to wipe Israel off the map, are treated gently by comparison.

By torching its remaining credibility in service of Clinton, the mainstream media’s reputations will likely never recover, nor will the standards. No future producer, editor, reporter or anchor can be expected to meet a test of fairness when that standard has been trashed in such willful and blatant fashion.
You're about 4 months too late on this, as the media foisted Trump on the GOP nomination process. It wasn't an issue for Trump's supporters when the media was pro-Trump, but now? Cry me a river.

There's no requirement for the media to be fair or balanced, only that they be free. If sinking Trump makes ratings, they'll do that. If pushing him makes ratings, they'll do that too.

As for Trump, he deserves all of this. He's a pretty terrible person and was appealing to the scum of the earth to steal the GOP nomination process from decent folks. Now he gets to reap the whirlwind.


Fox News is whining about the collapse of American journalism?!?!


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