The 73% Myth – A Damned Lie Dressed up with Truthiness


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The universal acceptance on the Left of the myth that “Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by men in this country,” is both astonishing and irritating.

Where is this phenomenon manifested?

If, for example, an employer wishes to hire a recent graduate Electrical Engineer, is that employer going to offer a female graduate only 73% of what it would offer a male grad with the same credentials? Where is that employer, exactly?

It doesn’t exist. Show me. It is a mythical employer.

Why on earth would the employer hire ANY males if it could get the same credentials and performance out of a female for a lot less money? It would be counterproductive and insane.

What about a nurse? Is there any hospital, doctor’s office, or nursing home that hires male nurses at compensation rates that are 37% higher ($25/hr vs $18.25)? Where are they?
They don’t exist.

Social workers? Same thing. Those employers (all government entities) DO NOT EXIST. Teachers and other bureaucrats? Same thing.

Waiters & waitresses? Barista’s vs. Baristo’s? No difference. Accountants, lawyers, architects ? Do you really think those employers could get away with paying males and females with the same credentials dramatically different wages? Baloney.

Construction laborers ? Male vs. Female ? No difference.

But the “fact” does have a statistical basis. If you take all the employed males in the country, calculate their average compensation, then take all the employed females in the country and calculate their average compensation, there will be a dramatic difference in the two averages.

And a small fraction of that difference is due to HISTORICAL discrimination, which has no relevance to any contemporary public policy.

A generation ago, for very valid reasons, many employers would not consider females for responsible positions, or even for training programs that led to responsible positions, because it was presumed that any female would have her career significantly interrupted and impeded by the obligations of child bearing and child rearing. She would take months off to have children during her most important development years; she would refuse to travel overnight and she would take time off regularly to address parenting exigencies and obligations; significant overtime or weekend work were simply not going to happen. Her priority would always be in the home and not the Company.

And for that reason - understandable discrimination that occurred 20 years ago and beyond - the number of women at the top of the corporate ladder is less than it would have been otherwise, so you simply do not see as many women in the Executive Suite as you see men.

But the solution is not to promote undeserving women just to adjust the numbers (although many companies are doing just that), it is to allow time for the women whose career has not been impeded to reach the Executive Suite on MERIT. And even when that happens, women will not be 50%, because the fact is that women DO have domestic responsibilities that are inconsistent with the level of dedication that is required to reach the top in the corporate world. Why should an employer accept less of a commitment from a female executive than it demands of a man?

The second reason for the average pay discrepancy is the nature of careers to which the genders gravitate. More women tend BY CHOICE to be social workers, teacher accountants, waitresses, administrative assistants, store clerks, and so on. Within the professions, women doctors tend to specialize in areas that do not generate top compensation (dermatology, gynecology), women lawyers tend to be administrative types rather than litigators. Women whose education is in the hard sciences tend to work in areas that are not technically demanding (safety, environmental, industrial engineering, etc), or in academe.

The political whores who propagate the 73% myth know that for the gullible women who listen to them, it will never go away. And yet it has NOTHING TO DO WITH workplace discrimination, which hasn’t existed in any significant way for decades. Again, if an employer could get female production for 73% of the cost of male production, no employer would ever hire a man.

And one final point. That old discrimination that employers used to have is still warranted in most cases, but we are required by law to ignore it. Those who work in the corporate world know that many, many professional women are unwilling to travel overnight, or work evenings or weekends because of their obligations at home. You are not allowed to talk about it - or point out that their male counterparts are doing all of that - because it may seem unkind. They call in "sick" when either their kids or their mother, or their babysitter is sick, and the employer is never allowed to charge this time to PTO (vacation), even though everyone knows it is NOT the employee who is sick, but someone else.

Steam comes out my hears when I hear politicians spouting nonsense about this mythical "pay gap," and with HRC having nothing but a vagina to qualify her for the White House, it will be a constant drumbeat for the next 18 months.
These figures come from lifetime averages. Women's are only lower because they often take time off from their careers to raise families. So of course the average comes out lower.
Until they can show two people were hired for the exact same position and a woman was paid less it's a ridiculous assertion to continue perpetrating. You could sue for pay discrimination under such circumstances.
Actually, I will chime in for the left here. This is based on actual, REAL WORLD evidence and history. There are ancedototal reports of places of employment where women have been hired to give the appearance of work place diversity, so that would be the reason for having women on board.

Yet at the same time, men, doing the EXACT SAME JOB, with the exact same experience, were being paid more.

The Hillary-Obama doctrine: Do as we say, not as we do on equality pay
Obama Hillary Clinton pay equality records fall short of Democrats rhetoric - Washington Times

However, an analysis by the Washington Free Beacon showed that during her time in the U.S. Senate, Mrs. Clinton paid women in her office 72 cents for each dollar paid to men. The report found the median annual salary for female staffers was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for men between 2002 and 2008, a gender gap of 28 percent.


In 2009 women at the White House were paid on average $72,700, while male staffers were paid $82,000. By 2014 women staffers earned $78,400, compared to the average male salaries of $88,600.

White House aides have said that men and women staffers who hold the same job description are paid the same, but there are more men in higher-paying jobs.

They work with them, they discriminate, they should know.
The universal acceptance on the Left of the myth that “Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by men in this country,” is both astonishing and irritating.

Where is this phenomenon manifested?

If, for example, an employer wishes to hire a recent graduate Electrical Engineer, is that employer going to offer a female graduate only 73% of what it would offer a male grad with the same credentials? Where is that employer, exactly?

It doesn’t exist. Show me. It is a mythical employer.

Why on earth would the employer hire ANY males if it could get the same credentials and performance out of a female for a lot less money? It would be counterproductive and insane.

What about a nurse? Is there any hospital, doctor’s office, or nursing home that hires male nurses at compensation rates that are 37% higher ($25/hr vs $18.25)? Where are they?
They don’t exist.

Social workers? Same thing. Those employers (all government entities) DO NOT EXIST. Teachers and other bureaucrats? Same thing.

Waiters & waitresses? Barista’s vs. Baristo’s? No difference. Accountants, lawyers, architects ? Do you really think those employers could get away with paying males and females with the same credentials dramatically different wages? Baloney.

Construction laborers ? Male vs. Female ? No difference.

But the “fact” does have a statistical basis. If you take all the employed males in the country, calculate their average compensation, then take all the employed females in the country and calculate their average compensation, there will be a dramatic difference in the two averages.

And a small fraction of that difference is due to HISTORICAL discrimination, which has no relevance to any contemporary public policy.

A generation ago, for very valid reasons, many employers would not consider females for responsible positions, or even for training programs that led to responsible positions, because it was presumed that any female would have her career significantly interrupted and impeded by the obligations of child bearing and child rearing. She would take months off to have children during her most important development years; she would refuse to travel overnight and she would take time off regularly to address parenting exigencies and obligations; significant overtime or weekend work were simply not going to happen. Her priority would always be in the home and not the Company.

And for that reason - understandable discrimination that occurred 20 years ago and beyond - the number of women at the top of the corporate ladder is less than it would have been otherwise, so you simply do not see as many women in the Executive Suite as you see men.

But the solution is not to promote undeserving women just to adjust the numbers (although many companies are doing just that), it is to allow time for the women whose career has not been impeded to reach the Executive Suite on MERIT. And even when that happens, women will not be 50%, because the fact is that women DO have domestic responsibilities that are inconsistent with the level of dedication that is required to reach the top in the corporate world. Why should an employer accept less of a commitment from a female executive than it demands of a man?

The second reason for the average pay discrepancy is the nature of careers to which the genders gravitate. More women tend BY CHOICE to be social workers, teacher accountants, waitresses, administrative assistants, store clerks, and so on. Within the professions, women doctors tend to specialize in areas that do not generate top compensation (dermatology, gynecology), women lawyers tend to be administrative types rather than litigators. Women whose education is in the hard sciences tend to work in areas that are not technically demanding (safety, environmental, industrial engineering, etc), or in academe.

The political whores who propagate the 73% myth know that for the gullible women who listen to them, it will never go away. And yet it has NOTHING TO DO WITH workplace discrimination, which hasn’t existed in any significant way for decades. Again, if an employer could get female production for 73% of the cost of male production, no employer would ever hire a man.

And one final point. That old discrimination that employers used to have is still warranted in most cases, but we are required by law to ignore it. Those who work in the corporate world know that many, many professional women are unwilling to travel overnight, or work evenings or weekends because of their obligations at home. You are not allowed to talk about it - or point out that their male counterparts are doing all of that - because it may seem unkind. They call in "sick" when either their kids or their mother, or their babysitter is sick, and the employer is never allowed to charge this time to PTO (vacation), even though everyone knows it is NOT the employee who is sick, but someone else.

Steam comes out my hears when I hear politicians spouting nonsense about this mythical "pay gap," and with HRC having nothing but a vagina to qualify her for the White House, it will be a constant drumbeat for the next 18 months.
While your point(s) are taken, there seems to be a misunderstanding concerning employer rights, and their right to determine pay scales and qualifications for certain positions within their business. Also, you failed to mention that employees have the right to look for work elsewhere if they feel taken advantage of, mistreated, or oppressed in the work place. We have labor laws that protect workers, and employees are free to file complaints with the legal system. Lets put the shoe on the other foot for a minute here, if you don't mind. Lets say that you own a business. You sacrificed for years to build it into a profitable and thriving business, for which you're very proud of your accomplishments, and rightfully so. Now, would you want the government, or anyone else, to come in and tell you what to pay each employee, what benefits to offer each, what position to place each in, and when they could or should be promoted, and at what pay scale? Would you want someone that never invested one penny, or one drop of sweat, in the business to dictate how you run and manage your business?

Employees are free at any time to look for work elsewhere if they feel they aren't being paid enough, or offered enough benefits or privileges. And, as mentioned before, we do have labor laws that protect workers.

Now, concerning your comments about qualifications for the White House. And, I assume that you mean Mrs. Clinton. Politics is a game, a cruel game played against this nation and her citizens. Campaigns are a clown act, a circus atmosphere, and intended to get votes at whatever cost one deems necessary. Campaigns are filled with lies, worn out rhetoric, promises never intended to be kept, misinformation, personal attacks against other candidates, slander, and hand picked audiences. All of this with the purpose of obtaining the power and influence that goes with being president, or holding a seat in Congress. For the most part, voters are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, and will vote for their party on election day. Democrats will votes for their candidate, and Republicans will vote for their candidate.

As we've seen in the past, a candidates qualifications has little meaning in the grand scheme of things. And, I stated the reason(s) previously. Being a woman, a person of color, or even a relative unknown, really makes no difference to those holding loyalty to their party. Also, as we've seen, those that are classified as "other", do receive some votes, but not enough to win a seat in Washington. Occasionally, we do see some shift in party loyalty, but for the most part, a leopard doesn't change its spots.

Equality and politics are many miles apart, and one will never be connected with the other, just a cruel fact of life. Women may never be considered as equals to men, whether that be in the work place, or in politics. In today's world, equality is considered idealism, but never realized in actuality.
The universal acceptance on the Left of the myth that “Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by men in this country,” is both astonishing and irritating.

Where is this phenomenon manifested?

If, for example, an employer wishes to hire a recent graduate Electrical Engineer, is that employer going to offer a female graduate only 73% of what it would offer a male grad with the same credentials? Where is that employer, exactly?

It doesn’t exist. Show me. It is a mythical employer.

Why on earth would the employer hire ANY males if it could get the same credentials and performance out of a female for a lot less money? It would be counterproductive and insane.

What about a nurse? Is there any hospital, doctor’s office, or nursing home that hires male nurses at compensation rates that are 37% higher ($25/hr vs $18.25)? Where are they?
They don’t exist.

Social workers? Same thing. Those employers (all government entities) DO NOT EXIST. Teachers and other bureaucrats? Same thing.

Waiters & waitresses? Barista’s vs. Baristo’s? No difference. Accountants, lawyers, architects ? Do you really think those employers could get away with paying males and females with the same credentials dramatically different wages? Baloney.

Construction laborers ? Male vs. Female ? No difference.

But the “fact” does have a statistical basis. If you take all the employed males in the country, calculate their average compensation, then take all the employed females in the country and calculate their average compensation, there will be a dramatic difference in the two averages.

And a small fraction of that difference is due to HISTORICAL discrimination, which has no relevance to any contemporary public policy.

A generation ago, for very valid reasons, many employers would not consider females for responsible positions, or even for training programs that led to responsible positions, because it was presumed that any female would have her career significantly interrupted and impeded by the obligations of child bearing and child rearing. She would take months off to have children during her most important development years; she would refuse to travel overnight and she would take time off regularly to address parenting exigencies and obligations; significant overtime or weekend work were simply not going to happen. Her priority would always be in the home and not the Company.

And for that reason - understandable discrimination that occurred 20 years ago and beyond - the number of women at the top of the corporate ladder is less than it would have been otherwise, so you simply do not see as many women in the Executive Suite as you see men.

But the solution is not to promote undeserving women just to adjust the numbers (although many companies are doing just that), it is to allow time for the women whose career has not been impeded to reach the Executive Suite on MERIT. And even when that happens, women will not be 50%, because the fact is that women DO have domestic responsibilities that are inconsistent with the level of dedication that is required to reach the top in the corporate world. Why should an employer accept less of a commitment from a female executive than it demands of a man?

The second reason for the average pay discrepancy is the nature of careers to which the genders gravitate. More women tend BY CHOICE to be social workers, teacher accountants, waitresses, administrative assistants, store clerks, and so on. Within the professions, women doctors tend to specialize in areas that do not generate top compensation (dermatology, gynecology), women lawyers tend to be administrative types rather than litigators. Women whose education is in the hard sciences tend to work in areas that are not technically demanding (safety, environmental, industrial engineering, etc), or in academe.

The political whores who propagate the 73% myth know that for the gullible women who listen to them, it will never go away. And yet it has NOTHING TO DO WITH workplace discrimination, which hasn’t existed in any significant way for decades. Again, if an employer could get female production for 73% of the cost of male production, no employer would ever hire a man.

And one final point. That old discrimination that employers used to have is still warranted in most cases, but we are required by law to ignore it. Those who work in the corporate world know that many, many professional women are unwilling to travel overnight, or work evenings or weekends because of their obligations at home. You are not allowed to talk about it - or point out that their male counterparts are doing all of that - because it may seem unkind. They call in "sick" when either their kids or their mother, or their babysitter is sick, and the employer is never allowed to charge this time to PTO (vacation), even though everyone knows it is NOT the employee who is sick, but someone else.

Steam comes out my hears when I hear politicians spouting nonsense about this mythical "pay gap," and with HRC having nothing but a vagina to qualify her for the White House, it will be a constant drumbeat for the next 18 months.
Fascinating. Republicans should openly endorse that information and run all of their campaigns with that being one of their core principles.
Actually, I will chime in for the left here. This is based on actual, REAL WORLD evidence and history. There are ancedototal reports of places of employment where women have been hired to give the appearance of work place diversity, so that would be the reason for having women on board.

Yet at the same time, men, doing the EXACT SAME JOB, with the exact same experience, were being paid more.

The Hillary-Obama doctrine: Do as we say, not as we do on equality pay
Obama Hillary Clinton pay equality records fall short of Democrats rhetoric - Washington Times

However, an analysis by the Washington Free Beacon showed that during her time in the U.S. Senate, Mrs. Clinton paid women in her office 72 cents for each dollar paid to men. The report found the median annual salary for female staffers was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for men between 2002 and 2008, a gender gap of 28 percent.


In 2009 women at the White House were paid on average $72,700, while male staffers were paid $82,000. By 2014 women staffers earned $78,400, compared to the average male salaries of $88,600.

White House aides have said that men and women staffers who hold the same job description are paid the same, but there are more men in higher-paying jobs.

In 1973, my wife was a recent college grad (Education), and applied for a position with a large local bank. She was TOLD that all women started either as tellers or secretaries - her degree made no difference. Her male cousin started a year earlier with the same bank and was placed into a "Management Training" program. No one even hinted that he might have to endure the indignity of being a bank teller. His major? Poli-Sci.

My wife took the job as a teller, progressed to loan manager, branch manager, Trust Officer, and now is a senior vice president. Her cousin never got past Assistant Vice President (he is retired now).

Salary information was to be held strictly confidential (against the law, by the way), but she was able to find out that as she moved up the ladder she was invariably making about a third less than her male peers who had started out as Management Trainees (with the same marginal credentials that she had).

I think that's all in the past now. She makes quite a bit more than I do (I'm an attorney) but I'm working in an area that does not pay much.

That same bank has had a strict non-discrimination policy for decades now, and starting salaries as well as promotions and so on are pretty much based on merit. And yet if you took a salary survey I have no doubt that the results would show women making about 75% of what men make - though not in the same positions. For the reasons I articulated above.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
The universal acceptance on the Left of the myth that “Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by men in this country,” is both astonishing and irritating.

So you are saying that the Universe, 8 other planets included, accept only the left's myth about income inequality of women compared to me...?? Most illogical, since the right used it against Oblama last election season...
These figures come from lifetime averages. Women's are only lower because they often take time off from their careers to raise families. So of course the average comes out lower.
Ask Obama how much women are paid who work for his administration.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
and of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.
The problem with the GOP, and it's affiliated slogan of being the party of God belies itself to seek wealth accumulation before making sure that they have been a good steward of the wealth and shared it equally as in rate of pay..
shared it equally as in rate of pay..

sub moron liberal with his pants down thinks everyone should get equal pay. See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I paid my workers the same, no matter the sex...Sorry you think it's okay to cheat people...

1) a liberal will lack the IQ to understand Republican capitalism prevents employers who cheat.

2) of course the pure unmitigated beauty of Republican capitalism dictates that if a firm could get equal work for 73 cents on the dollar it would do so and drive its competitors into bankruptcy in order to reap monopoly profits.

Its a simple concept but since liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism it goes right over their heads.

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