The 2ndA does NOT say "except by due process of law" or "except for felons". Why not?

My own guess is, the Framers intended for the principle of Jury Nullification to apply here. The restaurant mass-murderer tells the cops they have no power to take his gun. The cop responds by cracking the guy's skull with his billy club, hard, and taking away his gun anyway. Did the cop violate the strict words of the 2nd amendment by doing so? Maybe yes. But is there a judge or jury in the world that will convict the cop for it? Probably not.

And yet when government makes the slightest move toward disarming even a little of its populace by legislation, they can be met with the absolute, no-exceptions ban codified by the 2nd amendment. No loopholes, no nothing. ANY legislation that infringes on the absolute right to KBA, is unconstitutional. Period.

Could that be the reason why the 2nd amendment was carefully written with NO exceptions whatsoever?

Its certainly true that there is a large minority who want terrorists, criminals, illegals, mental cases have the same rights to own guns as the rest of us.

We just need to continue to fight that minority.


There is a large minority who want terrorists, criminals, illegals, and mental cases to be locked up behind bars were they can't hurt anybody.

People like you continue to fight that minority and have those people free instead, then use the excuse that everyone's 2nd amendment rights should be restricted or taken away because of those dangerous people.
The Second Amendment acknowledges your liberty to own a gun. The Founders, in their wisdom, provided for the ability of the government to restrict your liberty via due process of law in the Fifth Amendment.NEXT!
This is the correct answer.
If a Jury of you Peers convicts you (deems you were/are a threat to society) than you lose your rights.
This was the point I made in the OP.

A Jury is the ONLY thing that can OK the govt taking away someone's gun. I gave a clear example. Which the gun-haters are desperately ignoring, to no one's surprise, since it destroys their entire "gun control" agenda.

Govt trying to take away guns without the ruling of a jury on a case-by case basis, is violating the Constitution.

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