The 20th anniversary of 9/11 around the corner.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
And still so many unanswered questions.

And we're still sending kids to war in the Middle East who weren't even born yet on 9/11. Here's a good article from last year
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And still so many unanswered questions.
View attachment 471098
In August of 1986 the 71st tac fighter wing went to Northern Denmark to perform drills for defense of Europe against the Russian onslaught. Fast forward to February 1987 when the same 71st tac fighter wing started practicing for Desert Warfare. Now why on earth would F-15s have to practice for desert training? By the way the 71st tac fight wing was FF red tails. Fast forward to 1991. First jets to touchdown in Saudi Arabia for Desert Storm was .... 71st tac fighter wing..

Did George Bush 41 push Saddam Hussain to enter Kuwait so he could have his war machine make obscene profits? Since the Wall had come down, the establishment Repugnicraps needed a new enemy to go after......

September 11 2001. George Bush 43, needed to pull the US out of a mini-recession Bill Clinton left him. No real wars were going on. Did 43 invite Saudi Arabia(Osama) to knock down the towers, so he 43 could take America back to war? Establishment Progs (R) and (D) sure do love their wars.....
And still so many unanswered questions.
View attachment 471098
And we're still sending kids to war in the Middle East who weren't even born yet on 9/11. Here's a good article from last year
I'll never forget it. I never eat breakfast but did that awful Tuesday morning. I turned on the tube right around 9am. I saw a tall building with a hole in it. I thought it was a movie for a few seconds. The scene kept going with helicopters in sight circling..awful to see the next couple hrs
And still so many unanswered questions.
View attachment 471098
In August of 1986 the 71st tac fighter wing went to Northern Denmark to perform drills for defense of Europe against the Russian onslaught. Fast forward to February 1987 when the same 71st tac fighter wing started practicing for Desert Warfare. Now why on earth would F-15s have to practice for desert training? By the way the 71st tac fight wing was FF red tails. Fast forward to 1991. First jets to touchdown in Saudi Arabia for Desert Storm was .... 71st tac fighter wing..

Did George Bush 41 push Saddam Hussain to enter Kuwait so he could have his war machine make obscene profits? Since the Wall had come down, the establishment Repugnicraps needed a new enemy to go after......

September 11 2001. George Bush 43, needed to pull the US out of a mini-recession Bill Clinton left him. No real wars were going on. Did 43 invite Saudi Arabia(Osama) to knock down the towers, so he 43 could take America back to war? Establishment Progs (R) and (D) sure do love their wars.....
There's no doubt that people in the Bush Administration knew it was coming. And everything that happened afterwards looked pretty well orchestrated.
And still so many unanswered questions.
View attachment 471098
And we're still sending kids to war in the Middle East who weren't even born yet on 9/11. Here's a good article from last year
I'll never forget it. I never eat breakfast but did that awful Tuesday morning. I turned on the tube right around 9am. I saw a tall building with a hole in it. I thought it was a movie for a few seconds. The scene kept going with helicopters in sight circling..awful to see the next couple hrs
My Uncle Bob was there on Wall Street when the first plane hit and he saw the second plane hit from the Staten Island Ferry and then he saw both Towers collapse from Staten Island where his daughter lives.

He lived there since the 50s but that shook him up enough to make him move within a year back home to Kentucky.
And still so many unanswered questions.
View attachment 471098
In August of 1986 the 71st tac fighter wing went to Northern Denmark to perform drills for defense of Europe against the Russian onslaught. Fast forward to February 1987 when the same 71st tac fighter wing started practicing for Desert Warfare. Now why on earth would F-15s have to practice for desert training? By the way the 71st tac fight wing was FF red tails. Fast forward to 1991. First jets to touchdown in Saudi Arabia for Desert Storm was .... 71st tac fighter wing..

Did George Bush 41 push Saddam Hussain to enter Kuwait so he could have his war machine make obscene profits? Since the Wall had come down, the establishment Repugnicraps needed a new enemy to go after......

September 11 2001. George Bush 43, needed to pull the US out of a mini-recession Bill Clinton left him. No real wars were going on. Did 43 invite Saudi Arabia(Osama) to knock down the towers, so he 43 could take America back to war? Establishment Progs (R) and (D) sure do love their wars.....
There's no doubt that people in the Bush Administration knew it was coming. And everything that happened afterwards looked pretty well orchestrated.
Clinton completely weaponized the CIA and FBI against each other. For 5.5 yrs Bin Laden planned this inspired by his Sheik who blew it up the 1st time in about 94.

The FBI was warning everyone that Saudi student pilots wanted to learn how to take off but not land. no warnings were headed as Bill was getting slobber cocked under his nose.

For yrs intelligent briefings said Bin Laden wantedto use planes......FOR FUCKING YRS!!!

Less than 8 months later a new admin was handed the inaction of the Clinton blow jobs for yrs.

I so wish Gore would have won. 911 would have happened no matter what and the true evil Clinton would own it.
I woke up on the beach with some friends on camp Pendleton CA that morning after an overnight beach party...hung over we made it back to our quarters and the TVs were showing a building on fire....I said that looks like the trade center building but where is the other one?....
It was certainly surreal when it all first started that Tuesday morning, of September 11th, 2001. It was not a cloud in the sky on that sunny morning. I took a bus to the local mall and saw it all unfolded live on tv. I couldn't believe it at first. I thought, I was watching some news documentary or something. It wasn't until someone at the mall was telling us that were standing around at the nearby Radio Shack inside the mall, that the mall was going to close for the remainder of the day. That was around 9:30am that day.
I remember my whole town was silent for the rest of the day. Store and other places closed early. I was called not to report to work. I could later hear cars honking the horns and cheers "God Bless America!" around midnight and into the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

It was certainly a day I will never forget, since I was so glued to the tv all week long.
And still so many unanswered questions.
View attachment 471098
In August of 1986 the 71st tac fighter wing went to Northern Denmark to perform drills for defense of Europe against the Russian onslaught. Fast forward to February 1987 when the same 71st tac fighter wing started practicing for Desert Warfare. Now why on earth would F-15s have to practice for desert training? By the way the 71st tac fight wing was FF red tails. Fast forward to 1991. First jets to touchdown in Saudi Arabia for Desert Storm was .... 71st tac fighter wing..

Did George Bush 41 push Saddam Hussain to enter Kuwait so he could have his war machine make obscene profits? Since the Wall had come down, the establishment Repugnicraps needed a new enemy to go after......

September 11 2001. George Bush 43, needed to pull the US out of a mini-recession Bill Clinton left him. No real wars were going on. Did 43 invite Saudi Arabia(Osama) to knock down the towers, so he 43 could take America back to war? Establishment Progs (R) and (D) sure do love their wars.....
There's no doubt that people in the Bush Administration knew it was coming. And everything that happened afterwards looked pretty well orchestrated.
Clinton completely weaponized the CIA and FBI against each other. For 5.5 yrs Bin Laden planned this inspired by his Sheik who blew it up the 1st time in about 94.

The FBI was warning everyone that Saudi student pilots wanted to learn how to take off but not land. no warnings were headed as Bill was getting slobber cocked under his nose.

For yrs intelligent briefings said Bin Laden wantedto use planes......FOR FUCKING YRS!!!

Less than 8 months later a new admin was handed the inaction of the Clinton blow jobs for yrs.

I so wish Gore would have won. 911 would have happened no matter what and the true evil Clinton would own it.
I believe Clinton was a CIA asset being controlled by the previous
administration ( Just have to realize that even Reagan couldn't stand Bush --was a rival in the primaries and
was not his first choice to be running mate. So Poppy went from CIA to the White House for 12 years before
they vetted Slick Willy for the job. ) And the Clinton's despite whatever you think of them or think you know about them, they were dear friends with Vince Foster....and pretty shook up when he was murdered. That's just one thing . The permanent war state is running the show .... And now that Trump is out of their way - the unexpected hurdle in their plans- too many folks are onto their game now. We'll see how they play it out now, starting in Syria.
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Syria is John Brennan's baby.....

What worries me is that there was not one mention of China in this video of global experts...we need to get out of the middle east and focus on our real enemy....I think Trump knew this but was blocked at every turn by the deep state....
Why did 911 happen???...Because we were too fucking stupid and naive.......night night lil darlings
If it were not for the covid virus hoax I would be posting all kinds of stuff on this thread about 9/11, 9/11 was an inside job after all was my former user name for several years.I used to post on it every day practically for years and years here under that user name.

With covid though,it’s become just like the jfk assassination done and over with and in my rear view Mirror now same as jfk is the fact that the covid virus hoax dwarfs all of that and 9/11 is the least of our problems now with the elite fixing it so if we are not vaccinated,then we won’t be able to travel,buy grocery’s or have access to our bank account or anything.
And still so many unanswered questions.
View attachment 471098
And we're still sending kids to war in the Middle East who weren't even born yet on 9/11. Here's a good article from last year
just wondering you mentioned sometime back that you had all your 9/11 files on hard drive or something to compensate for youtube deleting all the 9/11 truth chance do you have any way of posting them all on this thread?
The nazi Langley shill came and farted in your :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: It’s always the 9/11 jfk and cia threads that get his attention here.

Can’t wait for him to talk to himself addressing me in the first person cause the psycho is seeking attention:abgg2q.jpg:
The nazi Langley shill came and farted in your :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: It’s always the 9/11 jfk and cia threads that get his attention here.

Can’t wait for him to talk to himself addressing me in the first person cause the psycho is seeking attention:abgg2q.jpg:
It is you who farted and are now reading my post

You are the shill

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