The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man.

There does seem to be amiss with some, not all American men. Gun fetishes, woman-hatred, no manners, domineering, swearing, pushing weird "religious" shit on people, joining "militia gangs. Again, this is NOT all American men. There are still American men who are well-mannered, civilized people, NOT people who chant "lock her up" and feed pigs while "praying" to "god."
Thats just partisan rhetoric that folks dont really engage in their every day lives, not the most of them. The political-sphere is basically a gathering of the argumentative archetypes.
Americans are multi-cultural, and from all over the world. New York City is a life-style that comes with its own hustle and bustle ethos, and would be a terribly inaccurate subset for judging American males, as a whole.

My family is European as of only a couple of generations ago. American culture is world culture.

On a superficial and a commercial level.

Not on underlying layers.
The superficial and commercial level is what's incorrectly referred to as American culture by foreigners.

At home, most American families are FROM other parts of the world. Our food, not our fast food our home food, is from all over the world. Our traditions are from all over the world. Our values are from all over the world.

Our pop culture is copy catted....all over the world.

I would say after a couple of generations most American families become more American and less whatever culture they came from. Especially in generations past, and depending on where they're from. I grew up expressly American. On one side English heritage; the other side German, but this mattered not a whit. Just a pure American upbringing. We have a culture and make no mistake about that.

What's wrong with being American? Who would want to be European?

They still haven't recovered from the 30 Years' War.
Americans are multi-cultural, and from all over the world. New York City is a life-style that comes with its own hustle and bustle ethos, and would be a terribly inaccurate subset for judging American males, as a whole.

My family is European as of only a couple of generations ago. American culture is world culture.

On a superficial and a commercial level.

Not on underlying layers.
The superficial and commercial level is what's incorrectly referred to as American culture by foreigners.

At home, most American families are FROM other parts of the world. Our food, not our fast food our home food, is from all over the world. Our traditions are from all over the world. Our values are from all over the world.

Our pop culture is copy catted....all over the world.

I would say after a couple of generations most American families become more American and less whatever culture they came from. Especially in generations past, and depending on where they're from. I grew up expressly American. On one side English heritage; the other side German, but this mattered not a whit. Just a pure American upbringing. We have a culture and make no mistake about that.
There's certain things that come with the American way of life, thats for sure.

In my experience, culturally anyway, the foods, holidays & traditions seem to maintain the influence of the family's roots.

That can get eroded over time, depending on the fabric of the family and how they decide to keep up with things or not.

After being sport, food and media-centric ~ Americans seem pretty diverse to me.

There's still a thread that connects them.

Perhaps I, as an outsider, can observe this.
Probably as an outsider.... you don't spend 365 days a year inside of the households of 100-ish plus hoardes of friends and families, over the course of decades, within communities on teams, boards, festivals and crafts, in order to glean the most accurate picture of things.

There's a charicature that would be easy to paint of American Culture, thats the "thread," but its not the ethos.
On a superficial and a commercial level.

Not on underlying layers.
The superficial and commercial level is what's incorrectly referred to as American culture by foreigners.

At home, most American families are FROM other parts of the world. Our food, not our fast food our home food, is from all over the world. Our traditions are from all over the world. Our values are from all over the world.

Our pop culture is copy catted....all over the world.

I would say after a couple of generations most American families become more American and less whatever culture they came from. Especially in generations past, and depending on where they're from. I grew up expressly American. On one side English heritage; the other side German, but this mattered not a whit. Just a pure American upbringing. We have a culture and make no mistake about that.
There's certain things that come with the American way of life, thats for sure.

In my experience, culturally anyway, the foods, holidays & traditions seem to maintain the influence of the family's roots.

That can get eroded over time, depending on the fabric of the family and how they decide to keep up with things or not.

After being sport, food and media-centric ~ Americans seem pretty diverse to me.

There's still a thread that connects them.

Perhaps I, as an outsider, can observe this.
Probably as an outsider.... you don't spend 365 days a year inside of the households of 100-ish plus hoardes of friends and families, over the course of decades, within communities on teams, boards, festivals and crafts, in order to glean the most accurate picture of things.

There's a charicature that would be easy to paint of American Culture, thats the "thread," but its not the ethos.

I've done all those things you describe.

But I'm not into a game of one upmanship with you.
Americans are multi-cultural, and from all over the world. New York City is a life-style that comes with its own hustle and bustle ethos, and would be a terribly inaccurate subset for judging American males, as a whole.

My family is European as of only a couple of generations ago. American culture is world culture.

On a superficial and a commercial level.

Not on underlying layers.
The superficial and commercial level is what's incorrectly referred to as American culture by foreigners.

At home, most American families are FROM other parts of the world. Our food, not our fast food our home food, is from all over the world. Our traditions are from all over the world. Our values are from all over the world.

Our pop culture is copy catted....all over the world.

I would say after a couple of generations most American families become more American and less whatever culture they came from. Especially in generations past, and depending on where they're from. I grew up expressly American. On one side English heritage; the other side German, but this mattered not a whit. Just a pure American upbringing. We have a culture and make no mistake about that.

What's wrong with being American? Who would want to be European?

They still haven't recovered from the 30 Years' War.

Absolutely nothing from my POV. We gave the world Rock N Roll, movies, blue jeans...I mean so many things.
The superficial and commercial level is what's incorrectly referred to as American culture by foreigners.

At home, most American families are FROM other parts of the world. Our food, not our fast food our home food, is from all over the world. Our traditions are from all over the world. Our values are from all over the world.

Our pop culture is copy catted....all over the world.

I would say after a couple of generations most American families become more American and less whatever culture they came from. Especially in generations past, and depending on where they're from. I grew up expressly American. On one side English heritage; the other side German, but this mattered not a whit. Just a pure American upbringing. We have a culture and make no mistake about that.
There's certain things that come with the American way of life, thats for sure.

In my experience, culturally anyway, the foods, holidays & traditions seem to maintain the influence of the family's roots.

That can get eroded over time, depending on the fabric of the family and how they decide to keep up with things or not.

After being sport, food and media-centric ~ Americans seem pretty diverse to me.

There's still a thread that connects them.

Perhaps I, as an outsider, can observe this.
Probably as an outsider.... you don't spend 365 days a year inside of the households of 100-ish plus hoardes of friends and families, over the course of decades, within communities on teams, boards, festivals and crafts, in order to glean the most accurate picture of things.

There's a charicature that would be easy to paint of American Culture, thats the "thread," but its not the ethos.

I've done all those things you describe.

But I'm not into a game of one upmanship with you.
Oh you've lived American culture for decades, have you?

Thats interesting, because I couldn't really expect a single male American to agree with this OP. Why might that be?

Oh, I dont know 2 obvious reasons might erode her over-confidence in trying to postulate a stereo-type for the Country where one does not exist:

1. Folks in NYC act 180 degrees different than folks outside of that City. In America, this would be classified under "common knowledge."

2. Pretty much every guy I KNOW has a different way that he treats women from the last guy. It would seem an unrefined view of things to postulate that there's some norm, there. We have everything from Gentlemen, to snobs, to players to betas who let their woman control them. Theres HUNDREDS of types of American guys when it comes to their treatment of women.....not 1 predominant one, save for theyre mostly polite.
Americans are multi-cultural, and from all over the world. New York City is a life-style that comes with its own hustle and bustle ethos, and would be a terribly inaccurate subset for judging American males, as a whole.

My family is European as of only a couple of generations ago. American culture is world culture.

On a superficial and a commercial level.

Not on underlying layers.
The superficial and commercial level is what's incorrectly referred to as American culture by foreigners.

At home, most American families are FROM other parts of the world. Our food, not our fast food our home food, is from all over the world. Our traditions are from all over the world. Our values are from all over the world.

Our pop culture is copy catted....all over the world.

I would say after a couple of generations most American families become more American and less whatever culture they came from. Especially in generations past, and depending on where they're from. I grew up expressly American. On one side English heritage; the other side German, but this mattered not a whit. Just a pure American upbringing. We have a culture and make no mistake about that.

What's wrong with being American? Who would want to be European?

They still haven't recovered from the 30 Years' War.

Absolutely nothing from my POV. We gave the world Rock N Roll, movies, blue jeans...I mean so many things.

Indeed. Evidenced by last week in the Irish Pub. Crowded out by mostly Germans, all of us singing along to Tom Petty, (a cover Croation guitarist)

In English!! They knew all the words.

Maybe music is the great unifier.
Our President spray tans and colors his hair. We have a whole subset of Americans, mostly from East coast big cities, that would consider this normal behavior. It's pretty frowned upon, conversely, by the men who are a bit more brute, and less posh.

Two different cultural norms there, in terms of personal up-keep, same Country.

Ease up. Most people in "East coast big cities" don't do this, including me. The folks in the "heartland" seems to have fallen in love with the spray tan and the hair color.

But we are straying. I find European men much more attractive, intelligent, prepared, mannerly, civilized, sexy, etc.
I would say after a couple of generations most American families become more American and less whatever culture they came from. Especially in generations past, and depending on where they're from. I grew up expressly American. On one side English heritage; the other side German, but this mattered not a whit. Just a pure American upbringing. We have a culture and make no mistake about that.
There's certain things that come with the American way of life, thats for sure.

In my experience, culturally anyway, the foods, holidays & traditions seem to maintain the influence of the family's roots.

That can get eroded over time, depending on the fabric of the family and how they decide to keep up with things or not.

After being sport, food and media-centric ~ Americans seem pretty diverse to me.

There's still a thread that connects them.

Perhaps I, as an outsider, can observe this.
Probably as an outsider.... you don't spend 365 days a year inside of the households of 100-ish plus hoardes of friends and families, over the course of decades, within communities on teams, boards, festivals and crafts, in order to glean the most accurate picture of things.

There's a charicature that would be easy to paint of American Culture, thats the "thread," but its not the ethos.

I've done all those things you describe.

But I'm not into a game of one upmanship with you.
Oh you've lived American culture for decades, have you?

Thats interesting, because I couldn't really expect a single male American to agree with this OP. Why might that be?

Oh, I dont know 2 obvious reasons might erode her over-confidence in trying to postulate a stereo-type for the Country where one does not exist:

1. Folks in NYC act 180 degrees different than folks outside of that City. In America, this would be classified under "common knowledge."

2. Pretty much every guy I KNOW has a different way that he treats women from the last guy. It would seem an unrefined view of things to postulate that there's some norm, there. We have everything from Gentlemen, to snobs, to players to betas who let their woman control them. Theres HUNDREDS of types of American guys when it comes to their treatment of women.....not 1 predominant one, save for theyre mostly polite.

The article wasn't about now men 'treat' women.
Our President spray tans and colors his hair. We have a whole subset of Americans, mostly from East coast big cities, that would consider this normal behavior. It's pretty frowned upon, conversely, by the men who are a bit more brute, and less posh.

Two different cultural norms there, in terms of personal up-keep, same Country.

Ease up. Most people in "East coast big cities" don't do this, including me. The folks in the "heartland" seems to have fallen in love with the spray tan and the hair color.

But we are straying. I find European men much more attractive, intelligent, prepared, mannerly, civilized, sexy, etc.
Another good point regarding the OP, is that a refined thinker would respond when asked how "european men act," with the inquiry:

"which part of Europe?"

But some folks require a narrow-minded charicature of things in order to understand how to navigate their lives in a way that makes sense to them. Thats who these articles on stereotyping are for.
Our President spray tans and colors his hair. We have a whole subset of Americans, mostly from East coast big cities, that would consider this normal behavior. It's pretty frowned upon, conversely, by the men who are a bit more brute, and less posh.

Two different cultural norms there, in terms of personal up-keep, same Country.

Ease up. Most people in "East coast big cities" don't do this, including me. The folks in the "heartland" seems to have fallen in love with the spray tan and the hair color.

But we are straying. I find European men much more attractive, intelligent, prepared, mannerly, civilized, sexy, etc.

Oh I don't know. There's nothing like those Canadian lumberjacks.
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).


Yea, we like to screw.
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).


Yea, we like to screw.

Hey, Flash.

> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).


Yea, we like to screw.

Hey, Flash.


I worked at a large nuclear facility on a contract where we had both UK and French partners. All well educated engineers.

There were perhaps 25 families from Europe that come here to live for six or seven years while working on the project.

The Euro guys quickly became Americanized. Bought pickup trucks, went shooting, ate BBQ, watched American football, etc.

The wives mostly kept to their own circles. They never really integrated well although they did like to shop. Always talked about going home.

The kids got totally Americanized. I mean big time.
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).


Yea, we like to screw.

Hey, Flash.


I worked at a large nuclear facility on a contract where we had both UK and French partners. All well educated engineers.

There were perhaps 25 families from Europe that come here to live for six or seven years while working on the project.

The Euro guys quickly became Americanized. Bought pickup trucks, went shooting, ate BBQ, watched American football, etc.

The wives mostly kept to their own circles. They never really integrated well although they did like to shop. Always talked about going home.

The kids got totally Americanized. I mean big time.

Still can't get into American Football.

And I've tried. Really I have.
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).


Yea, we like to screw.

Hey, Flash.


I worked at a large nuclear facility on a contract where we had both UK and French partners. All well educated engineers.

There were perhaps 25 families from Europe that come here to live for six or seven years while working on the project.

The Euro guys quickly became Americanized. Bought pickup trucks, went shooting, ate BBQ, watched American football, etc.

The wives mostly kept to their own circles. They never really integrated well although they did like to shop. Always talked about going home.

The kids got totally Americanized. I mean big time.

Still can't get into American Football.

And I've tried. Really I have.

Skip the NFL. Watch college ball.
Our President spray tans and colors his hair. We have a whole subset of Americans, mostly from East coast big cities, that would consider this normal behavior. It's pretty frowned upon, conversely, by the men who are a bit more brute, and less posh.

Two different cultural norms there, in terms of personal up-keep, same Country.

Ease up. Most people in "East coast big cities" don't do this, including me. The folks in the "heartland" seems to have fallen in love with the spray tan and the hair color.

But we are straying. I find European men much more attractive, intelligent, prepared, mannerly, civilized, sexy, etc.
Another good point regarding the OP, is that a refined thinker would respond when asked how "european men act," with the inquiry:

"which part of Europe?"

But some folks require a narrow-minded charicature of things in order to understand how to navigate their lives in a way that makes sense to them. Thats who these articles on stereotyping are for.

We are working with stereotypes. How do we parse these things without typing for miles and miles?

I come from a U.S. culture in the NYC area, where I saw the Rockettes tap before I was ten. The great Metropolitan Museum of Art and its fabulous Egyptian collection. Greenwich Village and its art shows, where my grandmother was born. The grand stature of St. Patrick's and the Cathedral of St. John the Devine.

Our cultures in the U.S. are so different from each other's.

I prefer men who have the impeccable manners of my late father, who took his hat off at all times and brought home books about history that we discussed on the porch over iced tea. I was raised by a gentleman who valued education and knowledge. I much prefer gentlemen rather than this trash that chants "lock her up" and will have sex with anything that is still breathing, while pretending to be "religious."
IMHO there is no American man, neither there is a European man.
Same for women. No stereo type fits really.
I'm pretty sure there are women which are not just grave digging like a friend of mine classify women.
I think the difference might have to do more with European women, rather than American males.

European women are sluttier than American women. So naturally European males being in Europe have more to chose from. Whereas American males only have a few to choose from. ;)
Oh come on you know American women are sluttier. No virgins at 18. Giving bjs at 15. Get real.

But I will agree with this. It is the woman’s fault. Guys do whatever works with women. If it didn’t work on women guys wouldn’t do it.

Need an example? It’s black womens fault black men wear their pants low and their underwear sticking out. If that shit didn’t work with the ladies they’d pull their pants up immediately

I was a virgin at 18. My daughter is a virgin and she's older than that, and no she isn't snowballing me, I would know. And she is a beautiful girl who cuts down cads the likes of which we see here from a mile away. She's had customer service jobs, you see, so she's had a lot of practice. I adore my girl. :5_1_12024:
My two sister in laws were virgins before marriage. That’s a lost art.

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