The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man.

What is wrong is that this "virginity" thing has been dumped on women for so long, just because of some obsession that men have, and we have borne the brunt of it, even though it does nothing for us. How many women and girls have wasted their time being yapped at by priests when they could have been out having some fun.`

What is wrong is that this virginity stuff has been marketed to women and girls in terms of "right" and "wrong," while we have established that there are no questions of "right" and "wrong," "morality," and "religion" actually in play.

Women might want to know where a man's penis has been before they partake. Also, women might like to try out a few before picking one for good. It works both ways.
Do you think the women’s liberation movement has a role in the destruction of the traditional family?

Of course it does. From women not staying virgins to women working, these things have changed the way we live.

There may be some bad things that happen because of this. For example the mom being controlled by the husband. Now that she works she isn’t so dependent on the man. And she’s not home raising the kids if she’s working. These things have changed our society for the worse. Kids aren’t being raised right.

But I’m sure women love being independent.

So women won’t go back to staying virgins till marriage. I don’t think it’s a good thing that she’s had multiple other dicks inside her.

And divorce isn’t good but women love having the option.

The only people who can make a success or failure of a family and child-raising are its two adult heads, both partners.The onus should not be on the woman, when they are both present.

Your statement about people and their genitalia is just plain grossly disgusting, totally shallow, and reflects a repulsive notion that women are somehow less than men and the man is marrying an inferior being.

It also reflects an attitude that sex is somehow dirty and shameful. Many Americans seem to feel this way, as do their counterparts in the Middle East. I wish that these people would not try so hard to wreck heterosexual relationships.

If you love and respect a person, you accept who he or she is currently, which involves the sum total of their past experiences. If one cannot accept this simple concept, this person has no respect and should not marry.
People who’ve had sex with other people before marriage tend to have sex with others after marriage too.

And they divorce at higher rates.

We seem to have veered off the cultural differences:

Ten Basic Differences Between the USA and Europe

Turning back to cultural differences. I haven't spent all that much time in Europe, but I do have a favorable impression of a lot of areas there. I particularly like English villages.
  • But I do see some trends among Americans that I dislike:
  • Being too damned loud. Some Americans seem to have trouble modulating their voices.
  • Being bombastic, and failing to remember that other people should have a turn to speak, while one who has already spoken or is waiting to speak should sit and take their turn at listening.
  • Being unfamiliar with some of the basics of "American culture" and our institutions, like our Constitution and our great authors and musicians, while talking up these things that they know nothing about.
  • Being, frankly, physically uncoordinated and sort of dumpy and sloppily dressed.
  • Being unwilling to try anything new.
  • Showing a lack of imagination and appreciation of imagination.
End of rant for now. I'm a sort of quiet person (although known to dance at concerts), and I like to read, hold long conversations about interesting things, and I love people with a quietly deadly sense of humor, so I'm filtering this through my own tastes and experiences. I know that I sometimes buy into the stereotype that Europeans are somehow better at these things.

Truly you are one of the most bombastic posters I have ever encountered online and you live for cartoonish stereotypes. So this is really......just wow

But then again I really shouldn't be surprised, this is how hardened Leftists are created. They really have one image of themselves and have NO IDEA how they come across. None whatsoever. It's just...I guess I'll never be done with being shocked at it
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).

I got news for you

Every man is trying to get laid
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).

I got news for you

Every man is trying to get laid


Even the Pope?

Besides, Rightwinger, you are right.

And the discussion was not about if they wanted to or not. But how different cultures and societies of men went about achieving this aim.
What is wrong is that this "virginity" thing has been dumped on women for so long, just because of some obsession that men have, and we have borne the brunt of it, even though it does nothing for us. How many women and girls have wasted their time being yapped at by priests when they could have been out having some fun.`

What is wrong is that this virginity stuff has been marketed to women and girls in terms of "right" and "wrong," while we have established that there are no questions of "right" and "wrong," "morality," and "religion" actually in play.

Women might want to know where a man's penis has been before they partake. Also, women might like to try out a few before picking one for good. It works both ways.
Do you think the women’s liberation movement has a role in the destruction of the traditional family?

Of course it does. From women not staying virgins to women working, these things have changed the way we live.

There may be some bad things that happen because of this. For example the mom being controlled by the husband. Now that she works she isn’t so dependent on the man. And she’s not home raising the kids if she’s working. These things have changed our society for the worse. Kids aren’t being raised right.

But I’m sure women love being independent.

So women won’t go back to staying virgins till marriage. I don’t think it’s a good thing that she’s had multiple other dicks inside her.

And divorce isn’t good but women love having the option.

The only people who can make a success or failure of a family and child-raising are its two adult heads, both partners.The onus should not be on the woman, when they are both present.

Your statement about people and their genitalia is just plain grossly disgusting, totally shallow, and reflects a repulsive notion that women are somehow less than men and the man is marrying an inferior being.

It also reflects an attitude that sex is somehow dirty and shameful. Many Americans seem to feel this way, as do their counterparts in the Middle East. I wish that these people would not try so hard to wreck heterosexual relationships.

If you love and respect a person, you accept who he or she is currently, which involves the sum total of their past experiences. If one cannot accept this simple concept, this person has no respect and should not marry.
People who’ve had sex with other people before marriage tend to have sex with others after marriage too.

And they divorce at higher rates.

We seem to have veered off the cultural differences:

Ten Basic Differences Between the USA and Europe

Turning back to cultural differences. I haven't spent all that much time in Europe, but I do have a favorable impression of a lot of areas there. I particularly like English villages.
  • But I do see some trends among Americans that I dislike:
  • Being too damned loud. Some Americans seem to have trouble modulating their voices.
  • Being bombastic, and failing to remember that other people should have a turn to speak, while one who has already spoken or is waiting to speak should sit and take their turn at listening.
  • Being unfamiliar with some of the basics of "American culture" and our institutions, like our Constitution and our great authors and musicians, while talking up these things that they know nothing about.
  • Being, frankly, physically uncoordinated and sort of dumpy and sloppily dressed.
  • Being unwilling to try anything new.
  • Showing a lack of imagination and appreciation of imagination.
End of rant for now. I'm a sort of quiet person (although known to dance at concerts), and I like to read, hold long conversations about interesting things, and I love people with a quietly deadly sense of humor, so I'm filtering this through my own tastes and experiences. I know that I sometimes buy into the stereotype that Europeans are somehow better at these things.
I agree with you.
I think it has alot to do with how kids are raised in America.
Not to mention the fact that just about every kid in America is watching the garbage that passes for entertainment on our televisions.
American kids are being raised by our flat-panel TVs.
They're emulating the fools and sexual deviants that pass as actors living in Hollywood.

I spent several years overseas, living in Germany and other countries.
Most over there felt I was a native....till I started talking.
I never had any problem fitting in.
Mainly because I learned to talk and act like the locals.
Last edited:
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).

I got news for you

Every man is trying to get laid


Even the Pope?


Too old

His priests?
We know how that turned out
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).

I got news for you

Every man is trying to get laid

Yeah, but one man doesn't care how he gets laid, while another wants a real relationship, and a woman who actually cares about him, to lay with.

Yes, every man wants to get laid. Of course. But some do it through being a lover, and caring about another person.... while others are shallow, empty, and self-satisfying, and only care to "score".
> 1. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Perhaps this ‘score mentality’ is for bragging rights, perhaps it’s for validation so they can feel wanted and desired, or perhaps it’s a pure ego play. American men will rush to get you in bed as quick as possible, while European men don’t appear to have the same rush (or desperation).

I got news for you

Every man is trying to get laid

Yeah, but one man doesn't care how he gets laid, while another wants a real relationship, and a woman who actually cares about him, to lay with.

Yes, every man wants to get laid. Of course. But some do it through being a lover, and caring about another person.... while others are shallow, empty, and self-satisfying, and only care to "score".

If men did not want to get laid, there would be no continuation of the human race.

I never thought that the cultural background of a dating prospect would make much of a difference when it came to relationships. However, since living in New York, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different people from various backgrounds and it’s become clear that there are definite cultural norms specific to European men versus American men (especially New Yorkers). I’m not to judge that one is better than the other, and mind you, my observations are based on my own experiences as well as a group of women I’ve interviewed in the last two years. The below is a list of some of the themes and commonalities observed. Now, when I discuss the differences between European and American, I’m referring to a mindset.

You can very well be born in America but have a more “European” mindset and vice versa.

The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man - JustMyTypeMag
And there is just one difference between people who paint with very broad brushes and those who don't

I never thought that the cultural background of a dating prospect would make much of a difference when it came to relationships. However, since living in New York, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different people from various backgrounds and it’s become clear that there are definite cultural norms specific to European men versus American men (especially New Yorkers). I’m not to judge that one is better than the other, and mind you, my observations are based on my own experiences as well as a group of women I’ve interviewed in the last two years. The below is a list of some of the themes and commonalities observed. Now, when I discuss the differences between European and American, I’m referring to a mindset.

You can very well be born in America but have a more “European” mindset and vice versa.

The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man - JustMyTypeMag
And there is just one difference between people who paint with very broad brushes and those who don't

The topic wasn't about the act itself, but the way American and European men go about it. If people had but paid attention, instead of personalising it.

American men in Europe tend to assume stuff about European women, and come on too strong. I've had it done to me. I was gobsmacked. And that's not a judgement, before anyone starts jumping up and down with outrage. Just an observation.

OTOH, I could tell you about Arab men and their behaviour towards beautiful German girls here. Fascinating.

I never thought that the cultural background of a dating prospect would make much of a difference when it came to relationships. However, since living in New York, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different people from various backgrounds and it’s become clear that there are definite cultural norms specific to European men versus American men (especially New Yorkers). I’m not to judge that one is better than the other, and mind you, my observations are based on my own experiences as well as a group of women I’ve interviewed in the last two years. The below is a list of some of the themes and commonalities observed. Now, when I discuss the differences between European and American, I’m referring to a mindset.

You can very well be born in America but have a more “European” mindset and vice versa.

The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man - JustMyTypeMag
And there is just one difference between people who paint with very broad brushes and those who don't

The topic wasn't about the act itself, but the way American and European men go about it. If people had but paid attention, instead of personalising it.

American men in Europe tend to assume stuff about European women, and come on too strong. I've had it done to me. I was gobsmacked. And that's not a judgement, before anyone starts jumping up and down with outrage. Just an observation.

OTOH, I could tell you about Arab men and their behaviour towards beautiful German girls here. Fascinating.
You didnt even understand the objection in the post you quoted.....and your lack of comprehension was SO BAD, you tripled down on its objection.

THAT shit was hilarious.

I never thought that the cultural background of a dating prospect would make much of a difference when it came to relationships. However, since living in New York, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different people from various backgrounds and it’s become clear that there are definite cultural norms specific to European men versus American men (especially New Yorkers). I’m not to judge that one is better than the other, and mind you, my observations are based on my own experiences as well as a group of women I’ve interviewed in the last two years. The below is a list of some of the themes and commonalities observed. Now, when I discuss the differences between European and American, I’m referring to a mindset.

You can very well be born in America but have a more “European” mindset and vice versa.

The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man - JustMyTypeMag
And there is just one difference between people who paint with very broad brushes and those who don't

The topic wasn't about the act itself, but the way American and European men go about it. If people had but paid attention, instead of personalising it.

American men in Europe tend to assume stuff about European women, and come on too strong. I've had it done to me. I was gobsmacked. And that's not a judgement, before anyone starts jumping up and down with outrage. Just an observation.

OTOH, I could tell you about Arab men and their behaviour towards beautiful German girls here. Fascinating.
You didnt even understand the objection in the post you quoted.....and your lack of comprehension was SO BAD, you tripled down on its objection.

THAT shit was hilarious.

Oh you again.

Not exactly a bag of fun are you?

You must belong to a bygone age.

Don't get too puffed up, will you?

I never thought that the cultural background of a dating prospect would make much of a difference when it came to relationships. However, since living in New York, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different people from various backgrounds and it’s become clear that there are definite cultural norms specific to European men versus American men (especially New Yorkers). I’m not to judge that one is better than the other, and mind you, my observations are based on my own experiences as well as a group of women I’ve interviewed in the last two years. The below is a list of some of the themes and commonalities observed. Now, when I discuss the differences between European and American, I’m referring to a mindset.

You can very well be born in America but have a more “European” mindset and vice versa.

The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man - JustMyTypeMag
And there is just one difference between people who paint with very broad brushes and those who don't

The topic wasn't about the act itself, but the way American and European men go about it. If people had but paid attention, instead of personalising it.

American men in Europe tend to assume stuff about European women, and come on too strong. I've had it done to me. I was gobsmacked. And that's not a judgement, before anyone starts jumping up and down with outrage. Just an observation.

OTOH, I could tell you about Arab men and their behaviour towards beautiful German girls here. Fascinating.
You didnt even understand the objection in the post you quoted.....and your lack of comprehension was SO BAD, you tripled down on its objection.

THAT shit was hilarious.

Oh you again.

Not exactly a bag of fun are you?

You must belong to a bygone age.

Don't get too puffed up, will you?
It was comedy! Blues Man may have well said "blah blah blah" with the way your response totally missed his point anyhow :lol:

I never thought that the cultural background of a dating prospect would make much of a difference when it came to relationships. However, since living in New York, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different people from various backgrounds and it’s become clear that there are definite cultural norms specific to European men versus American men (especially New Yorkers). I’m not to judge that one is better than the other, and mind you, my observations are based on my own experiences as well as a group of women I’ve interviewed in the last two years. The below is a list of some of the themes and commonalities observed. Now, when I discuss the differences between European and American, I’m referring to a mindset.

You can very well be born in America but have a more “European” mindset and vice versa.

The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man - JustMyTypeMag
And there is just one difference between people who paint with very broad brushes and those who don't

The topic wasn't about the act itself, but the way American and European men go about it. If people had but paid attention, instead of personalising it.

American men in Europe tend to assume stuff about European women, and come on too strong. I've had it done to me. I was gobsmacked. And that's not a judgement, before anyone starts jumping up and down with outrage. Just an observation.

OTOH, I could tell you about Arab men and their behaviour towards beautiful German girls here. Fascinating.
You didnt even understand the objection in the post you quoted.....and your lack of comprehension was SO BAD, you tripled down on its objection.

THAT shit was hilarious.

Oh you again.

Not exactly a bag of fun are you?

You must belong to a bygone age.

Don't get too puffed up, will you?
It was comedy! Blues Man may have well said "blah blah blah" with the way your response totally missed his point anyhow :lol:

Are you in tom cat mode, or something?

Or merely autistic?
Do you think the women’s liberation movement has a role in the destruction of the traditional family?

Of course it does. From women not staying virgins to women working, these things have changed the way we live.

There may be some bad things that happen because of this. For example the mom being controlled by the husband. Now that she works she isn’t so dependent on the man. And she’s not home raising the kids if she’s working. These things have changed our society for the worse. Kids aren’t being raised right.

But I’m sure women love being independent.

So women won’t go back to staying virgins till marriage. I don’t think it’s a good thing that she’s had multiple other dicks inside her.

And divorce isn’t good but women love having the option.

The only people who can make a success or failure of a family and child-raising are its two adult heads, both partners.The onus should not be on the woman, when they are both present.

Your statement about people and their genitalia is just plain grossly disgusting, totally shallow, and reflects a repulsive notion that women are somehow less than men and the man is marrying an inferior being.

It also reflects an attitude that sex is somehow dirty and shameful. Many Americans seem to feel this way, as do their counterparts in the Middle East. I wish that these people would not try so hard to wreck heterosexual relationships.

If you love and respect a person, you accept who he or she is currently, which involves the sum total of their past experiences. If one cannot accept this simple concept, this person has no respect and should not marry.
People who’ve had sex with other people before marriage tend to have sex with others after marriage too.

And they divorce at higher rates.

We seem to have veered off the cultural differences:

Ten Basic Differences Between the USA and Europe

Turning back to cultural differences. I haven't spent all that much time in Europe, but I do have a favorable impression of a lot of areas there. I particularly like English villages.
  • But I do see some trends among Americans that I dislike:
  • Being too damned loud. Some Americans seem to have trouble modulating their voices.
  • Being bombastic, and failing to remember that other people should have a turn to speak, while one who has already spoken or is waiting to speak should sit and take their turn at listening.
  • Being unfamiliar with some of the basics of "American culture" and our institutions, like our Constitution and our great authors and musicians, while talking up these things that they know nothing about.
  • Being, frankly, physically uncoordinated and sort of dumpy and sloppily dressed.
  • Being unwilling to try anything new.
  • Showing a lack of imagination and appreciation of imagination.
End of rant for now. I'm a sort of quiet person (although known to dance at concerts), and I like to read, hold long conversations about interesting things, and I love people with a quietly deadly sense of humor, so I'm filtering this through my own tastes and experiences. I know that I sometimes buy into the stereotype that Europeans are somehow better at these things.

Truly you are one of the most bombastic posters I have ever encountered online and you live for cartoonish stereotypes. So this is really......just wow

But then again I really shouldn't be surprised, this is how hardened Leftists are created. They really have one image of themselves and have NO IDEA how they come across. None whatsoever. It's just...I guess I'll never be done with being shocked at it

I know that you are a right-wing cult fundie who can't even write anything substantial in response to anything I say, but just parrot what your master or trainer tells you, so I don't take anything you write very seriously. You obviously are obsessed.
Do you think the women’s liberation movement has a role in the destruction of the traditional family?

Of course it does. From women not staying virgins to women working, these things have changed the way we live.

There may be some bad things that happen because of this. For example the mom being controlled by the husband. Now that she works she isn’t so dependent on the man. And she’s not home raising the kids if she’s working. These things have changed our society for the worse. Kids aren’t being raised right.

But I’m sure women love being independent.

So women won’t go back to staying virgins till marriage. I don’t think it’s a good thing that she’s had multiple other dicks inside her.

And divorce isn’t good but women love having the option.

The only people who can make a success or failure of a family and child-raising are its two adult heads, both partners.The onus should not be on the woman, when they are both present.

Your statement about people and their genitalia is just plain grossly disgusting, totally shallow, and reflects a repulsive notion that women are somehow less than men and the man is marrying an inferior being.

It also reflects an attitude that sex is somehow dirty and shameful. Many Americans seem to feel this way, as do their counterparts in the Middle East. I wish that these people would not try so hard to wreck heterosexual relationships.

If you love and respect a person, you accept who he or she is currently, which involves the sum total of their past experiences. If one cannot accept this simple concept, this person has no respect and should not marry.
People who’ve had sex with other people before marriage tend to have sex with others after marriage too.

And they divorce at higher rates.

We seem to have veered off the cultural differences:

Ten Basic Differences Between the USA and Europe

Turning back to cultural differences. I haven't spent all that much time in Europe, but I do have a favorable impression of a lot of areas there. I particularly like English villages.
  • But I do see some trends among Americans that I dislike:
  • Being too damned loud. Some Americans seem to have trouble modulating their voices.
  • Being bombastic, and failing to remember that other people should have a turn to speak, while one who has already spoken or is waiting to speak should sit and take their turn at listening.
  • Being unfamiliar with some of the basics of "American culture" and our institutions, like our Constitution and our great authors and musicians, while talking up these things that they know nothing about.
  • Being, frankly, physically uncoordinated and sort of dumpy and sloppily dressed.
  • Being unwilling to try anything new.
  • Showing a lack of imagination and appreciation of imagination.
End of rant for now. I'm a sort of quiet person (although known to dance at concerts), and I like to read, hold long conversations about interesting things, and I love people with a quietly deadly sense of humor, so I'm filtering this through my own tastes and experiences. I know that I sometimes buy into the stereotype that Europeans are somehow better at these things.
I agree with you.
I think it has alot to do with how kids are raised in America.
Not to mention the fact that just about every kid in America is watching the garbage that passes for entertainment on our televisions.
American kids are being raised by our flat-panel TVs.
They're emulating the fools and sexual deviants that pass as actors living in Hollywood.

I spent several years overseas, living in Germany and other countries.
Most over there felt I was a native....till I started talking.
I never had any problem fitting in.
Mainly because I learned to talk and act like the locals.

I would agree with you except that I find that many of the people at whom I directed my criticism are in the age 40-to-70s range, being loud, cursing, interrupting, etc., so poor childrearing started well before this contemporary age that you reference, before there were cell phones and flat-screen TVs.
The only people who can make a success or failure of a family and child-raising are its two adult heads, both partners.The onus should not be on the woman, when they are both present.

Your statement about people and their genitalia is just plain grossly disgusting, totally shallow, and reflects a repulsive notion that women are somehow less than men and the man is marrying an inferior being.

It also reflects an attitude that sex is somehow dirty and shameful. Many Americans seem to feel this way, as do their counterparts in the Middle East. I wish that these people would not try so hard to wreck heterosexual relationships.

If you love and respect a person, you accept who he or she is currently, which involves the sum total of their past experiences. If one cannot accept this simple concept, this person has no respect and should not marry.
People who’ve had sex with other people before marriage tend to have sex with others after marriage too.

And they divorce at higher rates.

We seem to have veered off the cultural differences:

Ten Basic Differences Between the USA and Europe

Turning back to cultural differences. I haven't spent all that much time in Europe, but I do have a favorable impression of a lot of areas there. I particularly like English villages.
  • But I do see some trends among Americans that I dislike:
  • Being too damned loud. Some Americans seem to have trouble modulating their voices.
  • Being bombastic, and failing to remember that other people should have a turn to speak, while one who has already spoken or is waiting to speak should sit and take their turn at listening.
  • Being unfamiliar with some of the basics of "American culture" and our institutions, like our Constitution and our great authors and musicians, while talking up these things that they know nothing about.
  • Being, frankly, physically uncoordinated and sort of dumpy and sloppily dressed.
  • Being unwilling to try anything new.
  • Showing a lack of imagination and appreciation of imagination.
End of rant for now. I'm a sort of quiet person (although known to dance at concerts), and I like to read, hold long conversations about interesting things, and I love people with a quietly deadly sense of humor, so I'm filtering this through my own tastes and experiences. I know that I sometimes buy into the stereotype that Europeans are somehow better at these things.
I agree with you.
I think it has alot to do with how kids are raised in America.
Not to mention the fact that just about every kid in America is watching the garbage that passes for entertainment on our televisions.
American kids are being raised by our flat-panel TVs.
They're emulating the fools and sexual deviants that pass as actors living in Hollywood.

I spent several years overseas, living in Germany and other countries.
Most over there felt I was a native....till I started talking.
I never had any problem fitting in.
Mainly because I learned to talk and act like the locals.

I would agree with you except that I find that many of the people at whom I directed my criticism are in the age 40-to-70s range, being loud, cursing, interrupting, etc., so poor childrearing started well before this contemporary age that you reference, before there were cell phones and flat-screen TVs.
And you don't think that adults are susceptible to this as well?
Children are easy to trick and mislead.....adults are more difficult....but the truth is....this conditioning has been going on in America for quite a long least 40 years......only recently has it become obvious.
People who’ve had sex with other people before marriage tend to have sex with others after marriage too.

And they divorce at higher rates.

We seem to have veered off the cultural differences:

Ten Basic Differences Between the USA and Europe

Turning back to cultural differences. I haven't spent all that much time in Europe, but I do have a favorable impression of a lot of areas there. I particularly like English villages.
  • But I do see some trends among Americans that I dislike:
  • Being too damned loud. Some Americans seem to have trouble modulating their voices.
  • Being bombastic, and failing to remember that other people should have a turn to speak, while one who has already spoken or is waiting to speak should sit and take their turn at listening.
  • Being unfamiliar with some of the basics of "American culture" and our institutions, like our Constitution and our great authors and musicians, while talking up these things that they know nothing about.
  • Being, frankly, physically uncoordinated and sort of dumpy and sloppily dressed.
  • Being unwilling to try anything new.
  • Showing a lack of imagination and appreciation of imagination.
End of rant for now. I'm a sort of quiet person (although known to dance at concerts), and I like to read, hold long conversations about interesting things, and I love people with a quietly deadly sense of humor, so I'm filtering this through my own tastes and experiences. I know that I sometimes buy into the stereotype that Europeans are somehow better at these things.
I agree with you.
I think it has alot to do with how kids are raised in America.
Not to mention the fact that just about every kid in America is watching the garbage that passes for entertainment on our televisions.
American kids are being raised by our flat-panel TVs.
They're emulating the fools and sexual deviants that pass as actors living in Hollywood.

I spent several years overseas, living in Germany and other countries.
Most over there felt I was a native....till I started talking.
I never had any problem fitting in.
Mainly because I learned to talk and act like the locals.

I would agree with you except that I find that many of the people at whom I directed my criticism are in the age 40-to-70s range, being loud, cursing, interrupting, etc., so poor childrearing started well before this contemporary age that you reference, before there were cell phones and flat-screen TVs.
And you don't think that adults are susceptible to this as well?
Children are easy to trick and mislead.....adults are more difficult....but the truth is....this conditioning has been going on in America for quite a long least 40 years......only recently has it become obvious.

BTW, Mudwhistle.

Not that many Germans left in Germany. It's like the United Nations here. One shopping mall is like visiting downtown Cairo.

Every day I hear languages, I don't even know what they are.

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