That Russia thing...funny how it isn't a story anymore. Even the new "bombshell" is a dud....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
There is some story the fake news agencies have tried to promote.....which is getting harder and harder as they keep falling on their asses with their fake stories......some guy says he tried to get some stuff on some guy who maybe was connected to Trump, sort of some way, maybe, kinda.......

and Trump slips through the left's fingers again....

Still No Collusion Evidence

Smith’s desire to obtain the hacked emails, if there were any, peaked around Labor Day 2016 — i.e., during the last weeks of the campaign.

This was many months after the FBI had taken physical custody of Clinton’s homebrew server and other devices containing her e-mails.

It was also two months after the Bureau’s then-director, James Comey, had told the country that the FBI had found no evidence that Clinton had been hacked . . . but that her carelessness about communications security, coupled with the proficiency of hackers in avoiding detection, meant her e-mails could well have been compromised throughout her years as secretary of state.

In other words, Peter W. Smith was one of about 320 million people in the United States who figured that Clinton’s e-mails had been hacked — by Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, the NSA, the latest iteration of “Guccifer,” and maybe even that nerdy kid down at Starbucks with “Feel the Bern” stickers on his laptop.

Besides having no relationship with Trump, Smith also had no relationship with the Russian regime.

Besides not knowing whether the Clinton e-mails were actually hacked, he also had no idea whether the Kremlin or anyone close to Vladimir Putin had obtained the e-mails.

In short, he wouldn’t have been able to tell you whether Trump and Putin were colluding with each other because he wasn’t colluding with either one of them.

But — here comes the blockbuster info — Smith was colluding with Michael Flynn.

Or at least he kinda, sorta was . . . except for, you know, the Journal’s grudging acknowledgement that, well, okay, Smith never actually told the paper that Flynn was involved in what the report calls “Smith’s operation.”


If you’re confused, I’d ordinarily suggest that you go back and read the report a time or two. But life is short and rereading would not much clarify this spaghetti bowl hurled against the wall, in the hope that some of the Flynn sauce might stick.

Read more at: Still No Collusion Evidence
You idiots have been parroting that Limbaugh Lie for 4 months now!

The Russians-Stole-the-Election Meme Vanishes

Mar 9, 2017

RUSH: Say, have you noticed, my friends, that the whole Russians-stole-the-election theme is gone? Have you noticed it’s not out there today? You can’t find a story on it? I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed 'em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone
I think it is pretty interesting as many of the posters here have pointed out....since Comey was fired...the daily leaks have stopped......
Nutbags have convinced themselves that the investigation is over and Trympnhas been cleared. Nothing said by anyone will alter that perception.
The LWNJs are grasping at straws. When one unsubstantiated claim fails they just launch another one to keep the discord going. They act like any sore loser when they don't get their way. Maybe they should hold their breath till they turn blue like the other little children threaten to do.
The bed wetters will NEVER let it go.

They still piss and moan about the 2000 election and parrot the same lies.

Liberalism is the politics of hate and envy though. These people are consumed with hatred, so they will never forgive republicrats for shit they didn't even really do.

Ted Kennedy had a dead women found in his car 8 hours before he calls his lawyers and then reports it. If he had been a republicrat he would have been hounded out of office and possibly to suicide.

He is a HERO to liberals, and I learned recently was quite popular in the USSR.

Go fuckin figure.

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