That Didn't Take long


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
trump has responded to the fact that McCabe has gotten his pension back along with other benefits and the government has to pay his half a million dollar legal bill.

As I predicted when the announcement came out, trump didn't waste much time to throw a hissy fit.

trump has responded to the fact that McCabe has gotten his pension back along with other benefits and the government has to pay his half a million dollar legal bill.

As I predicted when the announcement came out, trump didn't waste much time to throw a hissy fit.

what do you expect when the guy gets caught then get away with it??

what didnt take long is you whining like a little bitch with TDS,,
trump has responded to the fact that McCabe has gotten his pension back along with other benefits and the government has to pay his half a million dollar legal bill.

As I predicted when the announcement came out, trump didn't waste much time to throw a hissy fit.

Trump always gets a bug up his ass when a good guy wins. I'm surprised it took him this long to piss & moan about McCabe beating his ass.
trump has responded to the fact that McCabe has gotten his pension back along with other benefits and the government has to pay his half a million dollar legal bill.

Gee, that Twitter censorship thing isn't working out too well, is it? More and more, everything Trump has to say is making it onto the wire because the sad alternative is sleepy Joe, the has-been stand-in.


And some Trump-dicksucker like you follows his every word!

Thanks for keeping us informed.
Gee, that Twitter censorship thing isn't working out too well, is it? More and more, everything Trump has to say is making it onto the wire because the sad alternative is sleepy Joe, the has-been stand-in.

View attachment 552382

And some Trump-dicksucker like you follows his every word!

Thanks for keeping us informed.
Trump couldn't win a game of billiards with an oponent who was blindfolded.

Now McCabe beat his ass. The Orange Emperor has no clothes.
Trump couldn't win a game of billiards with an oponent who was blindfolded.

Now McCabe beat his ass. The Orange Emperor has no clothes.
well trump beat hilary and also had nothing to do with mccabe getting his buddies to cover for him and get his precious pension back,,,

now dont you feel like an idiot??
well trump beat hilary and also had nothing to do with mccabe getting his buddies to cover for him and get his precious pension back,,,

now dont you feel like an idiot??
Nope. I like the fact that McCabe got his pension back after your boy tried to screw him over because he stood up to the orange ape.

Are you an idiot? You must be for continuing to support a shitheel like Trump who keeps having his ass handed back to him.
Nope. I like the fact that McCabe got his pension back after your boy tried to screw him over because he stood up to the orange ape.

Are you an idiot? You must be for continuing to support a shitheel like Trump who keeps having his ass handed back to him.
jokes on you dumbass,, I didnt vote for trump,, but its sure fun watching you dumbass's make a fool of yourself with your TDS induced rants,,

you said trump cant win anything but yet he beat hilary and got the 2nd highest votes in american history with biden,, so I dont know what youre thinking,,

must be your TDS again,,
jokes on you dumbass,, I didnt vote for trump,, but its sure fun watching you dumbass's make a fool of yourself with your TDS induced rants,,

you said trump cant win anything but yet he beat hilary and got the 2nd highest votes in american history with biden,, so I dont know what youre thinking,,

must be your TDS again,,
45 got the "2nd highest vote in American history with Biden". LMAO!

There's a statement for the history books.
45 got the "2nd highest vote in American history with Biden". LMAO!

There's a statement for the history books.
I could be off a little ,,

but he did beat hilary when you said he couldnt win anything,,

why would you lie when its so easily debunked??
I could be off a little ,,

but he did beat hilary when you said he couldnt win anything,,

why would you lie when its so easily debunked??
Lies are all they have left after Trump debunked their BS and the fake news. Trump whooped Hillary wife of a former POTUS, her husband, Obama, the RINO Bushes, the fake news, the Dem party and a chunk of the RINO Rep party. Trump took them all on and whooped their ass.
That really pissed off the left. After 4 years of 24/7 attacks and lies about the guy with a news blackout on the hundreds of Trump accomplishments he still rallied 70 plus million American patriots!! That's why Dems fear Trump!
trump has responded to the fact that McCabe has gotten his pension back along with other benefits and the government has to pay his half a million dollar legal bill.

As I predicted when the announcement came out, trump didn't waste much time to throw a hissy fit.

So a commie that tried to send Gen. Flynn to prison for lying to the FBI, gets rewarded after being fired for, and admitting to lying to the FBI. Just one more example of the two tiered justice system in the US. We're no better than most banana republics.

So a commie that tried to send Gen. Flynn to prison for lying to the FBI, gets rewarded after being fired for, and admitting to lying to the FBI. Just one more example of the two tiered justice system in the US. We're no better than most banana republics.

I hope the corrupt Washington swamp continues to show the American people just how corrupt they are. Why isn't Biden in jail for selling out to foreign countries?? The Clintons $2B slush fund. The Obama's mansions and umpteen millions of dollars in 'speaking fees' riiiiiiiight. The Pelosi's insider stock trading.

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