Thanks To The NY Times, Pulitzer Prizers Are As Worthless As Nobel Peace Prizes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“They Got a Pulitzer Prize for a Story that was 100% False!” – Lara Logan Slams Trump-Hating Garbage Journalists at NY Times and WaPo

'The far left New York Times admitted this week that its “science and health reporter” Donald McNeil, Jr., went too far this week during an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. During the interview McNeil went on a tear against several members of the Trump administration. The New York Times said they discussed the issue with him.'

Damn, that was rather HARSH, wasn't it? Gee, how many SECONDS did you scold him for GETTING CAUGHT?!

On Wednesday, Lara Logan weighed in on the state of the liberal mainstream media. Lara did not hold back and went as far as saying the Pulitzer winning reporters at The New York Times need to return their awards.

Now, now, Lara - no need for all that. The serious 'talking-to' he received from his Faux News bosses will ensure he never gets caught so easily again...I mean won't ever do it again.


Liberals destroy everything they touch including formerly prestigious awards. The Nobel and Pulitzer prize have been reduced to level of the Cowardly Lion's Medal of Valor.

Who cares what Lara Logan has to say. You have anything else other than Gateway Puke? Gateway Puke is the epitome of fake news propaganda and trash.

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