Thanks to PC Leftards, California is on the Brink of a Hepatitus A Pandemic


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow, so when you let people piss and shit on public streets, have poor trash clean up and let homeless people wander around everywhere they like, you get DISEASE OUTBREAKS.

PC idiots need to earn biology but they wont because they dont give a flying rats ass about anything but the destruction of a once glorious state.

California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic - Breitbart

The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento.
California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months.

Although local and state authorities have tried to underplay the risks and severity of the outbreak, the most recent annual totals for cases of hepatitis A in the United States was 1,390 in 2015, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). California only reported 179 cases during the same year.

The highly-contagious hepatitis A outbreak may have taken root because of the City of San Diego’s efforts in the run-up to Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game held at Petco Park in July 2016 to push the homeless, and the rampant drug and prostitution trade among them, out of the downtown tourist venues. Those effort included locking public bathrooms and essentially relocating the homeless to the congested tent city encampments that stretch for blocks east of downtown near freeway onramps.

Another explanation may be the city’s decision to ban plastic bags, which deprived homeless people of an alternative means of disposing of human waste when bathrooms were not available.

The last major hepatitis A outbreak was 900 cases and 8 deaths in Pennsylvania in 2003. The infected suffer flulike symptoms and jaundice, but the disease can progress to death. Since 1998, national hepatitis A incidence rates had been “progressively lower each year” due to the development of a “safe and effective hepatitis A vaccines in 1995–1996.”

California homeless advocates have been successful across the state in forcing cities to accept the homeless living in large tent communities on public property. The advocates refer to anti-homeless ordinances as the modern-day equivalent to post-slavery Jim Crow and Depression era anti-Okie laws that allowed police to disperse people deemed “undesirable” after dark.

The City of San Diego was forced to sign the Spencer Settlement in 2006, which forbids its Police Department from enforcing the city’s “Illegal Lodging Enforcement Guidelines” between the hours of 9 pm to 5:30 am.​
Thank you for explaining the truth ^^^

Tuberculosis is already will be leprosy ....

that just for starters

poor Cali poor idiots over there.:dunno:
Thank you for explaining the truth ^^^
Tuberculosis is already will be leprosy ....
that just for starters
poor Cali poor idiots over there.:dunno:

They get what they vote for.
Wow, so when you let people piss and shit on public streets, have poor trash clean up and let homeless people wander around everywhere they like, you get DISEASE OUTBREAKS.

PC idiots need to earn biology but they wont because they dont give a flying rats ass about anything but the destruction of a once glorious state.

California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic - Breitbart

The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento.
California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months.

Although local and state authorities have tried to underplay the risks and severity of the outbreak, the most recent annual totals for cases of hepatitis A in the United States was 1,390 in 2015, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). California only reported 179 cases during the same year.

The highly-contagious hepatitis A outbreak may have taken root because of the City of San Diego’s efforts in the run-up to Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game held at Petco Park in July 2016 to push the homeless, and the rampant drug and prostitution trade among them, out of the downtown tourist venues. Those effort included locking public bathrooms and essentially relocating the homeless to the congested tent city encampments that stretch for blocks east of downtown near freeway onramps.

Another explanation may be the city’s decision to ban plastic bags, which deprived homeless people of an alternative means of disposing of human waste when bathrooms were not available.

The last major hepatitis A outbreak was 900 cases and 8 deaths in Pennsylvania in 2003. The infected suffer flulike symptoms and jaundice, but the disease can progress to death. Since 1998, national hepatitis A incidence rates had been “progressively lower each year” due to the development of a “safe and effective hepatitis A vaccines in 1995–1996.”

California homeless advocates have been successful across the state in forcing cities to accept the homeless living in large tent communities on public property. The advocates refer to anti-homeless ordinances as the modern-day equivalent to post-slavery Jim Crow and Depression era anti-Okie laws that allowed police to disperse people deemed “undesirable” after dark.

The City of San Diego was forced to sign the Spencer Settlement in 2006, which forbids its Police Department from enforcing the city’s “Illegal Lodging Enforcement Guidelines” between the hours of 9 pm to 5:30 am.​

Right, so it happens because there are shit loads of homeless people. Maybe a lot of them made homeless because of Bush's policies causing a major economic recession AND fucking over a lot of people and rewarding the banks with cheap houses to sell.
How wise was it to ban plastic bags?
How does the word 'wise' ever belong in the same sentence with the word 'California'?
Good point.

While it's okay where I live now, when I lived in West LA, it was awful. Men and women would be shuffling along Wilshire Blvd. Then squat, dump, piss, then just walk on their way. People would just be walking by like it was nothing.

When that shit plops on a hot sidewalk in the hot sun it dries, then you breathe it as fecal dust. The dust settles over everything. It's in your home, it's in your food. It's dust.
Thank you for explaining the truth ^^^
Tuberculosis is already will be leprosy ....
that just for starters
poor Cali poor idiots over there.:dunno:

They get what they vote for.

James and I lived in a little town down the street from Shasta Lake. Northern Cali has always been beaten down and out voted by that vermin infested southern Cali.
It was getting wretched to live there towards the end of our time there. I always said I would adore living in Cali if only it weren't Cali. Beauty place to take drives, hikes and camping trips in.
Redding is now like a bad movie to live in. Cars stolen and abandoned everywhere. Crime at huge levels. You're almost on your own and you best be prepared. It's like the fuckin zombie apocalypse now with dirty corrupt gang thugs and the homeless all ready to steal what you got and bite out your eyeballs for good measure
I think it should be illegal for anyone to piss and shit on the street. Of course, I believe in government.

Well the government doesn't believe in you. It IS illegal to piss and shit in public. But due to over loaded jail conditions and other factors, you can pretty much take a dump on a park bench (if they aren't stolen) and smoke a joint while doing it right next to a cop. You'll likely get shooed away with no repercussions
How wise was it to ban plastic bags?

When we left in 2015 they were just charging for them. I made cloth ones.

Plastic bags really are a menace though. I hated using them long before I knew they put mma choke holds on turtles and such.
Y'all think I'm an idiot, eh? Well, I didn't vote for what we have now and as much as I would like to move, I can't.
Redding does indeed suck. Chico is almost as sucky but not quite. Oroville is a dump from what I have seen of it. I like it here in the mountains though. Haven't seen any homeless people at all. Methheads, yes. Homeless, no. And 95% are caucasian conservatives. Lots of churches. Gun toters. In short..rednecks. But...I don't have a choice. And it beats southern California and a mushroomy RV or my van although I could live in my van if it was just me.
Wow, so when you let people piss and shit on public streets, have poor trash clean up and let homeless people wander around everywhere they like, you get DISEASE OUTBREAKS.

PC idiots need to earn biology but they wont because they dont give a flying rats ass about anything but the destruction of a once glorious state.

California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic - Breitbart

The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento.
California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months.

Although local and state authorities have tried to underplay the risks and severity of the outbreak, the most recent annual totals for cases of hepatitis A in the United States was 1,390 in 2015, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). California only reported 179 cases during the same year.

The highly-contagious hepatitis A outbreak may have taken root because of the City of San Diego’s efforts in the run-up to Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game held at Petco Park in July 2016 to push the homeless, and the rampant drug and prostitution trade among them, out of the downtown tourist venues. Those effort included locking public bathrooms and essentially relocating the homeless to the congested tent city encampments that stretch for blocks east of downtown near freeway onramps.

Another explanation may be the city’s decision to ban plastic bags, which deprived homeless people of an alternative means of disposing of human waste when bathrooms were not available.

The last major hepatitis A outbreak was 900 cases and 8 deaths in Pennsylvania in 2003. The infected suffer flulike symptoms and jaundice, but the disease can progress to death. Since 1998, national hepatitis A incidence rates had been “progressively lower each year” due to the development of a “safe and effective hepatitis A vaccines in 1995–1996.”

California homeless advocates have been successful across the state in forcing cities to accept the homeless living in large tent communities on public property. The advocates refer to anti-homeless ordinances as the modern-day equivalent to post-slavery Jim Crow and Depression era anti-Okie laws that allowed police to disperse people deemed “undesirable” after dark.

The City of San Diego was forced to sign the Spencer Settlement in 2006, which forbids its Police Department from enforcing the city’s “Illegal Lodging Enforcement Guidelines” between the hours of 9 pm to 5:30 am.​
Of course, all those rich white uber liberals don't actually LIVE with illegals. In a barrio, so they don't hear all our voices They hear what THEY want. Then there's people like me (lived among wetters for over 25 years) are oft quoted as being ignorant and regarded as racist. Damn , we get get rich white elitists exploiting illegal aliens telling us otherwise lowly underlings how much harder their newly found neoslaves from Mexico work. I live with Mexicans, 8 out ten of then just drink and stand around and do NOTHING. I see masses of disposed homeless Americans and it make me sick. I live with mexicans living stuffed 15 people in home, section 8, all to aid Mexicans here illegally. It's time to end that. And our beloved politicians need to hear US. ALL of us.
Last edited: bags or bathrooms available DOES make it hard for the homeless to dispose of their waste. Can't go in a business and use theirs..they will kick you out. Being homeless is difficult. How does one wash up and clean up? Grocery stores usually don't mind if you use theirs but to really clean yourself, you need at least 10 minutes. That usually doesn't go over very well.
The homeless need those portable johns construction people use. The city could have it emptied once a month. Have a spare one that has water available..or a hose. Washing your hair and your body with a water hose is doable. Yet...they won't. Instead, they wil bitch about the homeless and out of sight is out of mind until diseases start showing up.

Meh. Just talking about it depresses me.
Wow, so when you let people piss and shit on public streets, have poor trash clean up and let homeless people wander around everywhere they like, you get DISEASE OUTBREAKS.

PC idiots need to earn biology but they wont because they dont give a flying rats ass about anything but the destruction of a once glorious state.

California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic - Breitbart

The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento.
California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months.

Although local and state authorities have tried to underplay the risks and severity of the outbreak, the most recent annual totals for cases of hepatitis A in the United States was 1,390 in 2015, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). California only reported 179 cases during the same year.

The highly-contagious hepatitis A outbreak may have taken root because of the City of San Diego’s efforts in the run-up to Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game held at Petco Park in July 2016 to push the homeless, and the rampant drug and prostitution trade among them, out of the downtown tourist venues. Those effort included locking public bathrooms and essentially relocating the homeless to the congested tent city encampments that stretch for blocks east of downtown near freeway onramps.

Another explanation may be the city’s decision to ban plastic bags, which deprived homeless people of an alternative means of disposing of human waste when bathrooms were not available.

The last major hepatitis A outbreak was 900 cases and 8 deaths in Pennsylvania in 2003. The infected suffer flulike symptoms and jaundice, but the disease can progress to death. Since 1998, national hepatitis A incidence rates had been “progressively lower each year” due to the development of a “safe and effective hepatitis A vaccines in 1995–1996.”

California homeless advocates have been successful across the state in forcing cities to accept the homeless living in large tent communities on public property. The advocates refer to anti-homeless ordinances as the modern-day equivalent to post-slavery Jim Crow and Depression era anti-Okie laws that allowed police to disperse people deemed “undesirable” after dark.

The City of San Diego was forced to sign the Spencer Settlement in 2006, which forbids its Police Department from enforcing the city’s “Illegal Lodging Enforcement Guidelines” between the hours of 9 pm to 5:30 am.​

Right, so it happens because there are shit loads of homeless people. Maybe a lot of them made homeless because of Bush's policies causing a major economic recession AND fucking over a lot of people and rewarding the banks with cheap houses to sell.

Northern CA has had a yuuuuge problem with the homeless, the dangerous camps, pan handling, drugs... All the problems inherent in having a large population of homeless people around long before Bush came along. Cali could be rich instead of bankrupt if they weren't so fucking stupid.
I volunteered a lot in my years there. I'd go I to Redding and work in the soup kitchen, the shelter, the clothing shop, helping to clean up the incredible filth left behind in abandoned camps... wherever.

I got to know a lot of them and their reasons given for their predicament were as varied as brands of cold cereal. Never heard them say it was Bush's fault though. bags or bathrooms available DOES make it hard for the homeless to dispose of their waste. Can't go in a business and use theirs..they will kick you out. Being homeless is difficult. How does one wash up and clean up? Grocery stores usually don't mind if you use theirs but to really clean yourself, you need at least 10 minutes. That usually doesn't go over very well.
The homeless need those portable johns construction people use. The city could have it emptied once a month. Have a spare one that has water available..or a hose. Washing your hair and your body with a water hose is doable. Yet...they won't. Instead, they wil bitch about the homeless and out of sight is out of mind until diseases start showing up.

Meh. Just talking about it depresses me.

i totally agree which is why I think the ruination of California is deliberate by the powers that be there.

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