Thanks, Joe: Gas Prices Hit 7-Year High, Stations Run Out of Fuel Going Into 4th of July Weekend

Has Biden thanked Trump for the vaccine yet?

Have you been injected with the vaccine yet?

Yes. Did you thank Trump for the vaccine?

No. Why should I? I do thank Pfizer, though.

Because Pfizer would never have been to roll it out if Trump hadn't ordered his staff to streamline the process.

So have you thanked Trump for saving your family?

Get your facts straight, imbecile. Pfizer had zero to do with US regulations, Warp Speed, or any other Trump bullshit you want to throw. They did it over in Germany all on their own, and didn't take a penny from Trump.

Trump began wearing diapers when he was on Celebrity Apprentice.

Wow, I hope you didn't quit your job yet, Don Rickles. I'd rethink your plan. Anyway, I will give you a pity rimshot

The crew of Celebrity Apprentice said Trump wore diapers.

All any left wing nut job has to do is make an accusation and you report it as fact. Your are totally owned by fake news.

You need the diaper

You mean the film crew on the set of Celebrity Apprentice? I don't know a thing about their politics.

Note your lack of links. That's because if you google it, it's an accusation only.

Which to you fake new worshippers = fact.

Then when Biden is on TV unable to walk up steps or repeatedly saying overt racist and delusional shit, it never happened.

You have no brain of your own, you just worship fake news

Trump has NEVER been on the second floor of the WH. He doesn't do stairs.

Trump never climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor of the ...
Jun 28, 2021 · Trump never once walked up the stairs to the second floor of the West Wing offices, a new book said. Working on the second floor "meant a degree …

The TDS is just searing, huh? You need to go to the emergency room at this point. Seriously, go. Is there someone who can drive you?

trump d*ck sucking, eh?

All day, all night for that Fake Libertarian.
Biden and Dems fuck over the poor and middle class again. Meanwhile asshole Dems in my state increased taxes to $30.25 per carton of cigarettes screwing over the poor again. Only rich white people can smoke, poor blacks are DEM PUNISHED with taxes.

Has Biden thanked Trump for the vaccine yet?

Have you been injected with the vaccine yet?

Yes. Did you thank Trump for the vaccine?

No. Why should I? I do thank Pfizer, though.

Because Pfizer would never have been to roll it out if Trump hadn't ordered his staff to streamline the process.

So have you thanked Trump for saving your family?

Get your facts straight, imbecile. Pfizer had zero to do with US regulations, Warp Speed, or any other Trump bullshit you want to throw. They did it over in Germany all on their own, and didn't take a penny from Trump.

I didn't say anything about money, talk about you being an imbecile.

Trump got the FDA to approve the drug in less than a year. That was amazing in government time.

Have you thanked Trump for it?

Trump began wearing diapers when he was on Celebrity Apprentice.

Wow, I hope you didn't quit your job yet, Don Rickles. I'd rethink your plan. Anyway, I will give you a pity rimshot

The crew of Celebrity Apprentice said Trump wore diapers.

All any left wing nut job has to do is make an accusation and you report it as fact. Your are totally owned by fake news.

You need the diaper

You mean the film crew on the set of Celebrity Apprentice? I don't know a thing about their politics.

Note your lack of links. That's because if you google it, it's an accusation only.

Which to you fake new worshippers = fact.

Then when Biden is on TV unable to walk up steps or repeatedly saying overt racist and delusional shit, it never happened.

You have no brain of your own, you just worship fake news

Trump has NEVER been on the second floor of the WH. He doesn't do stairs.

Trump never climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor of the ...
Jun 28, 2021 · Trump never once walked up the stairs to the second floor of the West Wing offices, a new book said. Working on the second floor "meant a degree …

The TDS is just searing, huh? You need to go to the emergency room at this point. Seriously, go. Is there someone who can drive you?

trump d*ck sucking, eh?

All day, all night for that Fake Libertarian.

I'm not a Libertarian and I never said I was. I'm a libertarian. Though at least you admit that political parties are all you care about. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the 3rd grade. I know, I know, hindsight is 20/20.

Funny how you can never tell me any of my views that aren't libertarian. Your bull shit is hollow without it.

Then you're not a liberal, I am. You're a leftist. I can give you examples. You don't support free speech, only left speech. You are a fascist who supports silencing your opposition with threats, intimidation and violence. You want a repressive government that robs it's own citizens and redistributes money. Those are all leftists, they are not libertarian.
You don't support free speech, only left speech
Dumbass. I support all free speech. I just don't support consequence-free speech.

You have a right to say it. You are not shielded from repercussions because of what you say.

If you support leftist speech, then why haven't I ever seen you speak up and say that in any of the threads where the rest of the leftists were advocating silencing it?

Here's the trick. Believing in free speech means you don't just support you agree with. See how it works? You don't, do you? Be honest
I don't know why Trumpers are complaining about gas prices on 4th of July weekend. This holiday is not for you. It's for patriotic Americans.

You love America like a parasite loves its host.

Gas is dirt cheap in this country, it always has been. I can drive 350 miles 20 or 30 bucks? That's cheap as hell. I've never complained about gas prices for either party.

I do object to you morons demanding we fund bad governments by importing oil when we could develop it here, but gas prices are not a problem
You don't support free speech, only left speech
Dumbass. I support all free speech. I just don't support consequence-free speech.

You have a right to say it. You are not shielded from repercussions because of what you say.

If you support leftist speech, then why haven't I ever seen you speak up and say that in any of the threads where the rest of the leftists were advocating silencing it?

Here's the trick. Believing in free speech means you don't just support you agree with. See how it works? You don't, do you? Be honest
Point out just ONE of those threads. And no bullshit about Trump being kicked off social media due to him violating their platform rules.
You don't support free speech, only left speech
Dumbass. I support all free speech. I just don't support consequence-free speech.

You have a right to say it. You are not shielded from repercussions because of what you say.

If you support leftist speech, then why haven't I ever seen you speak up and say that in any of the threads where the rest of the leftists were advocating silencing it?

Here's the trick. Believing in free speech means you don't just support you agree with. See how it works? You don't, do you? Be honest
Point out just ONE of those threads. And no bullshit about Trump being kicked off social media due to him violating their platform rules.

I have no problem with Trump being kicked off their platform for violating their rules.

The problem is that you're a corporatist who demands that a company get legal shielding from being held accountable by their customers. Why should a company get immunity from lawsuits, fascist?

Trump began wearing diapers when he was on Celebrity Apprentice.

Wow, I hope you didn't quit your job yet, Don Rickles. I'd rethink your plan. Anyway, I will give you a pity rimshot

The crew of Celebrity Apprentice said Trump wore diapers.

All any left wing nut job has to do is make an accusation and you report it as fact. Your are totally owned by fake news.

You need the diaper

You mean the film crew on the set of Celebrity Apprentice? I don't know a thing about their politics.

Note your lack of links. That's because if you google it, it's an accusation only.

Which to you fake new worshippers = fact.

Then when Biden is on TV unable to walk up steps or repeatedly saying overt racist and delusional shit, it never happened.

You have no brain of your own, you just worship fake news

Trump has NEVER been on the second floor of the WH. He doesn't do stairs.

Trump never climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor of the ...
Jun 28, 2021 · Trump never once walked up the stairs to the second floor of the West Wing offices, a new book said. Working on the second floor "meant a degree …

The TDS is just searing, huh? You need to go to the emergency room at this point. Seriously, go. Is there someone who can drive you?

trump d*ck sucking, eh?

All day, all night for that Fake Libertarian.

I'm not a Libertarian and I never said I was. I'm a libertarian. Though at least you admit that political parties are all you care about. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the 3rd grade. I know, I know, hindsight is 20/20.

Funny how you can never tell me any of my views that aren't libertarian. Your bull shit is hollow without it.

Then you're not a liberal, I am. You're a leftist. I can give you examples. You don't support free speech, only left speech. You are a fascist who supports silencing your opposition with threats, intimidation and violence. You want a repressive government that robs it's own citizens and redistributes money. Those are all leftists, they are not libertarian.

Synthia: You're not a Libertarian (sic) kaz

kaz: For example ...

Synthia: {runs and hides}

So look dude, I'm trying to be offended, I really am. But a leftist saying I'm not actually a Libertarian (sic) in broken English then running away when I ask for examples? I need some help. I just can't reach offended, sorry
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

In 2018 gas was over $3.00/gallon. Guess who was POTUS in 2018, fucktwit. Now raaaaaaaant!
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

In 2018 gas was over $3.00/gallon. Guess who was POTUS in 2018, fucktwit. Now raaaaaaaant!

So when gas prices are over $3 a gallon you'll blame Biden? I mean you're not a total hypocrite, right?
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

But you'll save $0.16 on your BBQ this year!


Just don't look behind the curtain...

I don't know why Trumpers are complaining about gas prices on 4th of July weekend. This holiday is not for you. It's for patriotic Americans.
Your side are the ones that freak out at the sight of the American flag.

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