Thank you to our military people


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
On this Memorial Day weekend I want to thank all those who serve in the military and all those who have served in the military, no matter where you are in your politics.

[ame=]YouTube - Dance Party in Iraq[/ame]
Amen to that... :salute:

I never joined the military, an embarrassment to be sure.

My son joined the Army and through his travels and tribulations, it's become an amazement to me how much these Guys and Gals have to put up with from civilians, the military and the government jerking them around.

All that and the fact that their willing to put their lives, their futures, their very souls on the line for the thankless multitudes of American citizens as well as the ones that truly understand.

Although, I'm not in that group that truly understand, I honor these Guys and Gals 365 days a year, far above all other Americans because they have earned it, the rest of us, we take it for granted in varying degrees.
:salute: I want to thank all of those who now serve and have served in past conflicts and wars. However, I find myself feeling very sad about the thousands who have and will die in vain during the current conflicts, much the same as those who died in vain during the Vietnam War, because when all is said and done, life will go on as it has in that region for thousands of years. :neutral:
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Thanks to all service men and women, past and present for your sevice. This is why we are free.
Memorial Day. :clap2::clap2::clap2: Thanks to all who served the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia. and anyone else who I may have forgotten. You have my un- dying gratitude. :salute:
Thanks guys.... and girls.... Y'all rock - no matter what flag you serve under.... if you're on our side.
My father served for 26 years in the Navy. I served for 20 years in the Navy but my service is small compared to others who have served before me or even now. I appreciate the things members of the military have sacrificed to make life a little better for the rest of us. I particularly remember the phrase today more than any other because it's Memorial Day:

"All gave some. Some gave all."

Thank you veterans. I appreciate you.
VA estimates that 107,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. Over the course of a year, approximately twice that many experience homelessness. Only eight percent of the general population can claim veteran status, but nearly one-fifth of the homeless population are veterans.

What can I do?
  • Determine the need in your community. Visit with homeless veteran providers. Contact your mayor’s office for a list of providers, or search the NCHV database.
  • Involve others. If you are not already part of an organization, align yourself with a few other people who are interested in attacking this issue.
  • Participate in local homeless coalitions. Chances are, there is one in your community. If not, this could be the time to bring people together around this critical need.
  • Make a donation to your local homeless veteran provider.
  • Contact your elected officials. Discuss what is being done in your community for homeless veterans.

Speaking as a FORMERLY (and thanks be to God) briefly homeless veteran, myself, I have to tell you that I hear a lot of talk about how much people appreciate the vets, but didn't find that the help out there remotely matched the lofty sentiments I read in places like these.

How easy it is to say that we're enternally grateful, and yet how seldomly I see that gratitude playing out in the real world.

Fucking sunshine patriotism and chickenhawks are always the first people to say how much they appreciate the military, naturally.

But when it comes down to actually doing something real, they're mostly blowing smoke up their own deluded asses.

To all the US military verterans .... Thank you for your service.... and to all those who have fallen in the name of Freedom... GOD BLESS YOU! Your sacrifice is not forgotten.


A little out of season but...

[ame=]YouTube - A Soldier's Night Before Christmas[/ame]

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