Thank God it wasn't the bakeries!

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

Everyone is apprehensive about the fact that the meat processors are shutting down. While this is an important part of the food industry and especially essential for young children and the infirm who require lots of protein in their diets. I think a bigger concern might be the industry that produces bread and other products that require flour. In other words our bakeries. Think about it...

...No bread for your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. No buns for your hamburgers and hot dogs. No garlic bread for your chili or spaghetti meals. No rolls to go with that chicken, ham, or pot roast. No toast to sop up the egg yoke at breakfast or to make a BLT with. No grilled cheese or other kind of sandwiches because there's no bread in the house. Life will seem to come to a screeching halt without bread!!!

I mean really I have a freezer full of various cuts of meat. I can live without having to buy meat for a few months until they come back online. On the other hand bread just doesn't store well and the times I've tried to make a nice loaf of bread from scratch that could be used for toast or sandwiches it just doesn't stay together like the store bought loaves.

As I see it if the bakeries start closing down because of this Covid crap we're screwed!


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Everyone is apprehensive about the fact that the meat processors are shutting down. While this is an important part of the industry and especially essential for young children and the infirm who require lots of protein in their diets. I think a bigger concern might be the industry that produces bread and other products that require flour. In other words our bakeries. Think about it...

...No bread for your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. No buns for your hamburgers and hot dogs. No garlic bread for your chili or spaghetti meals. No rolls to go with that chicken, ham, or pot roast. No toast to sop up the egg yoke at breakfast or to make a BLT with. No grilled cheese or other kind of sandwiches because there's no bread in the house. Life will seem to come to a screeching halt without bread!!!

I mean really I have a freezer full of various cuts of meat. I can live without having to buy meat for a few months until they come back online. On the other hand bread just doesn't store well and the times I've tried to make a nice loaf of bread from scratch that could be used for toast or sandwiches it just doesn't stay together like the store bought loaves.

As I see it if the bakeries start closing down because of this Covid crap we're screwed!

Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 1.09.23 PM.png

Japan hasn't shut anything down (their constitution won't allow them) and the largest, most densely packed city Tokyo, where public transportation is packed, has only had 19 Covid deaths.
New York City: 17,000.
No problem there. I can just wear the same socks for two weeks and grow that between my toes.

I'm not eating bread today.
That clinches it.

Well ain't that the way they do it in France? Then you take the socks and make cheese in them. Sock cheese is a delicacy there.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong. :04:
No problem there. I can just wear the same socks for two weeks and grow that between my toes.

I'm not eating bread today.
That clinches it.

Well ain't that the way they do it in France? Then you take the socks and make cheese in them. Sock cheese is a delicacy there.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong. :04:
Yeah. Same reason I don'r drink old European wine or smoke Afgani hashish.
Japan hasn't shut anything down (their constitution won't allow them)…

Out Constitution doesn't allow it, either.

A huge problem in our country is that our government is infested, at all levels, with subhuman pieces of shit who have no qualms about violating our Constitution with impunity, and who rarely face any adverse consequences for so doing.

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