Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

So much for state rights!

Indeed.....not illegals' rights. Don't believe me? Ask Mexico about the rights of illegal immigrants violating Mexico's autonomy.
Look! Another person who wants to model how we do things in the U.S. on Mexico!


the left wants us to pattern our health care after Europe, but get upset when we want to pattern our immigration laws after Mexico?

So much for state rights!

Indeed.....not illegals' rights. Don't believe me? Ask Mexico about the rights of illegal immigrants violating Mexico's autonomy.

You want America to model itself after Mexico?

Mexican Immigration Laws only. To model ourselves after Mexico holistically would mean elimination of a middle class, a true, locked-in 1 percent elite, and mass poor. Socialists and Fascists have disdain for the middle class. We don't want that.
Do not forget that the RussianW wants to model our education system after Mexico also.
So much for state rights!

Indeed.....not illegals' rights. Don't believe me? Ask Mexico about the rights of illegal immigrants violating Mexico's autonomy.
Look! Another person who wants to model how we do things in the U.S. on Mexico!


the left wants us to pattern our health care after Europe, but get upset when we want to pattern our immigration laws after Mexico?

So you admit that you DO want us to pattern our immigration laws after Mexico.

So much for state rights!

Indeed.....not illegals' rights. Don't believe me? Ask Mexico about the rights of illegal immigrants violating Mexico's autonomy.
Look! Another person who wants to model how we do things in the U.S. on Mexico!


the left wants us to pattern our health care after Europe, but get upset when we want to pattern our immigration laws after Mexico?

So you admit that you DO want us to pattern our immigration laws after Mexico.


Why not?

They don't put up with it.

Neither should we
So much for state rights!

It's the state doing the prosecuting. I think that's pretty much states rights.
The state can't prosecute counties and municipal governments for not enforcing immigration laws. If they do, the USSC decision on A.L.E.C., the controversial Arizona immigration law, will be put forth as precedent.

There are 5 conservative judges on the Supreme Court now.

Not quite. There are 4 plus a swing vote

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So much for state rights!

Actually in most States sovereignty flows from the State governments down, via various home rule provisions in the State's own constitution. This is unlike the federal constitution, where there are strict two way relations between the States and the Federal Government.

A person is a citizen of the United States, and of the State in which they reside, they are not technically a citizen of the county or city they live in.
Yeah, good luck with that.

It depends on how "home rule" of local municipalities is handled in the Texas Constitution. One is a citizen of one's State, (and of the United States), one is not a citizen of ones town, county or other local designation.

If certain powers are reserved to the State governments, or not expressly given to localities via home rule laws, then Texas may have a pretty strong case to gun for the locals if they don't play nice.
Yeah, good luck with that.

It depends on how "home rule" of local municipalities is handled in the Texas Constitution. One is a citizen of one's State, (and of the United States), one is not a citizen of ones town, county or other local designation.

If certain powers are reserved to the State governments, or not expressly given to localities via home rule laws, then Texas may have a pretty strong case to gun for the locals if they don't play nice.
States have no authority over immigration since 1808. Our Drug War is worse; yet, the right wing doesn't complain about that as much.
Let's see, Federal authorities thought a quirky Christian sect was violating the law by legally sending for legal pamphlets that described gunsmithing ways to use rusty old WW2 junk. The Feds interpreted it as a crime and the media drummed up the allegations and president Clinton finally authorized the use of tanks and poison gas to incinerate 80 men, women and children based on ludicrous claims of violating obscure federal laws. Today we have American cities obviously and deliberately violating federal immigration laws and thumbing their noses at the federal government and the MSM seems to support their views during a republican administration..

Those two situations have nothing to do with each other .

Did the Feds force local PD to rush the compound ?
No the FEDs did it they fired loads of tear gas canisters into a wooden building they KNEW was prepped with gasoline and had how many children in it? And yet in the 90 day siege not one person left the compound no one fired on any of the Feds or air ships and there was no danger they would do so or get out, they were no danger to any one. Yet Clinton authorized their murder and the murder of how many children again?
You're a Nazi douche bag. Waco is the FBI and BATF's fault. No one would have been incinerated if they had left Koresh and his people alone. The fact is undeniable.

So now you like pedos? Good on you Bri...
There is and was ZERO evidence that any children were molested at Waco that was a false flag started by Janet Reno to cover up their stupidity in attacking the place.
You're a Nazi douche bag. Waco is the FBI and BATF's fault. No one would have been incinerated if they had left Koresh and his people alone. The fact is undeniable.

So now you like pedos? Good on you Bri...
There is and was ZERO evidence that any children were molested at Waco that was a false flag started by Janet Reno to cover up their stupidity in attacking the place.

I didn't know the BATF and the FBI were doing the job of Social Services now. The warrant they brought said nothing about children being molested.

When the Waco incineration defenders bring up that sleazy argument, it's proof they know they're on the wrong side of the issue. They are servile bootlickers who will defend the government no matter what crimes it commits.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."
Weeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaa! Texas leads the way again!
There is and was ZERO evidence that any children were molested at Waco that was a false flag started by Janet Reno to cover up their stupidity in attacking the place.

Either way, he should have gone quietly. He chose not to. It's on him. If the ATF etc were acting above their brief he could have sued. He chose not. It's on him. The US is a land of laws. Some of them are good. Some bad. However, whether you like it or not law enforcement officers from all branches of the law have been entrusted to uphold and enact US laws. Does this make law enforcement perfect? Not by a long shot. And when they act outside that brief, you sue. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples where US law enforcement offices and officials have been successfully sued. Some officers have even gone to prison. He armed himself to the teeth - just like that moron at Ruby Ridge - and got what he got. It's on him. End of story.
There is and was ZERO evidence that any children were molested at Waco that was a false flag started by Janet Reno to cover up their stupidity in attacking the place.

Either way, he should have gone quietly. He chose not to. It's on him. If the ATF etc were acting above their brief he could have sued. He chose not. It's on him. The US is a land of laws. Some of them are good. Some bad. However, whether you like it or not law enforcement officers from all branches of the law have been entrusted to uphold and enact US laws. Does this make law enforcement perfect? Not by a long shot. And when they act outside that brief, you sue. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples where US law enforcement offices and officials have been successfully sued. Some officers have even gone to prison. He armed himself to the teeth - just like that moron at Ruby Ridge - and got what he got. It's on him. End of story.
He didn't choose anything, hosebag. Those BATF clowns opened fire before they even opened the door.

You can't sue when you're dead because some BATF thug shot you.

You're fucking NAZI douche bag.

Tell us again how those children had to be incinerated because Koresh was molesting them. I'm still laughing about that, pig.

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