Texas jury rules against divorced dad trying to stop 7-year-old son’s gender transition


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
A Texas jury has ruled against a dad seeking custody of his twin 7-year-old sons in his attempt to stop one of the boys from transitioning his gender.

The Dallas panel denied Jeffrey Younger’s petition for sole custody of sons Jude and James — which came as the boys’ mom is pushing for James to begin hormone-replacement therapy.

The mom, pediatrician Anne Georgulas, contends that James is transgender, likes wearing dresses and prefers to be identified as “Luna,” according to The Texan.

But at stake, potentially, is not just James’ identity in the here and now, but his health down the line.

Hormone therapy can cause infertility, as well as carrying potential health risks ranging from hair loss to blood clots, according to medical professionals.

Georgulas has secured a letter of recommendation for James to “receive a full psychological assessment for gender dysphoria and potentially take hormone blockers,” the Washington Examiner reported. It’s a move that Younger strongly opposes.

The battle landed in the courts when Georgulas filed suit to restrict her ex-husband’s contact with the kids, require that he refer to James as “Luna” — and keep the boy away from those who refused to do the same.


more : https://nypost.com/2019/10/23/texas...ing-to-stop-7-year-old-sons-gender-transition

It's hard to believe this is really happening. I noticed that not that many mainstream news sources are covering this story (unless i just can't find articles on it) which is strange if this is a legit news story.

In any event, this is wrong on so many levels and it makes me wish this screwed up world would get hit by a giant meteor.
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I don't understand how a child of such a young age can come to the conclusion they are of the wrong gender? Maybe I'm just to damn old to comprehend all this stuff?

They can't, it's completely insane. Well, I don't think anyone of any age is the wrong gender, that's a lie from the pit of hell, but if someone wants to do it, they should at least be a legal adult.
I don't know WHERE anyone, including psychologists, are making this LEAP
that spiritually or internally identifying as EXPRESSING a female bias means FORCING chemical and hormonal changes that are PERMANENT.

People change beliefs from Atheist to Christian, as SPIRITUAL identity and personal expressions
but that doesn't require SURGERY or chemical or physical alterations to the body.

Why so with gender beliefs?

When people identify with Asian culture or Spanish/Latino culture,
does anyone insist on surgery to alter their genetic makeup?

Whatever trend this is, this is being pushed TOO FAR.

That's fine if adults want to make a choice to change their chemistry.
But to force this on kids, and put kids in a bad situation with two parents
in conflict over their beliefs on this is ABUSIVE.

What would happen if a parent believed in "Bagel head" modifications
and convinced minor kids to go along with that cultural trend?
Bagel head - Wikipedia

Whatever cultural phase people are going through,
I'd recommend COUNSELING to deal with the spiritual issues
and process going on here, and not acting on impulses until the
relations between the parents and children are resolved and settled.

Not fair to drag kids into this when the parents don't even agree what the heck's going on here!
I don't understand how a child of such a young age can come to the conclusion they are of the wrong gender? Maybe I'm just to damn old to comprehend all this stuff?

They can't, it's completely insane. Well, I don't think anyone of any age is the wrong gender, that's a lie from the pit of hell, but if someone wants to do it, they should at least be a legal adult.
A lie from the pit of hell is right!
The devil is a liar and the father of lies

This is spiritual warfare and absolutely insane
If this was the father pushing this shit,
and the mother was seeking custody to prevent it,
she would win...how this father has no rights is beyond me!

Fucking bitch
I mean, lets take this a step or two down the road. If a seven year old can "decide" they're of the wrong gender, what else should they suddenly be responsible for deciding? They're smart enough to vote, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, vape, have sex with the kid next door as examples?

FFS, is society losing it's damn mind to allow this nonsense?
If this was the father pushing this shit,
and the mother was seeking custody to prevent it,
she would win...how this father has no rights is beyond me!

Fucking bitch

I agree with that last sentence. I just watched a video of this little boy, and he basically said that Mommy told him he was a girl... and he said she puts dresses on him, buys him hair clips, paints his nails, and he actually said, "She tells me I'm a girl."

I think it's pretty clear what is happening here.

Also, I heard that in the past she has violated child custody agreements. How a court would rule in her favor just shows how twisted and insane our society has become.
I mean, lets take this a step or two down the road. If a seven year old can "decide" they're of the wrong gender, what else should they suddenly be responsible for deciding? They're smart enough to vote, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, vape, have sex with the kid next door as examples?

FFS, is society losing it's damn mind to allow this nonsense?

The seeds of this madness was planted long ago and was allowed to flourish and grow in College humanities departments all across the country.
This is a classic case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Her children are in great danger. And since she is a pediatrician, a lot of other children are in great danger too.

If I was the father I would give the mother an ultimatum. She either relinquishes custody, agrees to only visit the kids under my direct supervision and seeks psychological help, or I murder her.
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I don't understand how a child of such a young age can come to the conclusion they are of the wrong gender? Maybe I'm just to damn old to comprehend all this stuff?

Biologically, YOU CAN'T have a gender identity really until you at least reach puberty. But legally, a child is still ward of custody to the PARENT, not responsible for his own actions or decisions until 18, that is, until another liberal court came along to usurp that.
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.
Texas has changed ...


Or has it?
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.
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After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.

No thanks to a cave, but I wouldn't mind living in a remote, beautiful private place to get away from the insanity of this world. Actually, I live in Mexico now, and people are normal here. Very family-oriented and not indoctrinated like in the US.
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.

No thanks to a cave, but I wouldn't mind living in a remote, beautiful private place to get away from the insanity of this world. Actually, I live in Mexico now, and people are normal here. Very family-oriented and not indoctrinated like in the US.

I thought all Mexicans were supposed to be disease infested rapist drug dealers.

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