Texas for Hillary

Its moved beyond the Presidency

Democrats need to ride Hillary's coat tails to wins in the Senate, House and a Liberal SCOTUS
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.

Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

Hillary is doing quite well with her campaign. Down ballot Democrats are flocking to Hillary. President Obama is also doing quite well as Hillary sees no reason to distance herself from his administration

Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the stink of Trump
Its moved beyond the Presidency

Democrats need to ride Hillary's coat tails to wins in the Senate, House and a Liberal SCOTUS
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.

Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

Hillary is doing quite well with her campaign. Down ballot Democrats are flocking to Hillary. President Obama is also doing quite well as Hillary sees no reason to distance herself from his administration

Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the stink of Trump
What's the point? You might be able to brag on November 9th. In the meantime we both know that the Beast absolutely reeks of corruption and mendacity. The best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory anyway.

There will have never been a president with more abject sleaze ascend it the White House, or indeed be re-elected.
Its moved beyond the Presidency

Democrats need to ride Hillary's coat tails to wins in the Senate, House and a Liberal SCOTUS
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.

Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

Hillary is doing quite well with her campaign. Down ballot Democrats are flocking to Hillary. President Obama is also doing quite well as Hillary sees no reason to distance herself from his administration

Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the stink of Trump
What's the point? You might be able to brag on November 9th. In the meantime we both know that the Beast absolutely reeks of corruption and mendacity. The best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory anyway.

There will have never been a president with more abject sleaze ascend it the White House, or indeed be re-elected.

You have tried to actually prove that and have failed at every turn

Hillary will be overwhelmingly elected on Nov 8 and the rightwing will pout and call her names

That is what you do best
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.

Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

Hillary is doing quite well with her campaign. Down ballot Democrats are flocking to Hillary. President Obama is also doing quite well as Hillary sees no reason to distance herself from his administration

Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the stink of Trump
What's the point? You might be able to brag on November 9th. In the meantime we both know that the Beast absolutely reeks of corruption and mendacity. The best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory anyway.

There will have never been a president with more abject sleaze ascend it the White House, or indeed be re-elected.

You have tried to actually prove that and have failed at every turn

Hillary will be overwhelmingly elected on Nov 8 and the rightwing will pout and call her names

That is what you do best
Hillary's names are already ensconced in American political history. "Crooked Hillary" has a time-enduring ring to it.
It is a dilemma many Republicans are facing nationwide. They just can't pull the lever for Trump.
Some may vote Hillary
Others will just not vote for President
The whole state of Utah seems to be switching their vote to McMullin

All will make it easier for Clinton to win
True about Republicans and, unfortunately true, about Hillary winning.

The fact remains, Texas is highly unlikely to go blue in 2016. While the RCP link has Trump averaging +5.4 over Hillary, it also has Hillary +6.0 over Trump nationwide. If a +5.4 Trump lead in Texas gets the LWers all giddy about a Blue Texas, then why are they not shitting their pants over the fact Hillary is only +6 ahead of Trump nationwide?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

What made me notice the 5.4% Trump lead in Texas was not the average, but the last two polls that had Trump +3% and +4%. That is showing a trend from three weeks ago where Trump was leading Texas by 7%
Do you also notice the trend where Hillary use to be 11% ahead and now she's only 6%? What does that "trend" tell you? ;)

Seriously, you guys that squabble all you want, but NFW is Texas going blue this year. I'd bet money on it. $25 anyone?

The battleground to watch isn't Texas, but Florida just like in 2000. Trump needs it to win.
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.

Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

Hillary is doing quite well with her campaign. Down ballot Democrats are flocking to Hillary. President Obama is also doing quite well as Hillary sees no reason to distance herself from his administration

Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the stink of Trump
What's the point? You might be able to brag on November 9th. In the meantime we both know that the Beast absolutely reeks of corruption and mendacity. The best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory anyway.

There will have never been a president with more abject sleaze ascend it the White House, or indeed be re-elected.

You have tried to actually prove that and have failed at every turn

Hillary will be overwhelmingly elected on Nov 8 and the rightwing will pout and call her names

That is what you do best
How many extra Electoral points do you consider "overwhelmingly"? 10? 100? 125?
You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.

Speaking of not having a clue. That would be you.

You have yet to explain what Carter did to make him the worst President

Is it because you just have no idea what Carter actually did or that you are just repeating what others have told you?
According to the surveys on the Wiki link, it appears to be mainly his handling of the economy followed by party leadership and relations with Congress putting him as not the worst, but well below average.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

How bout the economy in the toilet and inflation through the roof. He left a big mess that Reagan cleaned up.

OK ...now you are talking

Carter was only in office for four years and inflation went through the roof under Gerry Ford. Remember Ford's "Whip Inflation Now" buttons?
The economy was out of control and there was little Carter could do. Where Carter went wrong was he tried to balance the budget while the economy was tanking. If he had done like Reagan did and tripled the debt to shore up the economy, he would have looked like a hero
Reagan helped the economy by lowering taxes. Tax cuts are like the Sun to Democrats. They feel money belongs to the government and that government knows better how to invest (SPEND) it. When people have more money THEY spend it in the economy......which means massive growth. Democrats don't like growth. Growth means jobs and Democrats know job growth means less dependency on government.

You leave off half the equation

Lower taxes and more government spending (by any equation, this means debt). Reagan ramped up military spending while he cut government revenue. Pouring borrowed money into the economy made Reagan look like a genius. But we paid a price for decades later

Don't you mean deficit spending?

Okay, every time a Democrat gets in office, they gut the Department of Defense. Then a Republican gets in office and they spend billions rebuilding it. Most of what Reagan spent wouldn't have been necessary if it hadn't been for the negligence of Jimmy Carter.

Winding down the Vietnam era spending did not gut the DoD. The military Carter inherited was woefully unprepared to handed a rapidly developing hot spot. There was no rapid deployment force.
because they just like Maryland cant stop them. It would require knowing who was actually voting, and that is evidently a violation of constitutional rights.
Maryland may be more fucked up than a football bat, but Texas has voter ID.
A football bat would make sense in Maryland.
That being said, even if Maryland had voter ID, the illegals were given drivers licenses here by our last anti american governor. may he one day soon rot in hell.
Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

Hillary is doing quite well with her campaign. Down ballot Democrats are flocking to Hillary. President Obama is also doing quite well as Hillary sees no reason to distance herself from his administration

Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the stink of Trump
What's the point? You might be able to brag on November 9th. In the meantime we both know that the Beast absolutely reeks of corruption and mendacity. The best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory anyway.

There will have never been a president with more abject sleaze ascend it the White House, or indeed be re-elected.

You have tried to actually prove that and have failed at every turn

Hillary will be overwhelmingly elected on Nov 8 and the rightwing will pout and call her names

That is what you do best
Hillary's names are already ensconced in American political history. "Crooked Hillary" has a time-enduring ring to it.

Get use to Madam President.
How bout the economy in the toilet and inflation through the roof. He left a big mess that Reagan cleaned up.

OK ...now you are talking

Carter was only in office for four years and inflation went through the roof under Gerry Ford. Remember Ford's "Whip Inflation Now" buttons?
The economy was out of control and there was little Carter could do. Where Carter went wrong was he tried to balance the budget while the economy was tanking. If he had done like Reagan did and tripled the debt to shore up the economy, he would have looked like a hero
Reagan helped the economy by lowering taxes. Tax cuts are like the Sun to Democrats. They feel money belongs to the government and that government knows better how to invest (SPEND) it. When people have more money THEY spend it in the economy......which means massive growth. Democrats don't like growth. Growth means jobs and Democrats know job growth means less dependency on government.

You leave off half the equation

Lower taxes and more government spending (by any equation, this means debt). Reagan ramped up military spending while he cut government revenue. Pouring borrowed money into the economy made Reagan look like a genius. But we paid a price for decades later

Don't you mean deficit spending?

Okay, every time a Democrat gets in office, they gut the Department of Defense. Then a Republican gets in office and they spend billions rebuilding it. Most of what Reagan spent wouldn't have been necessary if it hadn't been for the negligence of Jimmy Carter.

Winding down the Vietnam era spending did not gut the DoD. The military Carter inherited was woefully unprepared to handed a rapidly developing hot spot. There was no rapid deployment force.
Are you a complete idiot? The US military, even under the most incompetent president, was and is heads above any comers. There is seriously nothing you can do to contest that fact.
Clinton top 8 presidents in history. G.W Bush didn't even make the list!
Winding down the Vietnam era spending did not gut the DoD. The military Carter inherited was woefully unprepared to handed a rapidly developing hot spot. There was no rapid deployment force.
Sorry, but not true.

Presidency of Jimmy Carter - Wikipedia
"During his first month in office, Carter cut the defense budget by $6 billion."

While that may not sound like much today, it was on a $1.18T budget and a $275B DOD budget.

He also ran a deficit every year in office and racked up a huge national debt.
"The government was in deficit every year of the Carter presidency, with the national debt of the United States increasing by about $280 billion, from about $620 billion at the beginning of 1977 to $900 billion at the end of 1980.[27] However, because economic growth outpaced the growth in nominal debt, the federal government's debt as a percentage of gross domestic product decreased slightly, from 33.6% at the beginning of 1977 to 31.8% at the end of 1980."
because they just like Maryland cant stop them. It would require knowing who was actually voting, and that is evidently a violation of constitutional rights.
Maryland may be more fucked up than a football bat, but Texas has voter ID.
A football bat would make sense in Maryland.
That being said, even if Maryland had voter ID, the illegals were given drivers licenses here by our last anti american governor. may he one day soon rot in hell.
Sad. Maybe you should consider moving to Texas.
because they just like Maryland cant stop them. It would require knowing who was actually voting, and that is evidently a violation of constitutional rights.
Maryland may be more fucked up than a football bat, but Texas has voter ID.
A football bat would make sense in Maryland.
That being said, even if Maryland had voter ID, the illegals were given drivers licenses here by our last anti american governor. may he one day soon rot in hell.
Sad. Maybe you should consider moving to Texas.
I am considering leaving Maryland soon, however I am one of the odd ones that really likes winter, the cold, snow etc... I was thinking Main or maybe even Alaska.
Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

Hillary is doing quite well with her campaign. Down ballot Democrats are flocking to Hillary. President Obama is also doing quite well as Hillary sees no reason to distance herself from his administration

Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the stink of Trump
What's the point? You might be able to brag on November 9th. In the meantime we both know that the Beast absolutely reeks of corruption and mendacity. The best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory anyway.

There will have never been a president with more abject sleaze ascend it the White House, or indeed be re-elected.

You have tried to actually prove that and have failed at every turn

Hillary will be overwhelmingly elected on Nov 8 and the rightwing will pout and call her names

That is what you do best
Hillary's names are already ensconced in American political history. "Crooked Hillary" has a time-enduring ring to it.
Yea....we can post it up there with Barry Soetoro, Obammy, Obummer and all the other silly names that entertain Conservatives
You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.

Speaking of not having a clue. That would be you.

You have yet to explain what Carter did to make him the worst President

Is it because you just have no idea what Carter actually did or that you are just repeating what others have told you?
According to the surveys on the Wiki link, it appears to be mainly his handling of the economy followed by party leadership and relations with Congress putting him as not the worst, but well below average.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
In the late 70s I was not a big fan of Carters. I considered him the worst I had seen. To me , his biggest fault was a lack of leadership and need to please everyone
Over time, I have appreciated Carter more. He was a decent man who was not suited for politics. The things I hated him for.....Iran Hostages, inflation, high interest rates and fuel costs ....he really didn't have much control of
And he did get our hostages back alive

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