Texas Drops The Ebola Ball - Secessionist Gov Perry Calls On Cdc For Help

So, let Me get this straight.

The PRESIDENT drops the ball and allows infected aliens into the country with deadly diseases, allows them to land in Texas, and Texas is just supposed to sit back and allow the fuck-up of the feds to be a drain on THEIR resources?

What the President did by allowing this traveler to enter the country is an act of war on Texas and the rest of America.

Another example of RW hypocrisy.

They whine about TSA and airport security being too invasive but then lie about the job they do.

Apparently, they don't know that ebola cannot be diagnosed until AFTER the victim shows symptoms which happened in the Texasss hospital AFTER the patient was already in the country.
Why are you guys all trying to make political jabs? Both dems and repubs are screwed up and both lie with talking points and mislead. Apparently you have never been at an overseas location going through the airport. It's really easy to get on a plane it's not until customs in the states that is gets crazy. It's what came after from the hospital to the supposed quarantine the family was under and the fact they were left alone. This is not something that you can make mistakes about and it has been embarrassing to watch.

Well, since I live in Europe and fly quite frequently I can say to you with great confidence that that statement of yours that I bolded and put in red came right out of your ass. Ever tried boarding at Schipol? At Paris Nord? At Tegel? At Heathrow? At Munich International? And above all else, at Frankfurt am Main - arguably the busiest Flughafen (Airport) in all of Europe? Their boarding policies and routines are FAR stricter than in the USA, I guarantee you that.

But you are right, it IS embarrassing to watch Righties try to turn a health issue into a political football. The real truth is that the USA has literally thousands of ports of entry and there is no way in hell to secure them all. Pathogens could be in a small box in a crate of goods that arrive per ship in Portland, OR or Miami, FL or Boston, MA or on the coast of Lousiana - and would probably get through. And virus testing is also not 100% sure. So, either we are adults and realize that a sickness appearing somewhere else on this planet may also hit our shores and that would not be the fault of any one political party or president, no matter how well liked or hated, or we can, as I already wrote, go full isolationist and hold baptist revival meetings.

When the Swine-Flu hit the USA in the summer of 1976, in the middle of a presidential election, Democrats did not make a political football out of it. They realized that it was a health issue and not a political issue. Of course, 36 years later a Republican who is dumb as a box of rocks, namely, Michele Bachmann, went on TV and said that the Swine-Flu outbreak was during the Carter administration, but it was not. It was during the Ford administration. But that was not Ford's fault.

That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans: Democrats put Country before party. Republicans? the other way around. Despicable.

And not one single Rightie here has even wished that sick person hit with Ebola well. They don't give a flying fuck about that person himself, all they care about is the political hay they can make out of it.


I have been to a few of those airport. Your right those are strict secure places, but we are not getting viruses from those nations. Sofia seemed lax and so did Bucharest (except for machine guns all over the place) Seoul was secure, Gatwick seemed good.

Anyway both parties are flawed.

Democrats put country before party? Lol that's funny. For both party's it's all about winning instead of solving problems or trying to persuade the other side.

So your saying do nothing, the disease is going to get here anyway? Wow just quarantine any people holding those African passports (not in their hotel or apartment though, we saw how that went) when they try to enter, they did it for animals for diseases, do it for people to try to keep it from spreading! Be proactive instead of reactionary.

The conservatives bash government. Say that government is the problem.

Yet a private hospital didn't do it's job and now innocent people may have been exposed to ebola.

perry is now running to the government for help. The government he proudly has said he hates.

The government is the solution in this case and many others.
Typical. A foaming retard slings mud and thinks it makes him look smart. Show us where Perry says he hates government.

Well this is the latest talking point of the left, and they miss the mark by a mile.

Here's the deal. This is the system we have in place, and since the federal government takes it upon themselves to take charge of a situation like this, states obviously lets them handle it.

Let me give an analogy that even liberals will hopefully understand.

Let's say, I hate cops, and would rather take care of my own situation if my house is robbed, or my car is stolen. I would rather have the right to investigate and arrest the persons myself and take them to jail.
I'm aware however that the system in place calls for me to contact the police and let them handle any investigation and arrest.

Now in this particular situation, the system in place calls for the feds to take charge. If it wasn't, individual states would have their own systems in place to handle the situation.
So, let Me get this straight.

The PRESIDENT drops the ball and allows infected aliens into the country with deadly diseases, allows them to land in Texas, and Texas is just supposed to sit back and allow the fuck-up of the feds to be a drain on THEIR resources?

What the President did by allowing this traveler to enter the country is an act of war on Texas and the rest of America.

Another example of RW hypocrisy.

They whine about TSA and airport security being too invasive but then lie about the job they do.

Apparently, they don't know that ebola cannot be diagnosed until AFTER the victim shows symptoms which happened in the Texasss hospital AFTER the patient was already in the country.
Why are you guys all trying to make political jabs? Both dems and repubs are screwed up and both lie with talking points and mislead. Apparently you have never been at an overseas location going through the airport. It's really easy to get on a plane it's not until customs in the states that is gets crazy. It's what came after from the hospital to the supposed quarantine the family was under and the fact they were left alone. This is not something that you can make mistakes about and it has been embarrassing to watch.

Well, since I live in Europe and fly quite frequently I can say to you with great confidence that that statement of yours that I bolded and put in red came right out of your ass. Ever tried boarding at Schipol? At Paris Nord? At Tegel? At Heathrow? At Munich International? And above all else, at Frankfurt am Main - arguably the busiest Flughafen (Airport) in all of Europe? Their boarding policies and routines are FAR stricter than in the USA, I guarantee you that.

But you are right, it IS embarrassing to watch Righties try to turn a health issue into a political football. The real truth is that the USA has literally thousands of ports of entry and there is no way in hell to secure them all. Pathogens could be in a small box in a crate of goods that arrive per ship in Portland, OR or Miami, FL or Boston, MA or on the coast of Lousiana - and would probably get through. And virus testing is also not 100% sure. So, either we are adults and realize that a sickness appearing somewhere else on this planet may also hit our shores and that would not be the fault of any one political party or president, no matter how well liked or hated, or we can, as I already wrote, go full isolationist and hold baptist revival meetings.

When the Swine-Flu hit the USA in the summer of 1976, in the middle of a presidential election, Democrats did not make a political football out of it. They realized that it was a health issue and not a political issue. Of course, 36 years later a Republican who is dumb as a box of rocks, namely, Michele Bachmann, went on TV and said that the Swine-Flu outbreak was during the Carter administration, but it was not. It was during the Ford administration. But that was not Ford's fault.

That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans: Democrats put Country before party. Republicans? the other way around. Despicable.

And not one single Rightie here has even wished that sick person hit with Ebola well. They don't give a flying fuck about that person himself, all they care about is the political hay they can make out of it.


I have boarded in several of thise and was actually amazed at how easy it was. This however was three years ago.

Not nearly as strict as it was in Chicago, JFK or even Omaha
First obamacare legislated law of hospitals changing to electronic medical records. Turns out there was glitch that kept the system from showing all of the nurses record-
The hospital said late Thursday that a flaw with the electronic records system kept Thomas Eric Duncan’s travel history from being communicated to physicians

Second, from the cdc site, federal law requires the cdc be involved-
Federal Law

The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states.

The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

CDC’s Role

Under 42 Code of Federal Regulations parts 70 and 71, CDC is authorized to detain, medically examine, and release persons arriving into the United States and traveling between states who are suspected of carrying these communicable diseases.

As part of its federal authority, CDC routinely monitors persons arriving at U.S. land border crossings and passengers and crew arriving at U.S. ports of entry for signs or symptoms of communicable diseases.

Ebola patient told hospital he had been to Liberia
Ebola patient told hospital he had been to Liberia
"""At a news conference Wednesday, hospital officials said a triage nurse performed the recommended screening — asking about his symptoms and his travel history — but her report wasn't communicated to the rest of his health care team. Duncan is now in serious but stable condition, according to hospital officials.

Mark Lester, executive vice president at Texas Health Resources, said the patient "volunteered that he had been to Africa in response to the nurse operating the checklist and asking that question."

That information "wasn't present" as the man's health care team made its decision about whether to admit or release him, Lester said.""""

And now Rick Perry, Uber-Secessionist for Texas, is relying on help from the CDC to get this situation under control. Bahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha.......It just doesn't get better than that.
Ebola patient told hospital he had been to Liberia
Ebola patient told hospital he had been to Liberia
"""At a news conference Wednesday, hospital officials said a triage nurse performed the recommended screening — asking about his symptoms and his travel history — but her report wasn't communicated to the rest of his health care team. Duncan is now in serious but stable condition, according to hospital officials.

Mark Lester, executive vice president at Texas Health Resources, said the patient "volunteered that he had been to Africa in response to the nurse operating the checklist and asking that question."

That information "wasn't present" as the man's health care team made its decision about whether to admit or release him, Lester said.""""

And now Rick Perry, Uber-Secessionist for Texas, is relying on help from the CDC to get this situation under control. Bahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha.......It just doesn't get better than that.

Standard progressive tripe that federalists don't want ANY federal help. What we want is Federal help when we need it, and for them to mind their own fucking business until we do.

That it in a nut shell,for the left they can't take a reasonable stance it all or nothing with them,one idiot from the right says something,then its all the right not just an idiot. You can tell them this,and what you get is a child with their fingers in their ears.
Uninsured people & those who can't afford good hygiene, clean water & sewer will be the ones that spread Ebola into an epidemic.

Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry refused Obamacare. Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured in the country. 25% of Texans are currently uninsured. Texas also has the nations highest number of homes without running water or sewer. Texas hospital twice failed to detect Duncan had Ebola. Texas hospital did not follow federal CDC rules.
Uninsured people & those who can't afford good hygiene, clean water & sewer will be the ones that spread Ebola into an epidemic.

Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry refused Obamacare. Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured in the country. 25% of Texans are currently uninsured. Texas also has the nations highest number of homes without running water or sewer. Texas hospital twice failed to detect Duncan had Ebola. Texas hospital did not follow federal CDC rules.

The man is from Liberia.

He doesn't have insurance to cover the cost of medical treatment. As a result, that hospital put him back out on the street not once but TWICE.

That hospital put money before the safety of the community.

That's what you get with privatization. The only purpose is to make money. Not to do what's right or treat diseases.
So, let Me get this straight.

The PRESIDENT drops the ball and allows infected aliens into the country with deadly diseases, allows them to land in Texas, and Texas is just supposed to sit back and allow the fuck-up of the feds to be a drain on THEIR resources?

What the President did by allowing this traveler to enter the country is an act of war on Texas and the rest of America.

The president did not drop the ball. The Texas hospital did drop the ball twice. Then Duncan's friend had to call the Federal CDC to get Texas to check for Ebola.

After filling out the questionnaire in Liberia that he lied on, Duncan was screened three times before he boarded his flight in Liberia to Brussels.

"The first screening was at the gate, before you get to the parking lot. The second time is before you enter the terminal building and the third is before you board the flight. At every point your temperature is scanned."

His temperature at those checkpoints was a consistent 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief Thomas Frieden told reporters Thursday. "Basically, he didn't have a fever," Frieden said, noting that the Ebola patient's temperature was taken by a trained CDC health care worker with a thermometer approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

After Duncan spent several days in Texas, he became sick from Ebola & only then was he a contagious risk to others. That is when the Texas hospital drop the ball twice & may have infected a 100 others. Duncan's friend calling the Federal CDC is what saved the day. The Texas hospital would have continued to infect others with Ebola if the Feds hadn't stepped in.
So, let Me get this straight.

The PRESIDENT drops the ball and allows infected aliens into the country with deadly diseases, allows them to land in Texas, and Texas is just supposed to sit back and allow the fuck-up of the feds to be a drain on THEIR resources?

What the President did by allowing this traveler to enter the country is an act of war on Texas and the rest of America.

The president did not drop the ball. The Texas hospital did drop the ball twice. Then Duncan's friend had to call the Federal CDC to get Texas to check for Ebola.

After filling out the questionnaire in Liberia that he lied on, Duncan was screened three times before he boarded his flight in Liberia to Brussels.

"The first screening was at the gate, before you get to the parking lot. The second time is before you enter the terminal building and the third is before you board the flight. At every point your temperature is scanned."

His temperature at those checkpoints was a consistent 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief Thomas Frieden told reporters Thursday. "Basically, he didn't have a fever," Frieden said, noting that the Ebola patient's temperature was taken by a trained CDC health care worker with a thermometer approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

After Duncan spent several days in Texas, he became sick from Ebola & only then was he a contagious risk to others. That is when the Texas hospital drop the ball twice & may have infected a 100 others. Duncan's friend calling the Federal CDC is what saved the day. The Texas hospital would have continued to infect others with Ebola if the Feds hadn't stepped in.

You're spoiling their fun of "it's all Obama's fault."
Uninsured people & those who can't afford good hygiene, clean water & sewer will be the ones that spread Ebola into an epidemic.

Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry refused Obamacare. Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured in the country. 25% of Texans are currently uninsured. Texas also has the nations highest number of homes without running water or sewer. Texas hospital twice failed to detect Duncan had Ebola. Texas hospital did not follow federal CDC rules.
Actually the figure in June was 22.2% . And 20% are undocumented immigrants. In other words, iilegals.
Uninsured people & those who can't afford good hygiene, clean water & sewer will be the ones that spread Ebola into an epidemic.

Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry refused Obamacare. Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured in the country. 25% of Texans are currently uninsured. Texas also has the nations highest number of homes without running water or sewer. Texas hospital twice failed to detect Duncan had Ebola. Texas hospital did not follow federal CDC rules.
Actually the figure in June was 22.2% . And 20% are undocumented immigrants. In other words, iilegals.

If only 20% are illegals, why are the other 80% uninsured?

If you go to Mexico & most other countries you're covered. Illegals are working for Texans & they pay $140 billion in taxes. Almost half of illegals are insured.

Why has Rick Perry, Texas & the already Rich stolen all the wealth? Why does Texas have the most homes without running water or sewer. Why does Texas have the most uninsured workers?

Did the Texas hospital kick out the new Liberian visitor so he could infect others to drum up a lot of profitable business for them? Or was it a political stunt to somehow blame Obama? Why did the Liberian's friend have to call the Federal CDC to force the Texas Hospital to isolate Duncan & test for Ebola?
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Perry left Texas Friday to campaign for someone. He looked like 40 miles of bad road and had trouble putting a sentence together. Guess he's shook up over this Ebola business in his state.

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