Texas Drops The Ebola Ball - Secessionist Gov Perry Calls On Cdc For Help

In one month, the Right will find something else to panic over.
Yeah - the election!

No. In one month, the DEMS will be panicking.... but this is all part of the natural ebb and flow of mid-term cycles....

Congressional Elections compared to Presidential Terms 1855-present Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, RWNJs will find a new "you need to be scared of the boogeyman" meme. I am thinking Chernobyl....
Well, it would be funny if the Senate split 50-50. Not likely, as this cycle will probably go as others have.

What I find particularly reprehensible of the "Conservatives" is that instead of talking of the steps to find a vaccine and stop this possible pandemic, all they can do it try to make a polititcal football of it, even to the point where all too many of them wish ebola on people that disagree with them. And that is the vast majority of Americans.
That's the job of the CDC. You know the Center for Denial and Confusion. No matter how bad it is, their job is to deal with diseases of mass infection.

The CDC does damned good work. Only a fool makes fun of the pros at the CDC.

CDC is nothing but a socialist program giving big gubmint control over the fighting of infectious disease. The Constitution says NOTHING about the Federal Government fighting disease. Therefore, the tenth amendment makes it a state function

More overreach by the federal government

Diseases can cross state lines, and something like this can sure a shit affect interstate commerce, plenty of rationale for a Federal Level Agency.

What is with the Aristotelian logic employed by statists?

Disease is commerce?

What a reach. I love the way you guys destroy our Constitution. The founding fathers said NOTHING about the Federal Government fighting disease. The 10th ammendment says that makes it a state function

When did you turn into such a statist?
The Governor does not run private health care, never has and never should. Just as the federal Government should not. The Constitution provides that the US Government through Congress takes care of science. Thus the CDC. You are a dumb as idiot as are your buddies in this thread. By the way? Are you suggesting that once they realized they had Ebola in the State the Governor should not have asked the CDC to become involved? Are you brain dead?
So, let Me get this straight.

The PRESIDENT drops the ball and allows infected aliens into the country with deadly diseases, allows them to land in Texas, and Texas is just supposed to sit back and allow the fuck-up of the feds to be a drain on THEIR resources?

What the President did by allowing this traveler to enter the country is an act of war on Texas and the rest of America.

Another example of RW hypocrisy.

They whine about TSA and airport security being too invasive but then lie about the job they do.

Apparently, they don't know that ebola cannot be diagnosed until AFTER the victim shows symptoms which happened in the Texasss hospital AFTER the patient was already in the country.
Why are you guys all trying to make political jabs? Both dems and repubs are screwed up and both lie with talking points and mislead. Apparently you have never been at an overseas location going through the airport. It's really easy to get on a plane it's not until customs in the states that is gets crazy. It's what came after from the hospital to the supposed quarantine the family was under and the fact they were left alone. This is not something that you can make mistakes about and it has been embarrassing to watch.

Well, since I live in Europe and fly quite frequently I can say to you with great confidence that that statement of yours that I bolded and put in red came right out of your ass. Ever tried boarding at Schipol? At Paris Nord? At Tegel? At Heathrow? At Munich International? And above all else, at Frankfurt am Main - arguably the busiest Flughafen (Airport) in all of Europe? Their boarding policies and routines are FAR stricter than in the USA, I guarantee you that.

But you are right, it IS embarrassing to watch Righties try to turn a health issue into a political football. The real truth is that the USA has literally thousands of ports of entry and there is no way in hell to secure them all. Pathogens could be in a small box in a crate of goods that arrive per ship in Portland, OR or Miami, FL or Boston, MA or on the coast of Lousiana - and would probably get through. And virus testing is also not 100% sure. So, either we are adults and realize that a sickness appearing somewhere else on this planet may also hit our shores and that would not be the fault of any one political party or president, no matter how well liked or hated, or we can, as I already wrote, go full isolationist and hold baptist revival meetings.

When the Swine-Flu hit the USA in the summer of 1976, in the middle of a presidential election, Democrats did not make a political football out of it. They realized that it was a health issue and not a political issue. Of course, 36 years later a Republican who is dumb as a box of rocks, namely, Michele Bachmann, went on TV and said that the Swine-Flu outbreak was during the Carter administration, but it was not. It was during the Ford administration. But that was not Ford's fault.

That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans: Democrats put Country before party. Republicans? the other way around. Despicable.

And not one single Rightie here has even wished that sick person hit with Ebola well. They don't give a flying fuck about that person himself, all they care about is the political hay they can make out of it.

Interesting. The OP is a political jab, and if I'm correct, the person who posted this OP is definitely not a "rightie". So, it's safe to say that it takes two teams to play the "political football" game. Sadly, diseases are not limited to attacking those with only certain political views. "Righties" and "lefties" will all loose because government has failed to perform the one, most basic function of government: to protect the citizens it should be serving from harm.
As far as personally giving a flying fuck about the infected person who with full intent and malice brought this disease to my home, he sure as hell didn't give a fuck about anyone here, did he?
That's the job of the CDC. You know the Center for Denial and Confusion. No matter how bad it is, their job is to deal with diseases of mass infection.

The CDC does damned good work. Only a fool makes fun of the pros at the CDC.

CDC is nothing but a socialist program giving big gubmint control over the fighting of infectious disease. The Constitution says NOTHING about the Federal Government fighting disease. Therefore, the tenth amendment makes it a state function

More overreach by the federal government

Diseases can cross state lines, and something like this can sure a shit affect interstate commerce, plenty of rationale for a Federal Level Agency.

What is with the Aristotelian logic employed by statists?

Disease is commerce?

What a reach. I love the way you guys destroy our Constitution. The founding fathers said NOTHING about the Federal Government fighting disease. The 10th ammendment says that makes it a state function

When did you turn into such a statist?
The Governor does not run private health care, never has and never should. Just as the federal Government should not. The Constitution provides that the US Government through Congress takes care of science. Thus the CDC. You are a dumb as idiot as are your buddies in this thread. By the way? Are you suggesting that once they realized they had Ebola in the State the Governor should not have asked the CDC to become involved? Are you brain dead?

Imagine the howling from the left if Perry had instead told the Feds (CDC) to take a hike.

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