Testimony that Electronic Voting is Rigged Given by Software Engineer who wrote it

Of course it's rigged. that why these elected power hunger sell outs of our country fought so hard to bring them in. Albert the Bore Gore, was the Leader of that with his complaint of the so called, hanging chads. gawd the people in this country is so asleep and too lazy to keep up with what is happening to them.
Of course it's rigged. that why these elected power hunger sell outs of our country fought so hard to bring them in. Albert the Bore Gore, was the Leader of that with his complaint of the so called, hanging chads. gawd the people in this country is so asleep and too lazy to keep up with what is happening to them.

Well, it is rigged to the point of completely negating any majority we vote for anyone.

The elites can guaranted vote results now. They didnt have that ability in the past.

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