Test of Dominion Voting System in Georgia proves equal # of votes gave 26% lead for Biden.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If Dominion Voting Systems are allowed to be used in Georgia, the Senate run-off elections are officially a JOKE. No American should want that. We are not Venezuela, we are not Nigeria. The run-off elections should be hand count only until there is a thorough and transparent analysis of these inadequate and "error prone" (putting it nicely) systems.

Here is the page that comes up from your link:


Is this a joke?
If Dominion Voting Systems are allowed to be used in Georgia, the Senate run-off elections are officially a JOKE. No American should want that. We are not Venezuela, we are not Nigeria. The run-off elections should be hand count only until there is a thorough and transparent analysis of these inadequate and "error prone" (putting it nicely) systems.

Here is the page that comes up from your link:

View attachment 430106

Is this a joke?

Looks like there on to the Moon landing was faked. I knew it!! :)
" Major Contributor To Rigging The Presidential Election "

* Democrat Criminal Party Ruse *

If mail in ballots are used and voter identities are not verified in person , then dead people , illegal migrants , pre-registered ineligible teens and corporations will be voting as occurred in the 2020 presidential election ; and , since the actual number of valid eligible voters will be obfuscated and therefore indeterminate , a sufficient number of ballots will be added by repeated entry , or on behalf of those who did not actually vote , to set the election outcome .

I wonder if Dominion software is also being used to doctor the count of so-called Covid deaths much the way it was used to manipulate the votes in the big guy's favor. Particularly given that the nation's number one killer has consistently been heart disease. Though heart disease was expected to continue to grow, it is actually down rather significantly this year, compared to those same deaths in 2018. Remarkably down, in fact.
If Dominion Voting Systems are allowed to be used in Georgia, the Senate run-off elections are officially a JOKE. No American should want that. We are not Venezuela, we are not Nigeria. The run-off elections should be hand count only until there is a thorough and transparent analysis of these inadequate and "error prone" (putting it nicely) systems.

Dominion Voting Systems is Caught
Dominion Voting Systems’ Democracy Suite has features that allow for election results manipulation. The back-end software has an elections results editor, called Results Tally and Reporting (RTR). Its users are election officials. RTR is an equivalent of Microsoft Excel, but for election results. The software allows its users to enter “election results” from removable memory cards, local file system, and network. It allows you to merge multiple election results files. It allows the users to manually edit election result files. It allows users to reject election results files. In other words, it allows arbitrary change of results.

RTR runs not on a voting machine, but on an ordinary Windows laptop, which can be connected to the Internet, and even controlled remotely.

The Dominion’s training video (Democracy Suite® EMS Results Tally & Reporting) has a subsection Flexible management of results after the election occurred (starting at 4:20). Look at a few screenshots from it:

Screenshot from 2020-11-20 08-33-11.png

Screenshot from 2020-11-20 08-33-29.png

Screenshot from 2020-11-20 08-33-54.png

Read the rest here>>Dominion Voting Systems is Caught
Because it was programmed to do that. It's a machine. HUMANS invented it and HUMANS programmed it. Guess which humans.
  • VotingWorks (VW) is another far left nonprofit, providing some voting technology, funded by Y-Combinator. It has been incubated and spun off by the Center for Democracy (CDT) and Technology (see VW & CDT sites). CDT supported Obamanet, then a rabid enemy of the Restoring Internet Freedom (FCC order). CDT also vehemently opposes securing the national telecommunications and IT infrastructure (including facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin). According to CDT, the Silicon Valley corporations, which own and operate these critical internet communications (through Obamanet regulation), are entitled to do with them as they please.

(VotingWorks software was used by Georgia to audit the elections results. Apparently, this software (ARLO) was adopted by CISA and used in other states as well. Too bad – it is open sourced. Everybody can download the code and easily modify it for any purpose. “VotingWorks founder Ben Adida is a Trump hater who explicitly posted on social media ‘F*** Trump'” – TESTIMONY ON POTENTIAL GEORGIA ELECTION FRAUD By VOTERGA CO-FOUNDER GARLAND FAVORITO, DECEMER 4, 2020)

Krebs CISA, Dominion Voting, Smartmatic, Malloch-Brown, and Elections
If Dominion Voting Systems are allowed to be used in Georgia, the Senate run-off elections are officially a JOKE. No American should want that. We are not Venezuela, we are not Nigeria. The run-off elections should be hand count only until there is a thorough and transparent analysis of these inadequate and "error prone" (putting it nicely) systems.

Dominion Voting Systems is Caught
Dominion Voting Systems’ Democracy Suite has features that allow for election results manipulation. The back-end software has an elections results editor, called Results Tally and Reporting (RTR). Its users are election officials. RTR is an equivalent of Microsoft Excel, but for election results. The software allows its users to enter “election results” from removable memory cards, local file system, and network. It allows you to merge multiple election results files. It allows the users to manually edit election result files. It allows users to reject election results files. In other words, it allows arbitrary change of results.

RTR runs not on a voting machine, but on an ordinary Windows laptop, which can be connected to the Internet, and even controlled remotely.

The Dominion’s training video (Democracy Suite® EMS Results Tally & Reporting) has a subsection Flexible management of results after the election occurred (starting at 4:20). Look at a few screenshots from it:

View attachment 430167
View attachment 430169
View attachment 430170
Read the rest here>>Dominion Voting Systems is Caught
Great info thanks for posting this!
If Dominion Voting Systems are allowed to be used in Georgia, the Senate run-off elections are officially a JOKE. No American should want that. We are not Venezuela, we are not Nigeria. The run-off elections should be hand count only until there is a thorough and transparent analysis of these inadequate and "error prone" (putting it nicely) systems.

Then how did three hand counts turn out the same as the machine counts?
If Dominion Voting Systems are allowed to be used in Georgia, the Senate run-off elections are officially a JOKE. No American should want that. We are not Venezuela, we are not Nigeria. The run-off elections should be hand count only until there is a thorough and transparent analysis of these inadequate and "error prone" (putting it nicely) systems.

This shit again? This from your own 'source'.

Caveats: This is a Twitter feed, whose claimed source is a Republican official from a different county in Georgia. Normally based on this I would not post, but the story is so shocking I thought it necessary. If true, then the elections in every state that used Dominion Machines is suspect. We will have to await confirmation however.
Because it was programmed to do that. It's a machine. HUMANS invented it and HUMANS programmed it. Guess which humans.
  • VotingWorks (VW) is another far left nonprofit, providing some voting technology, funded by Y-Combinator. It has been incubated and spun off by the Center for Democracy (CDT) and Technology (see VW & CDT sites). CDT supported Obamanet, then a rabid enemy of the Restoring Internet Freedom (FCC order). CDT also vehemently opposes securing the national telecommunications and IT infrastructure (including facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin). According to CDT, the Silicon Valley corporations, which own and operate these critical internet communications (through Obamanet regulation), are entitled to do with them as they please.

(VotingWorks software was used by Georgia to audit the elections results. Apparently, this software (ARLO) was adopted by CISA and used in other states as well. Too bad – it is open sourced. Everybody can download the code and easily modify it for any purpose. “VotingWorks founder Ben Adida is a Trump hater who explicitly posted on social media ‘F*** Trump'” – TESTIMONY ON POTENTIAL GEORGIA ELECTION FRAUD By VOTERGA CO-FOUNDER GARLAND FAVORITO, DECEMER 4, 2020)

Krebs CISA, Dominion Voting, Smartmatic, Malloch-Brown, and Elections
Krebs, Wray, Sessions and Barr, it's a wonder President Trump is still standing
Because it was programmed to do that. It's a machine. HUMANS invented it and HUMANS programmed it. Guess which humans.

The only reason I clicked in to this thread was to check out what kind of cockamamie "credible source" came up with this one.

I was not disappointed. A blog by some dood who thinks he's Bob Dylan.
But wait, he does have a source link: And it is:

"conservative tree house".

Summa these yahoos just don't know AND don't care how pathetic they look.
If Dominion Voting Systems are allowed to be used in Georgia, the Senate run-off elections are officially a JOKE. No American should want that. We are not Venezuela, we are not Nigeria. The run-off elections should be hand count only until there is a thorough and transparent analysis of these inadequate and "error prone" (putting it nicely) systems.

Then how did three hand counts turn out the same as the machine counts?
The overwhelming majority of the hand counts never checked for valid voters, i.e. signature matching, eligible voting status with the mail-in ballots. There was an adjudication process that was gamed and taken advantage of to rack up more votes in favor of one candidate. A lot cases, as some of the witnesses have testified in sworn affidavits have stated, there would be nothing wrong with some of the ballots that went to adjudication in which some unscrupulous biased staff just didn't like who the voters were voting and overrode it in favor of Joe Biden and other Democrat candidates.

2020-12-10 update: 106,000 ballots went to adjudication in Fulton county, GA by November 4. Not all ballots were actually adjudicated. Here, “adjudicated” means that the vote was entered manually using Dominion Voting software. This is more than 20% of all the ballots cast in that county. The videos from the linked article show that the same batch of ballots can be passed through the scanner in the Dominion Democracy Suite multiple times. It is surprising that they allowed Trump to have 26% of the cast votes. Continue reading 2020 Elections Fraud Updates →

There are credible reports of observers catching readers doing the recount reading off the wrong name to the person writing down the count and pointed it out to them only to catch them later doing it again. GoP observers were treated poorly in many of the Democrat strongholds.

Dominion Voting and GA Counties Self-Audited | Fulton County, the largest and heavily Democrat county in Georgia, which gave 381k votes to Biden vs 137k for Trump, hired the far left VotingWorks to provide it audit services. To do that, VotingWorks partnered with a Canadian firm SecurityCompass. That means that a) VotingWorks did not have ability to do the work for which it was hired and b) another foreign company took part in our Presidential elections.

In the recount, a Dominion Voting server crashed. The Georgia officials blamed a Fulton county worker, who allegedly “ignored basic instructions” (1).

“Sterling said when they ‘cut a corner’ by using the express server, a Dominion employee told them they couldn’t do that because it would crash the server. Instead, Fulton officials decided to put the database on that server.”
Read it all>>Dominion Voting and GA Counties Self-Audited

Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers
Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers – BlackBoxVoting.org

Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted (video)

One can program the software to calculate a changing percentage from one candidate to the other candidate and still have the same amount of ballots (see above video), which are QR-codes on paper from the BMD's, Ballot Marking Devices. The voter votes on the electronic ballot marking machine and when the voter finishes it... it produces paper for a scanner to read. The scanner reads the QR-code only.
The State of Colorado banned QR-codes in September 2019 because of security issues with them. It's interesting to note that Dominion Voting Machines US HQ is in Denver a few miles from the State capitol building.
QR code>> QR code - Wikipedia

Colorado SoS to Ban QR Codes for Ballots
September 17, 2019

Colorado’s Secretary of State has disallowed the use of QR codes and other printed barcodes for elections in the state, saying they pose a threat to election security and verifiability of ballots. Here’s an excerpt from the state’s release:

Today, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced that Colorado will stop using ballots with QR codes. The removal of QR codes will increase the security of vote tabulation and ensure voters can accurately verify that their ballots are correctly marked. With foreign countries actively trying to exploit voting vulnerabilities, this is a first-in-the nation added security measure.
“I am proud that Colorado continues to lead the nation in election cybersecurity,” said … Griswold. “Voters should have the utmost confidence that their vote will count. Removing QR codes from ballots will enable voters to see for themselves that their ballots are correct and helps guard against cyber meddling…

Currently, when a Coloradan votes at a polling location, they may use a ballot marking device that prints a paper ballot that displays both the voter’s choices and a QR code embedded with the voter’s choices. Although voters can see their vote choices, they cannot verify that the QR code is correct. These ballots are tabulated by machines that decode the votes contained in the QR code. QR codes could be among the next target of an attack and are potentially subject to manipulation. Colorado will be the first state to require ballots from ballot marking devices to be tabulated using only human-verifiable information and not QR codes.
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All of that would have been caught by a handcount. Which when done did not show any of that going on. As for verifying signatures, of course they were.
All of that would have been caught by a handcount. Which when done did not show any of that going on. As for verifying signatures, of course they were.
No, all of "that" would not have been caught by a hand count because the hand recounts were a joke and not all signatures were verified. People were registering from addresses with PO boxes, using variations of the their name, women using married and maiden name, dead people voted, people voted in more than one state. It's apparent you do not understand what is really going on.

In the recount, a Dominion Voting server crashed. The Georgia officials blamed a Fulton county worker, who allegedly “ignored basic instructions” (1).

“Sterling said when they ‘cut a corner’ by using the express server, a Dominion employee told them they couldn’t do that because it would crash the server. Instead, Fulton officials decided to put the database on that server.”

They let it slip that a Dominion Voting representative stood by the county employee, telling him/her what to do.

“A security measure flagged the process because timestamps were off, causing the server to crash and ultimately making it impossible to get the database, he said.”

WTF? Why does the security measure cause the server to crash? It should have made a an error record in the log, refuse to proceed, and displayed an error dialog.

“Because of this decision, Sterling said they are going to be forced to scan ballots again which is more work, more manpower, and more time.”

Wait a minute – the recount was supposed to be manual. Why the Dominion software and ballots scanning were involved at all? Fake recount!

From the horse’s mouth (Ben Adida, a founder of VotingWorks, BA1, BA2):

The re-count, “certified” by GA government today, and sometimes called 2nd or even 3rd re-count, consisted of re-scanning ballots. It was expected to give the same result that the first count, the one with the fake flooding, counting ballots by Democrats in the absence of Republicans, and a mysterious suitcases of ballots. In Georgia, recount can be done only after the results certification.
What is sometimes reported as the first recount, was an enlarged risk limiting audit.

Fulton county election commission
“certified” the alleged results by a split vote 3:2
(2). The Republican-led Georgia government entrusted the recounts to Democrat-dominated Fulton county, essentially allowing it to inspect itself. Even in the light of the split decision, they simply accepted the majority opinion!

They also defended Fulton county when its Democrat ballot counters sent Republicans away, then continued “counting,” and brought out a suitcase with additional ballots.

Another software piece involved in the recount was
ElectioNet Suite from PCC Technology. It is part of a group providing services to governments, which likely means being on the lash of Democrats.
Dominion Voting and GA Counties Self-Audited


106,000 ballots went to adjudication in Fulton county, GA by November 4. Not all ballots were actually adjudicated. Here, “adjudicated” means that the vote was entered manually using Dominion Voting software. This is more than 20% of all the ballots cast in that county. The videos from the linked article show that the same batch of ballots can be passed through the scanner in the Dominion Democracy Suite multiple times. It is surprising that they allowed Trump to have 26% of the cast votes. Continue reading 2020 Elections Fraud Updates →

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