Tesla created secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Well...all is not as rosy as Musk paints it..in Tesla land--long article packed with info--I cannot but wonder as to why Tesla owners are not up in arms..or..perhaps this is new info..and the push-back hasn't yet started?

Well worth the read:
About a decade ago, Tesla rigged the dashboard readouts in its electric cars to provide “rosy” projections of how far owners can drive before needing to recharge, a source told Reuters. The automaker last year became so inundated with driving-range complaints that it created a special team to cancel owners’ service appointments.
Tesla years ago began exaggerating its vehicles’ potential driving distance – by rigging their range-estimating software. The company decided about a decade ago, for marketing purposes, to write algorithms for its range meter that would show drivers “rosy” projections for the distance it could travel on a full battery, according to a person familiar with an early design of the software for its in-dash readouts.
Then, when the battery fell below 50% of its maximum charge, the algorithm would show drivers more realistic projections for their remaining driving range, this person said. To prevent drivers from getting stranded as their predicted range started declining more quickly, Teslas were designed with a “safety buffer,” allowing about 15 miles (24 km) of additional range even after the dash readout showed an empty battery, the source said.

The directive to present the optimistic range estimates came from Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk, this person said.
Well...all is not as rosy as Musk paints it..in Tesla land--long article packed with info--I cannot but wonder as to why Tesla owners are not up in arms..or..perhaps this is new info..and the push-back hasn't yet started?

Well worth the read:
About a decade ago, Tesla rigged the dashboard readouts in its electric cars to provide “rosy” projections of how far owners can drive before needing to recharge, a source told Reuters. The automaker last year became so inundated with driving-range complaints that it created a special team to cancel owners’ service appointments.
Tesla years ago began exaggerating its vehicles’ potential driving distance – by rigging their range-estimating software. The company decided about a decade ago, for marketing purposes, to write algorithms for its range meter that would show drivers “rosy” projections for the distance it could travel on a full battery, according to a person familiar with an early design of the software for its in-dash readouts.
Then, when the battery fell below 50% of its maximum charge, the algorithm would show drivers more realistic projections for their remaining driving range, this person said. To prevent drivers from getting stranded as their predicted range started declining more quickly, Teslas were designed with a “safety buffer,” allowing about 15 miles (24 km) of additional range even after the dash readout showed an empty battery, the source said.

The directive to present the optimistic range estimates came from Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk, this person said.
In my observance, Tesla drivers drive too fast and many can't maintain driving in their own lane. Years ago VW vans would be off on the shoulder of the road. They had a problem with oil and fuel pump leaks and would catch on fire. Now I notice Teslas dead and not on the side of the road, but in the express lane.
In my observance, Tesla drivers drive too fast and many can't maintain driving in their own lane. Years ago VW vans would be off on the shoulder of the road. They had a problem with oil and fuel pump leaks and would catch on fire. Now I notice Teslas dead and not on the side of the road, but in the express lane.
Well..if their gauges are lying to them..no wonder eh?
Well...all is not as rosy as Musk paints it..in Tesla land--long article packed with info--I cannot but wonder as to why Tesla owners are not up in arms..or..perhaps this is new info..and the push-back hasn't yet started?

Well worth the read:
About a decade ago, Tesla rigged the dashboard readouts in its electric cars to provide “rosy” projections of how far owners can drive before needing to recharge, a source told Reuters. The automaker last year became so inundated with driving-range complaints that it created a special team to cancel owners’ service appointments.
Tesla years ago began exaggerating its vehicles’ potential driving distance – by rigging their range-estimating software. The company decided about a decade ago, for marketing purposes, to write algorithms for its range meter that would show drivers “rosy” projections for the distance it could travel on a full battery, according to a person familiar with an early design of the software for its in-dash readouts.
Then, when the battery fell below 50% of its maximum charge, the algorithm would show drivers more realistic projections for their remaining driving range, this person said. To prevent drivers from getting stranded as their predicted range started declining more quickly, Teslas were designed with a “safety buffer,” allowing about 15 miles (24 km) of additional range even after the dash readout showed an empty battery, the source said.

The directive to present the optimistic range estimates came from Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk, this person said.

eLeCTriC vEhiCLeS aRe THe FutURe!
Well..if their gauges are lying to them..no wonder eh?
Exactly. I also notice some driving slow on the freeway. That tells me the driver is unsure whether it has enough juice to make it to a charger. Especially where I drive daily along the coastal corridor where there is zero facilities for miles.

Some Tesla workers celebrated canceling service appointments by striking a metal xylophone purchased by a supervisor, Reuters reported.
The detail is part of a Reuters investigation which says Tesla was so overloaded with complaints about driving ranges that it
created a secret team to cancel appointments.
Suddenly Tesla EV's are not the left's darling.
This is an article that not only would likely never been written, but if it was would not be spread around by people such as the OP.
Suddenly Tesla EV's are not the left's darling.
This is an article that not only would likely never been written, but if it was would not be spread around by people such as the OP.
Incorrect, douch-nozzle. Not everyone is blindly partisan and equipped with a an auto-kneejerk reaction to their party's dog whistles and virtue signaling~

Tesla has been suspect for a long time now..well before Musk's foray into Twitter.

But I get it..nuance is never going to be your friend, now is it?
Incorrect, douch-nozzle. Not everyone is blindly partisan and equipped with a an auto-kneejerk reaction to their party's dog whistles and virtue signaling~

Tesla has been suspect for a long time now..well before Musk's foray into Twitter.

But I get it..nuance is never going to be your friend, now is it?

Ok, I'll shut up as soon as you link me to the thread you created criticizing Tesla, before he became unwoke.

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