TERRORISM - Now the # 1 Concern in America (Pew Poll)

Bunch of cowards

Says the board's little bitch, who if he had to go forth and deal with it, would soil his panties and go hide under his bed.

:lol: Sounds like someone is intimidated
Says the moron who is scared to death of our own police force.

You are such an idiot. You fear the police but have no cares about islamic terrorism

Maybe he fears the police because he's engaged in an activity for which he should be fearful of the police.
The economy is no longer the # 1 concern of Americans. It has been surpassed by the threat of terrorism according to a new Pew Research Center poll just released (Jan. 15, 2015). In it, 76% of Americans cite terrorism as the top priority for Obama and the Congress. Among Republicans, terrorism is a massive top priority with 87% citing it as such, far above taxation, global trade, and moral values.

The new poll also finds that the goal of strengthening the military has increased in importance. Currently, 52% say strengthening the military should be a top policy priority for the president and Congress this year, up from 41% in January 2013.

Why do we need to strengthen the military? Dont we already have the largest, well equipped military in the world? People are sheep that are easily herded with fear..
Here's why >>> Does Anyone Not Know We re in World War III US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And here's why >>> Lindsey Graham Army is smallest since 1940 Navy smallest since 1915 PolitiFact
The economy is no longer the # 1 concern of Americans. It has been surpassed by the threat of terrorism according to a new Pew Research Center poll just released (Jan. 15, 2015). In it, 76% of Americans cite terrorism as the top priority for Obama and the Congress. Among Republicans, terrorism is a massive top priority with 87% citing it as such, far above taxation, global trade, and moral values.

The new poll also finds that the goal of strengthening the military has increased in importance. Currently, 52% say strengthening the military should be a top policy priority for the president and Congress this year, up from 41% in January 2013.

Why do we need to strengthen the military? Dont we already have the largest, well equipped military in the world? People are sheep that are easily herded with fear..
Correct, we don't need to 'strengthen the military,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

The worst thing we can do to address the issue is use conventional military 'tactics,' that would play right into the hands of the terrorists.

Terrorists are not 'soldiers,' they're criminals, and they need to be dealt with accordingly.
FALSE! Terrorists are an international force, fighting all over the world for an international cause (however deranged). This is World War III, and the terrorist are certainly enemy combatants, both inside the US and on other continents. To call them "criminals" is idiocy. They need to be dealt with like the Nazis were in World War II, but even more so. 100% EXTERMINATION.
The economy is no longer the # 1 concern of Americans. It has been surpassed by the threat of terrorism according to a new Pew Research Center poll just released (Jan. 15, 2015). In it, 76% of Americans cite terrorism as the top priority for Obama and the Congress. Among Republicans, terrorism is a massive top priority with 87% citing it as such, far above taxation, global trade, and moral values.

The new poll also finds that the goal of strengthening the military has increased in importance. Currently, 52% say strengthening the military should be a top policy priority for the president and Congress this year, up from 41% in January 2013.


Score one for the terrorists!
"TERRORISM - Now the # 1 Concern in America (Pew Poll)"

Given the incessant, ridiculous, unwarranted, and unfounded hysteria over 'terrorism' this comes as no surprise.
FBI says plot to attack U.S. Capitol was ready to goAuthorities say Cornell, who ostensibly tweeted under the name Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah, hatched a simple scheme. It was similar to the Paris attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, but at a key location -- the U.S. Capitol, said a criminal complaint filed by an FBI agent.

The plan: Set off pipe bombs to put lawmakers and employees in panicked flight and then gun them down with an assault rifle as they ran across his path and that of an accomplice, Special Agent T.A. Staderman wrote.
Cornell was ready to go, the agent said.


Christopher Lee Cornell's mugshot from the Butler County Jail in Ohio.

He had made preparations with a partner. He had researched bomb-making instructions and by Wednesday, Cornell had bought two M-15 rifles with 600 rounds of ammunition.


The Beheading in Oklahoma and Islam's Assault on North America

Muslim nutjob Alton Nolen, beheads a woman at a workplace in Moore, Oklahoma. (September 2014). Moore Police spokesman Jeremy Lewis said the 30-year-old suspect "recently started trying to convert some of his co-workers to the Muslim faith." The FBI are involved.



This Summer's Jihad Attacks in New Jersey and Seattle Revealed in Court Ali Muhammad Brown kills 3 in Seattle, WA, and one more in New Jersey.



Port Bolivar, TX Muslim Commits Koran MurderA Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death (3/6/2014), and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.



Hatchet-wielding Muslim radical who attacked rookie New York cops 'spent months visiting jihadist websites and stalked officers for hours'

TORONTO – A slickly produced video released on Sunday Dec. 6, 2014, urged Muslims to launch indiscriminate attacks against Canadians, similar to those carried out in October in Ottawa and Montreal.



Apr 15, 2013: Three people killed, hundreds injured in Boston Marathon bombing
In addition, a University police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his car by the same Muslim jihad dirtbags who set off the bomb at the marathon.


In Ashtabula, OH, A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah (3/24/2013)


In Buena Vista, NJ A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants. (2/7/2013)


Muslim jihadist Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting rampageMaj. Nidal Malik Hasan was sentenced to death Wednesday for killing 13 people and wounding 32 others in a 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Tex., the worst mass murder at a military installation in U.S. history.

The mentor in Yemen

The killer
"TERRORISM - Now the # 1 Concern in America (Pew Poll)"

Given the incessant, ridiculous, unwarranted, and unfounded hysteria over 'terrorism' this comes as no surprise.

These people might beg to differ with you >>>


and these >>>

Bunch of cowards

Says the board's little bitch, who if he had to go forth and deal with it, would soil his panties and go hide under his bed.

:lol: Sounds like someone is intimidated
Says the moron who is scared to death of our own police force.

You are such an idiot. You fear the police but have no cares about islamic terrorism
Maybe he's one of the terrorists. At least that theory fits.
Bunch of cowards
Who are you calling a "coward" ?

The majority of the country.

They probably got tired of seeing Americans getting beheaded by Isis, with a president that is more concerned with fulfilling his objective in downsizing the military, and cutting their funding than towards those Americans that were killed. Obama has already shown his ability to back down and recant his tough talk stance with Syria, and their use of chemical weapons. Americans want a president with a backbone who will stand by their decision when they decide to act tough before the world and enact a "red line" consequence against a country. The concerns and actions of a wishy washy indecisive president, doesn't demonstrate that it's the majority who are to be seen as acting cowardly.
The economy is no longer the # 1 concern of Americans. It has been surpassed by the threat of terrorism according to a new Pew Research Center poll just released (Jan. 15, 2015). In it, 76% of Americans cite terrorism as the top priority for Obama and the Congress. Among Republicans, terrorism is a massive top priority with 87% citing it as such, far above taxation, global trade, and moral values.

The new poll also finds that the goal of strengthening the military has increased in importance. Currently, 52% say strengthening the military should be a top policy priority for the president and Congress this year, up from 41% in January 2013.

Why do we need to strengthen the military? Dont we already have the largest, well equipped military in the world? People are sheep that are easily herded with fear..
Correct, we don't need to 'strengthen the military,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

The worst thing we can do to address the issue is use conventional military 'tactics,' that would play right into the hands of the terrorists.

Terrorists are not 'soldiers,' they're criminals, and they need to be dealt with accordingly.

Actually, ignorant idiocy would be having our soldiers capture them and then read them their Miranda rights.
The economy is no longer the # 1 concern of Americans. It has been surpassed by the threat of terrorism according to a new Pew Research Center poll just released (Jan. 15, 2015). In it, 76% of Americans cite terrorism as the top priority for Obama and the Congress. Among Republicans, terrorism is a massive top priority with 87% citing it as such, far above taxation, global trade, and moral values.

The new poll also finds that the goal of strengthening the military has increased in importance. Currently, 52% say strengthening the military should be a top policy priority for the president and Congress this year, up from 41% in January 2013.

Why do we need to strengthen the military? Dont we already have the largest, well equipped military in the world? People are sheep that are easily herded with fear..
Correct, we don't need to 'strengthen the military,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

The worst thing we can do to address the issue is use conventional military 'tactics,' that would play right into the hands of the terrorists.

Terrorists are not 'soldiers,' they're criminals, and they need to be dealt with accordingly.

Actually, ignorant idiocy would be having our soldiers capture them and then read them their Miranda rights.
Of course, but airheads like CCJ, would engage in the ignorant idiocy. Good thing we no longer have a military draft. If he got drafted, he would be telling ISIS soldiers on the batttlefield in Iraq, that they are under arrest (right before they whack his head off)
Get the far left out of politics and much of the terrorism in the US will stop..
Agree. But getting them out of politics, requires waiting another agonizing 2 years, and that's only IF the Democrats don't win the presidency again in 2016. In the meantime, counterterrorism units should ignore the goofball ideas of Obama, DeBlasio,etc. as much as possible. But if New Yorkers don't get rid of DeBlasio and his jerky ideas dominate, it will be New Yorkers will take the terrorism hit, for stupidly electing him in the first place.
Get the far left out of politics and much of the terrorism in the US will stop..
Agree. But getting them out of politics, requires waiting another agonizing 2 years, and that's only IF the Democrats don't win the presidency again in 2016. In the meantime, counterterrorism units should ignore the goofball ideas of Obama, DeBlasio,etc. as much as possible. But if New Yorkers don't get rid of DeBlasio and his jerky ideas dominate, it will be New Yorkers will take the terrorism hit, for stupidly electing him in the first place.

No the Democrats and liberals need to take their party back from them, just like how the moderate Muslims should take back Islam from the radicals in their religion.

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