Tempest Over Obama's Tea Cup Salute


And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

You are certifiable.

Conservatives Say Obama Has Lost More US Troops Than Bush. That s Crazy. The Daily Banter

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

Bush was trying to hide the fact that thousands were coming home in coffins from a war where we were supposed to be treated as liberators

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Less than 600?? Where do you get your figures from? Fox News?

iCasualties Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties

The actual number is about 4,852. Not counting another 1,000 or so contractors.

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

You willfully ignorant nutters are just incredible.

He stopped photos because he was trying to lie about the number being killed . You can lie to yourselves but you cannot change history.

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

Bush was trying to hide the fact that thousands were coming home in coffins from a war where we were supposed to be treated as liberators

How could he hide them? the LAP DOG LEFT WING MEDIA made it front page news every night!!!

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

You willfully ignorant nutters are just incredible.

He stopped photos because he was trying to lie about the number being killed . You can lie to yourselves but you cannot change history.

I was right with your bullshit attracts flies....stop buzzing and go back to your animal posts where you, at least aren't ridiculed for being an :ahole-1:

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

You willfully ignorant nutters are just incredible.

He stopped photos because he was trying to lie about the number being killed . You can lie to yourselves but you cannot change history.

Bush is nothing but a stinking F-ing liar.

Obama is the greatest and can never tell a lie.

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Less than 600?? Where do you get your figures from? Fox News?

iCasualties Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties

The actual number is about 4,852. Not counting another 1,000 or so contractors.

When did those casualties happen?

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy
575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. By August 18, 2010, following two troop surges initiated by President Obama, that number had doubled. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office—and yet, little in that war-torn country has changed.

When Obama took office, the war in Iraq was pretty much over. obama said that Iraq was stable and secure. Except he screwed it up and made it the same kind of basket case Libya is.

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Less than 600?? Where do you get your figures from? Fox News?

iCasualties Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties

The actual number is about 4,852. Not counting another 1,000 or so contractors.

When did those casualties happen?

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy
575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. By August 18, 2010, following two troop surges initiated by President Obama, that number had doubled. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office—and yet, little in that war-torn country has changed.

When Obama took office, the war in Iraq was pretty much over. obama said that Iraq was stable and secure. Except he screwed it up and made it the same kind of basket case Libya is.

Historical amnesia?

Iraq never happened?
Tempest over Obama's tea cup salute: Commander-in-chief sparks anger by saluting Marines with drink in his hand
  • President was exiting his Marine One helicopter after landing in New York City for speeches about global warming and fighting ISIS in Syria
  • Commander-in-chief is a military title that entitles Obama to a salute, and he's expected to return the gesture
  • On Tuesday he saluted two uniformed US Marines while holding a cup in his hand, a breach that won't win him fans among veterans or servicemen
  • Twitter erupted with the president's indignant detractors
  • The White House put a short video of his arrival in New York on its own Instagram page, creating a public gaffe that no photographer had shown

President Barack Obama saluted a pair of United States Marines on Tuesday while holding what appeared to be a styrofoam cup in his saluting hand, a breach of military regulations that won't win him fans among veterans and servicemen.

Obama is known for drinking tea, not coffee, when he travels, especially before delivering speeches.

His quasi-saluting gesture was an instant embarrassment for the White House, and not because his environmentally taboo drinkware clashed with the green-policy speech he was on his way to deliver at a UN Climate Summit.




Read more: Tempest over Obama s tea cup salute Daily Mail Online
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What an absolute disaster liberals are.
Awww, pobrecito.....:crybaby:
And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

You willfully ignorant nutters are just incredible.

He stopped photos because he was trying to lie about the number being killed . You can lie to yourselves but you cannot change history.

Bush is nothing but a stinking F-ing liar.

Obama is the greatest and can never tell a lie.

You're welcome to your opinions but I disagree with both statements.

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Less than 600?? Where do you get your figures from? Fox News?

iCasualties Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties

The actual number is about 4,852. Not counting another 1,000 or so contractors.

When did those casualties happen?

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy
575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. By August 18, 2010, following two troop surges initiated by President Obama, that number had doubled. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office—and yet, little in that war-torn country has changed.

When Obama took office, the war in Iraq was pretty much over. obama said that Iraq was stable and secure. Except he screwed it up and made it the same kind of basket case Libya is.

Historical amnesia?

Iraq never happened?

And Bush never enforced a photo blackout of coffins coming into Dover and the censorship of numbers being published.

This picture is infinitely scarier than Taqiyya’s contempt for the military because of the where, the why, and the who. The United Nations is the where. Betraying the country is the why. Four of the biggest UN-loving traitors is the who:


And what the hell was National Security Advisor Suzy Five Shows doing there? Does Taqiyya the Liar have to be advised on the spot?

Those assholes aren’t even color coordinated. They should be seated black-white-black-white.

It’s a crying shame that this guy was too busy to attend:


Judi McLeod puts it all in perspective:


The UN: Always Putting the Horse Behind the Cart​

The best Hollywood scripts aren’t written for Hollywood movies but for surrealistic gatherings of the United Nations.

‘Save the Environment’...from Obama, Strong & Gore
By Judi McLeod September 23, 2014

8216 Save the Environment 8217 ...from Obama Strong Gore
Taqiyya the Liar’s coffee cup salute reminded me of the “Umbrellas”:

In truth, this picture is infinitely scarier than Taqiyya’s contempt for the military because of the where, the why, and the who. The United Nations is the where. Betraying the country is the why. Four of the biggest UN-loving traitors is the who:


And what the hell was National Security Advisor Suzy Five Shows doing there? Does Taqiyya the Liar have to be advised on the spot?

Those assholes aren’t even color coordinated. They should be seated black-white-black-white.

It’s a crying shame that this guy was too busy to attend:


Judi McLeod puts it all in perspective:


The UN: Always Putting the Horse Behind the Cart​

The best Hollywood scripts aren’t written for Hollywood movies but for surrealistic gatherings of the United Nations.

‘Save the Environment’...from Obama, Strong & Gore
By Judi McLeod September 23, 2014

8216 Save the Environment 8217 ...from Obama Strong Gore

Now, let's see if my message is moved back to the Global forum where it belongs.
Barry Soetoro is just too cool be bothered with the trappings of the presidency. Here we see it with the "latte salute"....

  1. ht_obama_salute_kab_140923_16x9_992.jpg
Hey, 35% approval ratings don't grow on trees ya know. :eusa_snooty:
Yeah, saluting us the main thing on the mind if the Oresudent if the Unuted States. Even Mudwhistle defended Obama on the other thread on this subject, and that almost makes it a cold day in hell.
Listen, when the CIC is shown the respect of a salute by men in uniform, he will return that salute in a proper manner no matter what else is on his "mind". We who have served find this to be one of his most repulsive insults to the Troops he commands.

I had officers not return salutes and give half assed salutes during Reagan when I served...It didn't bother me.. Why don't you petition Congress for an article 15?
I took issue with dumb-assed officers expecting salutes in the field or ragging my ass because I didn't see them and salute.
Barry Soetoro is just too cool be bothered with the trappings of the presidency. Here we see it with the "latte salute"....

  1. ht_obama_salute_kab_140923_16x9_992.jpg
Hey, 35% approval ratings don't grow on trees ya know. :eusa_snooty:
Yeah, saluting us the main thing on the mind if the Oresudent if the Unuted States. Even Mudwhistle defended Obama on the other thread on this subject, and that almost makes it a cold day in hell.
Listen, when the CIC is shown the respect of a salute by men in uniform, he will return that salute in a proper manner no matter what else is on his "mind". We who have served find this to be one of his most repulsive insults to the Troops he commands.

I had officers not return salutes and give half assed salutes during Reagan when I served...It didn't bother me.. Why don't you petition Congress for an article 15?
I took issue with dumb-assed officers expecting salutes in the field or ragging my ass because I didn't see them and salute.
I did to, but was told that rank has it's privileges...and to shut up...
Barry Soetoro is just too cool be bothered with the trappings of the presidency. Here we see it with the "latte salute"....

  1. ht_obama_salute_kab_140923_16x9_992.jpg
Hey, 35% approval ratings don't grow on trees ya know. :eusa_snooty:
Yeah, saluting us the main thing on the mind if the Oresudent if the Unuted States. Even Mudwhistle defended Obama on the other thread on this subject, and that almost makes it a cold day in hell.
Listen, when the CIC is shown the respect of a salute by men in uniform, he will return that salute in a proper manner no matter what else is on his "mind". We who have served find this to be one of his most repulsive insults to the Troops he commands.

I had officers not return salutes and give half assed salutes during Reagan when I served...It didn't bother me.. Why don't you petition Congress for an article 15?
I took issue with dumb-assed officers expecting salutes in the field or ragging my ass because I didn't see them and salute.
I did to, but was told that rank has it's privileges...and to shut up...

It does no good to point out that you're trying to keep a sniper from blowing their heads off, or couldn't see them because the Sun was directly behind them and all you could make out was a silhouette.

And yet, he refused to salute those who came home in coffins.

Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.
Very few came home in coffins. Less than 600. It wasn't until obama took office that the real slaughter began. And that, by his design.

Someone is detached from reality

Out of RESPECT, Bush did not allow photo's of the dead.... Talk about out of touch with reality!

respect hell, 43 didn't want to advertise in pictures what his personal fight was doing to American soldiers... mission accomplished would have had a different meaning with caskets in the background.

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