"Tell your breasts to stop looking at me."


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Limbaugh was simply aghast. "[Liberals] just despise basic human nature," the host said.

He had a suggestion for men the next time they check out a woman: "You walk up to the woman and say, 'Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?'"

Classy as always, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.
Typical leftie pass play. Media Matters to Huffington to the low information true believers. It's funny that the left gets a lot of it's news analysis from the Comedy Channel but they can't recognize a joke.
I'm sure women wish rush's boobs would stop looking at them too

Yeah, because he's fat.

It's 1992, you know....

Requirement to be a democrat:

Head filled with mush
Heart filled with hate
Mouth filled with lies

Dude look:


Pretty sure this was taken recently. Rush clearly still has man boobs. :dunno:
Limbaugh was simply aghast. "[Liberals] just despise basic human nature," the host said.

He had a suggestion for men the next time they check out a woman: "You walk up to the woman and say, 'Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?'"

Classy as always, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.

pretty simple answer....

careful they dont bounce up and blacken your eyes.
Limbaugh was simply aghast. "[Liberals] just despise basic human nature," the host said.

He had a suggestion for men the next time they check out a woman: "You walk up to the woman and say, 'Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?'"

Classy as always, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.

A lot of talk about breasts Boop. Better PM me a selfie and show me what yours stand up for. This whole breastesses thing needs looking at more closely.
Limbaugh was simply aghast. "[Liberals] just despise basic human nature," the host said.

He had a suggestion for men the next time they check out a woman: "You walk up to the woman and say, 'Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?'"

Classy as always, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.

A lot of talk about breasts Boop. Better PM me a selfie and show me what yours stand up for. This whole breastesses thing needs looking at more closely.

I have no cell phone. HA!


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