Tell the Senate To End the Shutdown


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
The House has passed numerous bills to do that but Mitch McConnell refuses to do ANYTHING
What part of "Trump won't sign w/o the wall" don't you understand? Stop wasting time and hurting Federal workers, and compromise. Its the only way this shutdown will end.
Democrats voted for the Wall before they voted against it but what bills did the house pass regarding the government shutdown? As I recall the democrat majority went on vacation and refused to negotiate with the President.
The Senate PASSED a bill unanimously in December that would open the government without a wall...and ...gee...what happened to that?
The House has passed numerous bills to do that but Mitch McConnell refuses to do ANYTHING
I told my Democratic senator to give the Pres his Wall funding and I got back this huge long letter with a butt load of excuses why not. It's not budgeable right now. I don't know about the Republicans.
The House has passed numerous bills to do that but Mitch McConnell refuses to do ANYTHING
Mitch voted 6 times to raise his pay and 15 times to not raise the min wage, why would you expect him to do any thing for the working class. 35 years working for Kentucky, and its still one of our poorest states.
Why are the dems not willing to negotiate? Trump won't budge. Nancy won't budge. The Federal workers are suffering, I fail to see how a compromise is such a terrible thing. If its not going to happen, Trump needs to declare a national emergency and get the shutdown over. Then declare victory over Heartless Nancy.
All that's needed is 5B for the wall. Pelousy has the power to do that. Once that's done. Shut down is over and those 800 thousand leeches can go back to their cushy Govt. jobs.


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