Televise All School Classes

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

Did you go to school?
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

You have minors in those classrooms. Minors.

Who's going to ensure who's watching on the other end, and for what purpose? Even if you somehow have the loop closed, who's going to ensure that the events aren't being recorded (and then heaven only knows what?)

Teacher here. I get that this is the new Moral Panic but as a woman who raised two children, this is a terrible idea full of pitfalls you haven't thought through.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

You see what that has done to law enforcement.

Now you believe that the tiny school district in Anytown, Nebraska is up to the same tricks that go on in San Francisco, CA. Okay, if that makes sense in your head, go forth with your plans. Let's see how crushing we can make that teacher shortage.

I'm sure the backbencher teachers will be way, way better than the crop you kicked out. Right?
It's never going to happen because those who argue for this would never step up and pay for it.

What they will never do is figure out a way to protect the 6 year olds they want on cameras all day.

Better to just bluster about the sucky teachers. Who cares about the babies on the camera?
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

Could you post a link where anyone is calling for "all to be prosecuted"?
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

You see what that has done to law enforcement.

Now you believe that the tiny school district in Anytown, Nebraska is up to the same tricks that go on in San Francisco, CA. Okay, if that makes sense in your head, go forth with your plans. Let's see how crushing we can make that teacher shortage.

I'm sure the backbencher teachers will be way, way better than the crop you kicked out. Right?

LOLOL.. The "left" doesn't indict all police officers. In fact the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing was designed to restore respect for and confidence in law enforcement. Trump threw it out and commenced with his narrative encouraging the abuse of "suspects".
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

Could you post a link where anyone is calling for "all to be prosecuted"?

All must be under surveillance according to the OP because "abomination" (his words). Including all the children.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

Could you post a link where anyone is calling for "all to be prosecuted"?

All must be under surveillance according to the OP because "abomination" (his words). Including all the children.

Your statement was concerning the police.
I agree because I'm a big believer in openness. We all live under a microscope these days and teachers should do the same. And who knows, if teachers don't think CRT is right, they might be more likely to question their superiors if they are being questioned by parents.

So a student's classroom is being constantly videotaped with audio.

Welp, there goes any chance for students to confide in teachers about abuse. About anything. But I understand that we really, really have to get those teachers.

By the way, if you are a parent and you feel you trust the school and its teachers so little you really need a camera in your child's classroom, the school has already failed your child. Most all of the time, people who say this are pressing a political point and/or do not have children in school. Parents do not typically say *I* feel that *I* want cameras in MY child's classroom. If that is the case, there are huge issues.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.
You are fucking insane.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.
You are fucking insane.

It's not actually "insane"; they are trying to get at teachers. But they do not give a thought to the fact that there are minors, and often very little children, in those rooms.

It's a hurdle to their objective, but some of us care about that.
With the large number of pedophiles that have invaded the ranks of school teachers it's fair to say that the public school system is a very dangerous place for children to be unmonitored.

Pedophiles would flock to cameras in classrooms and you know this. You basically don't have an answer for me so you stated something inane.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

Additionally did you know that in just about every classroom there is at least one child who has a 'no media' signed form? Usually because there are custody issues and such. That means in no case can there be pictures of video taken of that child.

Right, welcome to teaching in the 21st century. Now how is this going to work, exactly?
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