Public Education Cannot be Culturally Neutral...

Did leave me job, am teaching. Education should NEVER be culturally neutral, that leads to loss of the distinctions ugly/beautiful, evil/good/ and true/false...and the result is pushy little know-nothings like you in the name of freedom telling the whole world what they ought to be doing. Funny if you think about it. IF you think
Do you need me to loan you some proper English? the question for concerned parents is, how can I control the "culture" that pervades my child's education?

Can I even know what my kids are being taught - not the subject matter, but the underlying culture that is implicit in the teaching? Will a kid even bring home information about controversial matters like illegal immigration, gender confusion, sexual mores, climate change, patriotism (yes, in today's world that is controversial), and "normality." Kids are like sponges; they take these things in without questioning them, especially in the early grades, and before the parents know what happened, their kids are spouting Leftist nonsense as though it were fact.

It would seem that the only solution (other than private or parochial school, or moving), is to aggressively instill the values of the parents and encourage the kids to speak out when they see a conflict between what they are taught at home and what goes on in the classroom. In that way, the parents can at least hope to control the kids' absorption of Leftist nonsense.

Teachers' unions have done more to harm American yoot than any outside force could ever hope to accomplish. They should be outlawed in every state (but not the District of Columbia - they can go straight to hell).
Got that right. This one issue helped elect a decent Governor in Blue State Virginia.

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