Televangelist Rails Against Children Who Marched for Life


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
In all fairness, the title of the article that appears below is a bit over the top. I did not read or hear that she said that the students are like “demonic Nazis who rape gun owners” but, even at that, her words are pretty deplorable.

Now I realize that by posting this, I’m going to immediately jumped on as a bigot and Christian-phoebe and you are entitled to believe that if you wish. However, know this. My purpose is really to try to understand what is going on here. To grasp where this woman and those like here are coming from, whether or not they actually believe what they are saying, and how, exactly does attacking children by likening them to Nazis mesh with their Christian faith.

Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.

During the Frances & Friends program, Swaggart reacted to an estimated 800,000 people who called for gun control by marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

In her words:

“People have got to address the fact that kids today are being put in school where there’s no morals,” the television evangelist announced. “Because we’ve taken God out of the school. And there’s no resistance then to anything that Satan throws these kids’ way.”

“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new,” she added, reading from a paper provided by a fellow panelist. “Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.”

OK, I get this much. She is a conservative. Conservatives believe the morality – or what they consider morality-has suffered, especially in the schools, I also get that conservative – as a knee jerk reaction, freak out at the mention of gun control. BUT , what I do not get is the need to vilify children who are literally fighting for the right to live long enough to become adults. Again, how does attacking children mesh with Christian values. I might also ask, how does wanting more deadly weapons around mesh with Christian values, but I don’t want to make this to complicated

Swaggart then offered a “history lesson for young adults” about Nazism without mentioning that it was the Jews — not gun owners in general — who were violently persecuted by Hitler.

“Hitler’s regime took away guns from the people in Germany and then he herded all of those who did not like it into box cars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered,” she said. “The victims didn’t fire a shot in self defense because their guns had been taken away. That’s a fact.”

Lastly, I would like an explanation as to how lying conforms to her Christian values. Yes a lie. Failing to mention that Hitler confiscated guns from the Jews. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Let’s here it folks, who can explain this “Christian”
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In all fairness, the title of the article that appears below is a bit over the top. I did not read or hear that she said that the students are like “demonic Nazis who rape gun owners” but, even at that, her words are pretty deplorable.

Now I realize that by posting this, I’m going to immediately jumped on as a bigot and Christian-phoebe and you are entitled to believe that if you wish. However, know this. My purpose is really to try to understand what is going on here. To grasp where this woman and those like here are coming from, whether or not they actually believe what they are saying, and how, exactly does attacking children by likening them to Nazis mesh with their Christian faith.

Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.

During the Frances & Friends program, Swaggart reacted to an estimated 800,000 people who called for gun control by marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

In her words:

“People have got to address the fact that kids today are being put in school where there’s no morals,” the television evangelist announced. “Because we’ve taken God out of the school. And there’s no resistance then to anything that Satan throws these kids’ way.”

“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new,” she added, reading from a paper provided by a fellow panelist. “Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.”

OK, I get this much. She is a conservative. Conservatives believe the morality – or what they consider morality-has suffered, especially in the schools, I also get that conservative – as a knee jerk reaction, freak out at the mention of gun control. BUT , what I do not get is the need to vilify children who are literally fighting for the right to live long enough to become adults. Again, how does attacking children mesh with Christian values. I might also ask, how does wanting more deadly weapons around mesh with

Christian values, but I don’t want to make this to complicated

Swaggart then offered a “history lesson for young adults” about Nazism without mentioning that it was the Jews — not gun owners in general — who were violently persecuted by Hitler.

“Hitler’s regime took away guns from the people in Germany and then he herded all of those who did not like it into box cars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered,” she said. “The victims didn’t fire a shot in self defense because their guns had been taken away. That’s a fact.”

Lastly, I would like an explanation as to how lying conforms to her Christian values. Yes a lie. Failing to mention that Hitler confiscated guns from the Jews. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Let’s here it folks, who can explain this “Christian”

Televangelists and now it's clear 80% of evangelicals are not Christians. They pretend to be but they aren't. They champion and voted for Trump one of the most immoral orange turds ever who is a self admitted sexual predator and endorsed an accused pedophile for public office, they now demonize children.

This year has been quite clarifying as far as 'evangelicals' go. They are not Christians.
The nazis disarmed the people before they began the pogroms. Once disarmed, there is no way to stop rape, or violent robbery, or indeed anything. Once disarmed, the public is helpless prey. So the comparison is fair.
Is it possible that you do not understand that they disarmed the Jews? Do you deny that is a fact that Swaggart dishonestly omitted?
The nazis disarmed the people before they began the pogroms. Once disarmed, there is no way to stop rape, or violent robbery, or indeed anything. Once disarmed, the public is helpless prey. So the comparison is fair.
Is it possible that you do not understand that they disarmed the Jews? Do you deny that is a fact that Swaggart dishonestly omitted?
You're using the disarming of Jews in Nazi Germany as an argument for disarming Americans. haha.
Those "children" are shills.

This is a bullshit red herring logical fallacy intended to derail the thread because you have nothing intelligent or relevant to contribute. The fact that he may not be a perfect kid in no ways changes the present day facts or mitigates the stupidity, dishonesty and hypocrisy of Swaggart
Those "children" are shills.

This is a bullshit red herring logical fallacy intended to derail the thread because you have nothing intelligent or relevant to contribute. The fact that he may not be a perfect kid in no ways changes the present day facts or mitigates the stupidity, dishonesty and hypocrisy of Swaggart

Your angry bitterness always brightens my day. Shall we disarm the Jews? haha.
The nazis disarmed the people before they began the pogroms. Once disarmed, there is no way to stop rape, or violent robbery, or indeed anything. Once disarmed, the public is helpless prey. So the comparison is fair.
Is it possible that you do not understand that they disarmed the Jews? Do you deny that is a fact that Swaggart dishonestly omitted?
You're using the disarming of Jews in Nazi Germany as an argument for disarming Americans. haha.
Jesus fucking Christ NO!! Do I really have to explain to you that the anti gun control people are claiming that those of us who want gun control are the same as Nazi. That is just fucking stupid. If you believe that than you are stupid, but more likely you're just playing a sick game.
80% of evangelicals are not Christians. They pretend to be but they aren't.

But they L-O-V-E them some Israel man! lol! The dispensationalist whack jobs they are.
Try making some sense.
Why so mean? I thought gay meant happy? :D Either way...modern evangelical Christians have been overtaken by Dispensationalism:

"Dispensationalism is an approach to biblical interpretation which states that God uses different means of working with people (Israel and the Church) during different periods of history, usually seven chronologically successive periods."
"Dispensationalism summary

  • Literal interpretation of the Bible
  • God works via different arrangements in distinct periods of history
  • Israel is the literal descendants of Abraham, not spiritual ones
  • Israel is the heir to the promises made to Abraham about the seed being blessed
  • Participation in the Abrahamic Covenant is “mainly” by physical birth in Jewish lineage
  • Two distinct people groups: Israel and the Church
  • Church began at Pentecost
  • Salvation is by faith in accordance to the revelation given in a particular dispensation
  • The Holy Spirit did not indwell people in all dispensations, only during the dispensation of the Church Age
  • Christ will reign in the future 1000 year period which occurs after the rapture"
What is dispensationalism? |
As Isaac stated these people pretend to be Christian but they are actually agenda driven dead enders. They do not preach Jesus or the love of Jesus, salvation and MANY of the other core tenets of the bible, they preach rapture, the third temple and Israel...Revelations. As such they have hijacked the church and turned the bible into a roadmap of rapture and the church into a money making enterprise.
They are the definition of Christian idolatry.
Anyway...that's my two cents on them.
The nazis disarmed the people before they began the pogroms. Once disarmed, there is no way to stop rape, or violent robbery, or indeed anything. Once disarmed, the public is helpless prey. So the comparison is fair.
Is it possible that you do not understand that they disarmed the Jews? Do you deny that is a fact that Swaggart dishonestly omitted?
You're using the disarming of Jews in Nazi Germany as an argument for disarming Americans. haha.
Jesus fucking Christ NO!! Do I really have to explain to you that the anti gun control people are claiming that those of us who want gun control are the same as Nazi. That is just fucking stupid. If you believe that than you are stupid, but more likely you're just playing a sick game.
Well, Hitler DID take the guns. If it quacks like a duck...
80% of evangelicals are not Christians. They pretend to be but they aren't.

But they L-O-V-E them some Israel man! lol! The dispensationalist whack jobs they are.
Try making some sense.
Why so mean? I thought gay meant happy? :D Either way...modern evangelical Christians have been overtaken by Dispensationalism:

"Dispensationalism is an approach to biblical interpretation which states that God uses different means of working with people (Israel and the Church) during different periods of history, usually seven chronologically successive periods."
"Dispensationalism summary

  • Literal interpretation of the Bible
  • God works via different arrangements in distinct periods of history
  • Israel is the literal descendants of Abraham, not spiritual ones
  • Israel is the heir to the promises made to Abraham about the seed being blessed
  • Participation in the Abrahamic Covenant is “mainly” by physical birth in Jewish lineage
  • Two distinct people groups: Israel and the Church
  • Church began at Pentecost
  • Salvation is by faith in accordance to the revelation given in a particular dispensation
  • The Holy Spirit did not indwell people in all dispensations, only during the dispensation of the Church Age
  • Christ will reign in the future 1000 year period which occurs after the rapture"
What is dispensationalism? |
As Isaac stated these people pretend to be Christian but they are actually agenda driven dead enders. They do not preach Jesus or the love of Jesus, salvation and MANY of the other core tenets of the bible, they preach rapture, the third temple and Israel...Revelations. As such they have hijacked the church and turned the bible into a roadmap of rapture and the church into a money making enterprise.
They are the definition of Christian idolatry.
Anyway...that's my two cents on them.
Thank you. I'll have to digest that for a while.
The nazis disarmed the people before they began the pogroms. Once disarmed, there is no way to stop rape, or violent robbery, or indeed anything. Once disarmed, the public is helpless prey. So the comparison is fair.
Is it possible that you do not understand that they disarmed the Jews? Do you deny that is a fact that Swaggart dishonestly omitted?
You're using the disarming of Jews in Nazi Germany as an argument for disarming Americans. haha.
Jesus fucking Christ NO!! Do I really have to explain to you that the anti gun control people are claiming that those of us who want gun control are the same as Nazi. That is just fucking stupid. If you believe that than you are stupid, but more likely you're just playing a sick game.
Well, Hitler DID take the guns. If it quacks like a duck...
From the Jews prior to exterminating them. No one wants to exterminate anyone here.
In all fairness, the title of the article that appears below is a bit over the top. I did not read or hear that she said that the students are like “demonic Nazis who rape gun owners” but, even at that, her words are pretty deplorable.

Now I realize that by posting this, I’m going to immediately jumped on as a bigot and Christian-phoebe and you are entitled to believe that if you wish. However, know this. My purpose is really to try to understand what is going on here. To grasp where this woman and those like here are coming from, whether or not they actually believe what they are saying, and how, exactly does attacking children by likening them to Nazis mesh with their Christian faith.

Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.

During the Frances & Friends program, Swaggart reacted to an estimated 800,000 people who called for gun control by marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

In her words:

“People have got to address the fact that kids today are being put in school where there’s no morals,” the television evangelist announced. “Because we’ve taken God out of the school. And there’s no resistance then to anything that Satan throws these kids’ way.”

“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new,” she added, reading from a paper provided by a fellow panelist. “Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.”

OK, I get this much. She is a conservative. Conservatives believe the morality – or what they consider morality-has suffered, especially in the schools, I also get that conservative – as a knee jerk reaction, freak out at the mention of gun control. BUT , what I do not get is the need to vilify children who are literally fighting for the right to live long enough to become adults. Again, how does attacking children mesh with Christian values. I might also ask, how does wanting more deadly weapons around mesh with Christian values, but I don’t want to make this to complicated

Swaggart then offered a “history lesson for young adults” about Nazism without mentioning that it was the Jews — not gun owners in general — who were violently persecuted by Hitler.

“Hitler’s regime took away guns from the people in Germany and then he herded all of those who did not like it into box cars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered,” she said. “The victims didn’t fire a shot in self defense because their guns had been taken away. That’s a fact.”

Lastly, I would like an explanation as to how lying conforms to her Christian values. Yes a lie. Failing to mention that Hitler confiscated guns from the Jews. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Let’s here it folks, who can explain this “Christian”
Looks like she's working extra hard for that free money from her sheep
The nazis disarmed the people before they began the pogroms. Once disarmed, there is no way to stop rape, or violent robbery, or indeed anything. Once disarmed, the public is helpless prey. So the comparison is fair.
Is it possible that you do not understand that they disarmed the Jews? Do you deny that is a fact that Swaggart dishonestly omitted?
You're using the disarming of Jews in Nazi Germany as an argument for disarming Americans. haha.
Jesus fucking Christ NO!! Do I really have to explain to you that the anti gun control people are claiming that those of us who want gun control are the same as Nazi. That is just fucking stupid. If you believe that than you are stupid, but more likely you're just playing a sick game.
How did gun control work for the Jews during Nazi Germany, angry guy?
The nazis disarmed the people before they began the pogroms. Once disarmed, there is no way to stop rape, or violent robbery, or indeed anything. Once disarmed, the public is helpless prey. So the comparison is fair.
Is it possible that you do not understand that they disarmed the Jews? Do you deny that is a fact that Swaggart dishonestly omitted?
You're using the disarming of Jews in Nazi Germany as an argument for disarming Americans. haha.
Jesus fucking Christ NO!! Do I really have to explain to you that the anti gun control people are claiming that those of us who want gun control are the same as Nazi. That is just fucking stupid. If you believe that than you are stupid, but more likely you're just playing a sick game.
Well, Hitler DID take the guns. If it quacks like a duck...
From the Jews prior to exterminating them. No one wants to exterminate anyone here.
The road to hell is paved with good intention. I prefer to keep mine thanks. I think a lot of others would as well.

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