Teen Parkland Survivor and anti-gun activist Cameron Kasky comes out as gay in lengthy social media statement: "I'm queer!"

Americans, we do not stand with the brat, you, you're not an American, you are a democratic fascist.....
Yeah that’s what I thought you were trying to do. You don’t speak for Americans. Don’t be delusional. Speak for yourself and leave us out of your stereotypes
Why do queers feel the need to advertise? Oh right, they are attention whores. Negative attention is just part of package. If they can't deal with it, they should just keep it to themselves.
They advertise as a sign of support and solidarity for those who are scare to be themselves. You really didn’t understand that?
They advertise as a sign of support and solidarity for those who are scare to be themselves. You really didn’t understand that?
No, I really don't get it. In this day and age you can find any type of group you want without the possibility of scorn. If one chooses to draw attention to themselves and gets negative attention they only have themselves to blame.
No, I really don't get it. In this day and age you can find any type of group you want without the possibility of scorn. If one chooses to draw attention to themselves and gets negative attention they only have themselves to blame.
I think you greatly underestimate the amount of hate and bullying and ostracizing that goes on in the LGBTQ community. Do you have any personal experience with this?
How do you know the hate and bullying?

I’m a high school coach, am dating a middle school counselor and I have a gay cousin and gay friends and have seen first hand many examples of how horribly families and communities treat LGBTQ and how hard it is for many to come out and act naturally. How about yourself?
I’m a high school coach, am dating a middle school counselor and I have a gay cousin and gay friends and have seen first hand many examples of how horribly families and communities treat LGBTQ and how hard it is for many to come out and act naturally. How about yourself?

Most people don't give rat's ass, the problem is gays perceive it all. Be gay I don't care but don't try and force it. That's the repelling part.

IDC about your pride, your flag, your agenda...just keep your distance.

Do that and no problem, force it? A problem
Most people don't give rat's ass, the problem is gays perceive it all. Be gay I don't care but don't try and force it. That's the repelling part.

IDC about your pride, your flag, your agenda...just keep your distance.

Do that and no problem, force it? A problem
First of all, why do you think you speak for most people? Second, without forcing it blacks would still be sitting in the back of the bus and women would not be able to vote. Forcing it is the only way to institute change
First of all, why do you think you speak for most people? Second, without forcing it blacks would still be sitting in the back of the bus and women would not be able to vote. Forcing it is the only way to institute change

Force it!? A problem. Stay away from our children.

End of discussion
No shitstain, they're my husband and I's children, you nor anyone else are in the equation.

That was disturbing
Oh I see, you’re talking about your children. I get it. Best to home school them and chaperone all of their interactions then. You may win a great parenting award! Haha

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