Ted needs to run for president again

Republicans have a lot of high quality candidates to pick from in the 2024 primary.
Ron Desantis, popular and successful governor
Ted Cruz, runner-up in 2016, very capable
Mike Pompeo, most qualified candidate in history, 1st in his class at West Point, ran CIA & State
Nikki Haley, could easily be 1st woman president, was successful governor
Tom Cotton. young gun, vet, capable
Kristi Noem, Kari Lake, potential VPs
Jim Jordan, energetic conservative
Dan Crenshaw, Navy Seal, warrior class

Who do the democrats have in 2024?
86 year old Joe Biden, was never capable
Stupid Kamaka Harris
Inept Gavin Newsom
Call it a her, Buttplug
Always losing Stacy Abrams
Not interested Michele Obama
And you thought Oblama was the original birth cert problem.
Wrong. Obumbler never did offer his birth certificate. A “certification of live birth”was a substitute. Plus,

It all emanated from his own publicist and the Shrillary campaign staff.

And I didn’t claim that the idiot was born in Kenya.
Republicans have a lot of high quality candidates to pick from in the 2024 primary.
Ron Desantis, popular and successful governor
Ted Cruz, runner-up in 2016, very capable
Mike Pompeo, most qualified candidate in history, 1st in his class at West Point, ran CIA & State
Nikki Haley, could easily be 1st woman president, was successful governor
Tom Cotton. young gun, vet, capable
Kristi Noem, Kari Lake, potential VPs
Jim Jordan, energetic conservative
Dan Crenshaw, Navy Seal, warrior class

Who do the democrats have in 2024?
86 year old Joe Biden, was never capable
Stupid Kamaka Harris
Inept Gavin Newsom
Call it a her, Buttplug
Always losing Stacy Abrams
Not interested Michele Obama
I’m still looking for a Traditionalist Conservative Ideologue on either of those lists and not finding one. Am I missing someone?
Republicans have a lot of high quality candidates to pick from in the 2024 primary.
Ron Desantis, popular and successful governor
Ted Cruz, runner-up in 2016, very capable
Mike Pompeo, most qualified candidate in history, 1st in his class at West Point, ran CIA & State
Nikki Haley, could easily be 1st woman president, was successful governor
Tom Cotton. young gun, vet, capable
Kristi Noem, Kari Lake, potential VPs
Jim Jordan, energetic conservative
Dan Crenshaw, Navy Seal, warrior class
You’re probably going to end up going with Trump again. The worst possible one.
I’m still looking for a Traditionalist Conservative Ideologue on either of those lists and not finding one. Am I missing someone?
No traditional "conservative" will ever win a national election. "Populists" get republicans and some democrats and indys. Besides, you are correct, there are no real conservatives. Rand Paul comes to mind. If you want to support a "Never-Trumper" he'd never win a state GOP primary. WE don't like Trump but love his America First policies.
I’m an ideologue. Winning elections is a secondary concern to doing/saying/believing the correct things.
If we really need control of the Government we’ll just exterminate all of you.
LOL!! Just who do do you think is "we"? You and Ann Coulter? Good luck with that.
Like I tell the Left crazies, "slap leather any time you're ready..." See what happens.

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