Ted needs to run for president again

The fairy tale is that being born in another land makes one something other than a U.S. citizen. If I was born in Canada to an American parent, I was a natural born citizen of the USA.

Snap out of it.


Why are you changing your tune?? Here you are, saying a person born abroad with an American parent is NOT a "natural born citizen"...

Romney definitely fits the definition of natural born.

Assuming that the incumbent [Obama] was born in Kenya, he would not.

Not really. Although I don’t care. A certification of live birth isn’t the same as an original birth certificate.

I didn’t say that Trump never made reference to Obumbler’s alleged Kenyan citizenship. So did team Shrillary a way back. For fuck sake, Obumbler’s own publicist said it. So did Obumbler’s own grandma (confusion notwithstanding).

Was Obumbler born in Hawaii? I’m guessing so.


You lie again, Welshy. Neither Hillary nor anyone on her team said Obama was allegedly born in Kenya.
Duh, maybe you haven't been paying attention, but the democrats are owned by the high-tech oligarchs.

That's right, the BIG MONEY is democrat. The billionaires, and the wealthy techies know better than to go Republican. It's the new rich, the mom-and-pop store (the few that remain ) that are Republicans. The Trump types, go Republican. Although Trump wasn't a Republican for most of his adult life. His switch to the Republican party was a strategic move to garner the white, blue-collar working-class vote, which is mostly Republican. He put on an act, pretending to be a conservative populist and champion of the average Joe. His target was Joe the plumber and he won. He's not a populist, he serves his own socioeconomic class interests. He filled his administration with a bunch of fortune 500 execs, bankers, right-wing professional lobbyists, and stink tank analysts. The smart rich are democrats because, despite the many flaws of the democratic party, they at least pretend to care for working-class people and sometimes pass legislation that helps the average Joe. The backbone of the American economy is the working class, and the smart, BIG MONEY rich know that. They want long-term stability.

Republicans are short-term profits oriented, serving the vested interests of the rich, at the expense of 94% of the population i.e. the working-class, without apology.
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