Ted Haggard "Cured" of Homosexuality


Feb 12, 2007
Ted Haggard, the disgraced former leader of an Evangelical Christian Group, has been declared "cured" of his homosexuality after 3 weeks of intensive "therapy" and is now a total heterosexual.


Is this Snake Oil sales, or what? Whom is this guy and this group trying to deceive?

So this same fellow who snorted Meth off the buttocks of a male prostitute is now totally normal! No more hypocrisy! NOT!!! As far as the experts know, homosexuality is not a "disease" and is not something to be cured. Or, perhaps the therapists practicing on Haggard for 3 weeks can publish their methods and make millions and millions.

Of course, Haggard will not be let back into the ministry and can only continue to be a "lay practitioner".

What a joke.
I have news!!

I've been cured of being a male!
Now how crazy does that sound ^? You cant just change ur sexuality, you are what you are. Stupid, stupid man.
I have news!!

I've been cured of being a male!
Now how crazy does that sound ^? You cant just change ur sexuality, you are what you are. Stupid, stupid man.

Sorry to hear about your sex change. Being a man is pretty fun.
It's all a farce.

How do you know for sure? (not saying this incident isn't a farce)

Since homosexuality is an aberration of nature, is it not conceivable that the condition could be reversible -- whether it's a physical condition, an emotional one, or a combination of both?
How do you know for sure?

Since homosexuality is an aberration of nature, is it not conceivable that the condition could be reversible -- whether it's a physical condition, an emotional one, or a combination of both?
Is it not enough to know people who have tried it through personal means and stupid shit like Exodus Intl.? I have never seen a successful reverse. It's always a farce or the person thinks they have to suppress the feelings and lie to themselves and others every damn day.
I don't know. I have my doubts. Jimmy Swaggart convinced me when he cried that he sinned against the lord the first time he was seen with a prostitute. Yet, later, he was caught a second time. Those scenes are little more than jail-house conversions by people who want forgiveness - by congregations and judges - what's the difference?
How do you know for sure? (not saying this incident isn't a farce)

Since homosexuality is an aberration of nature, is it not conceivable that the condition could be reversible -- whether it's a physical condition, an emotional one, or a combination of both?

When in doubt, follow the money. For example, in three weeks, do you think any team of doctors could convince you to change your sexual preferences? Okay... now, imagine a fortune of both money and social power awaited you at the end of that transition.:eusa_whistle: Betchya you could pretend!
How are supposed to know that he is really cured? He should make a porn video with a well-known porn actress and then release it on the Internet. Then we can make our own judgment.
It's all a farce.

Hate to burst your bubble of safety, and security, but I personally know a man that was definitely homosexual, but actually was brought out of it with the help of Christian counseling by an organization called Grace Fellowship, and started by a Dr. Charles Solomon.

No intervention was performed. This man was actually an active Christian fellow involved in a church as an associate minister. He kept this male sexual attraction to himself, as he was fearful of the consequences of it being revealed and losing his ministerial position, and also the embarrassment. He finally contacted Grace Fellowship and entered into voluntary biblical counseling regimen, and gradually was "healed" in mind, spirit and will of this type of condition.

He now lives happily, and heterosexually, and has several children. He actually gave a very moving talk at a Lay Counseling seminar that I attended that was sponsored by Grace Fellowship International.
Dr. Solomon, as well as his licensed counseling staff have personally led many folks out of homosexual behaviour into fruitful, heterosexual lives.
It is a spiritual conditon, as defined by Dr. Solomon, and the results of those who have come for his organization's help seem to prove that point as valid.

To this point in time Dr. Solomon see's no chemical, hormonal, or gene connection to homosexuality. He does however see and has written from his counseling experience, that the beginning homosexual traits started often in the early years of development as young children, when sexual orientation was most important in child development. The orientation derivation seemed to occur as a result of external effects of parenting, combined with a particular, varying, of the child's personality disposition, and respect to peer stimulus, both negative and positive in terms of encouraging or disparaging one's born sexual, physical, description(male child or female child).

Bottom-line: Parental influence was foremost. Yet unreported or undetected, molestation by adults or older peers of the same or opposite, sex also had some profound effects on sexual orientation decisions later on with these children, both male and female. Without immediate follow-up care and counseling for the molested, there seems to be concrete connections with abnormal sexual orientation-maturation.
Anyway......these folks aren't talked-out (brain washed) of homosexuality or abbherent behaviour, but are "healed" through objective knowledge, and loving coordination with the counselor with the counselee, with scriptural, Christian, biblical support.
Grace Fellowship does not see/define, homosexuality in any different light than adultery, divorce, robbery, alcoholism, lieing, or any sin, minor or major. It is a spiritual battle from the day-one.
Of course those that do not adhere to a biblical view of humanity and are in the throws of sin of any type, will not be able to spiritually ascertain or understand the meaning or importance of this type of approach. Sadly they are missing out on something great, and wonderful. People are being released from besetting sin, and habits, to live lives of freedom, and growth as they were originally created.
Claims, claims, claims and no way to prove it. Just because they say they were, doesn't mean it's true.


This counseling ministry organization has freed-up lives, both Christian and non-Christian, by the myriads.

They are easy to contact, as the above website is very simple to navigate and find answers. There's email and phone contact numbers for their North America Headquarters. Just click North America on the left side of the screen.

All is confidential between them and those that contact them.

Side note: I think Ted Haggard's therapy was much, much, too short of a duration to have viably turned around his sexual orientation dilemma. The folks I have known personally, and have read about that have been brought around to their right and biological sexual orientation have had to work in therapy for quite some time with much follow-up. This condition is not unlike working with those who have been in chemical addiction or other deep rooted negative, habitual problems. What took root and has been habituated for years doesn not miraculously become absent from the habitual side of the human psyche over night or in a few weeks.

I still remember my father telling me that even after stopping his heavy smoking habit that started in his adolescent days and ended in this 30's, a person would offer him a cigarette after over a year of abstaining, and he would reflexively raise his hand to accept a cigarette, and then catch himself at it, and say, "No thank you, I don't smoke.".

Homesexuality is a learned thing, as attested by the wonderful, life changing/healing, results of Dr. Solomon's counseling, therapy, ministry, utilizing biblical principles, and God's intervention in a valid Spiritual way. This erroneous orientation starts so early in life, that it's easy to understand how most or many homosexuals believe that it's part and partial of their biological make-up from before birth and in the womb.....via chemicals and/or genes. Most people don't understand that little boys and little girls learn their sexual orientation, minus the physical sexual pro-creation side of it, at a very early age. Many young boys or adolescent boys may even be forced into thinking they are "gay" because of peer reaction to their innate personality, that may not be stereotypically what the Western Male is typified as in our culture. Some men may not have that macho exterior, or aggressiveness, but are inclined to interests in areas that our culture find more commonly in the feminine interests category, yet these young men are as male as any other male. Orientation starts in the mind, and then it has to believed by the recipient. When it's received cognitively at early ages of toddler-hood, it can easily be forgotten as one grows older, and then erroneously perceived as a "born" or natural trait.

Some homosexuals may not lean to the feminine interests, yet still find themselves sexually arroused to their own sex. This again goes back to imprinting, and believing a lie at an early age. It could be the result of a singular traumatic episode, or many minor episodes that left an impression influencing sexual orientation. Children perceive who they are through how they are treated, related too, etc.. We become what we are, and when we erroneously perceive who we are, we will believe it, and live as our gospel of life.

That illusive "gay" gene has not and will not be found.

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