Ted Cruz To Wall Street: "Help Me!"

Meanwhile Hillary takes 300k for a freaking speech to Wall Street banks which probably amounts to nothing more than a money laundering scheme and there is no outrage. Her husband pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a donation to his library. The problem is that there is an expectation for the GOP to act ethically but the sky is the limit for democrats.
And this is the making of an establishment party member. Like in '94 when the GOP was hot, Newt, Kasish and gang were kicking ass and taking names, balanced budget, etc. But then the money train rolled in and they rolled over. Like Ted is doing now.
This guy has been a cloaked shill for the establishment since day one! David Duke was right all along about Cruz and his Goldman Sachs wife.

Cruz's message to Wall Street: Help me

But Heidi is far more than Goldman Sachs. Merill Lynch, and JP Morgan Chase as well as CFR, working for GW, Condi Rice and Rep Zoellick has made them the penultimate Washington establishment and Wall Street couple.

BTW. I am not slagging Heidi's talents. Au contraire. Talk about a wicked career! Seriously she is amazing. What a freaking resume the woman has.

But trying to pull off an anti establishment outside the beltway facade is fraudulent. Lyin'Ted baby all the way.

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