Ted Cruz SHREDS Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

Twitter censored a Mother Teresa quote and refused to answer a question by Ted Cruz "Is Mother Teresa's quote hate speech"?
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

I watched Jack Dorsey's Body language and he was lying about 60-70% of the time. The only time I thought he really told the truth is when he said they needed more transparency.
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

I watched Jack Dorsey's Body language and he was lying about 60-70% of the time. The only time I thought he really told the truth is when he said they needed more transparency.
I came to almost the same conclusion without body language. 100% lyings SOS...The Mother Teresa hate speech tipped me over the edge.
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

I watched Jack Dorsey's Body language and he was lying about 60-70% of the time. The only time I thought he really told the truth is when he said they needed more transparency.

Dorsey told Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb) that he is interested in more transparency, and that they are working on a system where users can either choose or turn off the algorithms that drive content.

Yeah, right. If you were "interested in more transparency", you would just quit censoring content. You're the fucking boss; no one's stopping you.
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

You know if the loose 230 protection they would not only take him off but would probably have to ban the NY Post for over a year...

They would also ban Cruz for supporting the this lie... They could sued and the prosecutor could say that having someone as unstable as Cruz who proposes a story that is has no real evidence and is obviously a fabrication...
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

Ted better hope Trump wins, or unfortunately for him and Texas, he is just warming the seat for the future, global socialist Dem.
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

You know if the loose 230 protection they would not only take him off but would probably have to ban the NY Post for over a year...

They would also ban Cruz for supporting the this lie... They could sued and the prosecutor could say that having someone as unstable as Cruz who proposes a story that is has no real evidence and is obviously a fabrication...

You know, if they "loose" 230 protection, they COULD just regain it by putting an end to their high-handed, elitist censorship and behaving as an open platform the way they said they would.

Not that such a concept would ever occur to a leftist twerp who enjoys having "his betters" tell him the "correct" thoughts to have.
This is epic. Ted is spot on. I challenge anyone to dispute where Ted is factually not accurate. These Tech giants need to lose 230 protections immediately.

You know if the loose 230 protection they would not only take him off but would probably have to ban the NY Post for over a year...

They would also ban Cruz for supporting the this lie... They could sued and the prosecutor could say that having someone as unstable as Cruz who proposes a story that is has no real evidence and is obviously a fabrication...

You know, if they "loose" 230 protection, they COULD just regain it by putting an end to their high-handed, elitist censorship and behaving as an open platform the way they said they would.

Not that such a concept would ever occur to a leftist twerp who enjoys having "his betters" tell him the "correct" thoughts to have.

Communist China would disapprove and not be pleased.

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