Ted Cruz Says SCOTUS 'Clearly Wrong' to Legalize Gay Marriage

Actually, what I said was " HeyNorm, I'm really enjoying your posts." It's very interesting that you see that line and your brain reads "HeyNorm, I'm rooting for bigotry." It must hurt your brain to actually make it through a day of reading.

Maybe it's an eye condition that I've never heard of. Have you ever talked to a doctor about this?

I might be able to help you with this strange condition. Take a look at this line and tell me what it says. "The sky is blue and the sun is bright today".

Oh, wait! I know. Your mommy is actually telling you what it is you're looking at.

Cool. Got it.

HeyNorm, is a shameless bigot who opposes equality for gays and will use their children as pawns to punish them. He was also exposed as a liar who climed that he opposed gay marriage because same sex couples can't have children like others. He then admitted that was bullshit, and that he is ok with heterosexual couples who cant have children getting married. He is also a coward who hase gone underground rather that explain his reakl reasons for opposing marriage equality.

Then you said that you enjoyed his posts . You enjoy the posts of a bigot and a coward! What does that make you? I got it exactly right.
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Actually, what I said was " HeyNorm, I'm really enjoying your posts." It's very interesting that you see that line and your brain reads "HeyNorm, I'm rooting for bigotry." It must hurt your brain to actually make it through a day of reading.

Maybe it's an eye condition that I've never heard of. Have you ever talked to a doctor about this?

I might be able to help you with this strange condition. Take a look at this line and tell me what it says. "The sky is blue and the sun is bright today".

Oh, wait! I know. Your mommy is actually telling you what it is you're looking at.

Cool. Got it.


Watch your mailbox for your special edition HeyNorm fan club kit, complete with back stage passes!
Like straight guys getting the right to marry guys.

It don’t get weirder than that!
Except that they are not doing that. As I recall, uyou called me a bigot for alledgedly wanting to exclude straight people from same sex marriage -which is not true. But now you call it weird shit. There is something seriously wrong with you.
You think two straight guys marrying is normal?

Okie dokie. 🤦‍♂️
I did not say that it was normal. I said that they should be and are allowed to do it. But you stupidly called me a bigot for calling same sex marriage gay marriage and claiming that I was excluding same sex straight people .

I know what you're doing. You are desparatly using this shit as a smoke screen to divert attention away from the fact that you were forced to admit your lie about what you opposed gay marriage and now you are avoiding comming clean with your real reason......pure bigotry!
I did not say that it was normal. I said that they should be and are allowed to do it. But you stupidly called me a bigot for calling same sex marriage gay marriage and claiming that I was excluding same sex straight people .

I know what you're doing. You are desparatly using this shit as a smoke screen to divert attention away from the fact that you were forced to admit your lie about what you opposed gay marriage and now you are avoiding comming clean with your real reason......pure bigotry!

I’ve put up with enablers long enough. Now women have to compete with grown ass men and have to look at their Johnson’s in their own locker rooms because of of a small group of sniveling pansies.

I’ve put up with enablers long enough. Now women have to compete with grown ass men and have to look at their Johnson’s in their own locker rooms because of of a small group of sniveling pansies.


Sniveling pansies who were raised by bottomlessly ignorant, narcissistic, arrogant assholes who were willing to sacrifice their children's emotional health for a few SJW brownie points, and in the end created woman-hating sniveling pansies who, unable to compete in the real world, choose to take advantage of their biological gift to enable them to beat women up.

Here! Take that, bitch. That's payback for the fact that I got stuck with an evil **** for a mother and a limp-wristed, nutless, useless stoner for a dad.

The left hates women.

Possibly closer to 5%, but why quibble. When almost everybody who is eligible to access the “right”, would even think about doing so, I think it’s obvious that this was not done in the best interest of society. Especially when it need not have been handled so frivolously.

I don't think it was handled frivolously at all. We had a decade of debate on the gay marriage issue, and at the end of the day, all the other side had was "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad".

Let's take the other issue that this law protects, interracial marriage. Only about 7% of Americans are involved in interracial marriages, despite it being legal and "accepted" for over 50 years. Some of that is racism, but a lot of it is that most people just like to date people who remind them of themselves. So should we allow a state to ban it because it's just such a small percentage?
I don't think it was handled frivolously at all. We had a decade of debate on the gay marriage issue, and at the end of the day, all the other side had was "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad".

Let's take the other issue that this law protects, interracial marriage. Only about 7% of Americans are involved in interracial marriages, despite it being legal and "accepted" for over 50 years. Some of that is racism, but a lot of it is that most people just like to date people who remind them of themselves. So should we allow a state to ban it because it's just such a small percentage?

Classic deflection, but I don’t blame you.

Same sex marriage makes 100% eligible to marry someone of the same sex, but only roughly 5% of those eligible would feel slighted if the law were taken away.

Interracial? Again 100% eligible, and a vast majority would feel slighted if that option was taken from them, regardless of their sexuality.
Classic deflection, but I don’t blame you.

Same sex marriage makes 100% eligible to marry someone of the same sex, but only roughly 5% of those eligible would feel slighted if the law were taken away.

Interracial? Again 100% eligible, and a vast majority would feel slighted if that option was taken from them, regardless of their sexuality.

I think you are a bit confused on the numbers.


71% support same sex marriage. This is why the Republicans are in such a hurry to make this issue go away.
I think you are a bit confused on the numbers.


71% support same sex marriage. This is why the Republicans are in such a hurry to make this issue go away.

More deflection, which is expected. Of that 71% in the poll, how many would feel that if the option to marry someone of the same sex was taken from them, the result would have a negative impact on their life?

Let’s do the same polling on interracial, or just about any other right granted citizens.

Your argument that the denial of same sex marriage would somehow impact the right to marry those of another race just don’t hold water.

It’s just that simple.
I’ve put up with enablers long enough. Now women have to compete with grown ass men and have to look at their Johnson’s in their own locker rooms because of of a small group of sniveling pansies.

Holy Shit! Off on another tangent. Anything to avoid the topic of this thread which id GAY MARRIAGE. You're still running from the fact that you were forced to admit your big lie about why to would deny the right of gays to marry. And, you still are too much of a cowardto admit the real reason. You toss that "bigot" word around as though you actually understood what it means. LOOK IN THE MIRROR
Holy Shit! Off on another tangent. Anything to avoid the topic of this thread which id GAY MARRIAGE. You're still running from the fact that you were forced to admit your big lie about why to would deny the right of gays to marry. And, you still are too much of a cowardto admit the real reason. You toss that "bigot" word around as though you actually understood what it means. LOOK IN THE MIRROR

Show one place in which I have stated that, even if same sex marriage was repealed, gays could not marry.

Even before obergfell, and as have demonstrated, gays married and were never arrested for doing so.

Because they are awful, nasty bigots.

or the bigot should sit down and shut up.

And we'll just have to find other ways to make the lives of bigots miserable.

Right, because I've got my obsidian knife all ready once they rule that religion allows me to break the law. Praise the Plumed Serpent!

Same tired counterarguments from the same tired JoeBlowJob.

All stemming from Joe's own bigotry over religion, which is far more toxic than any of the examples we are now seeing.
Show one place in which I have stated that, even if same sex marriage was repealed, gays could not marry.

Even before obergfell, and as have demonstrated, gays married and were never arrested for doing so.

Once again you are proving yourself to being a liar, a fraud and a bigot. You think that you’re slick....and you are but only because you are slime.

This is discussion has been and still is about the LEGAL ACCESS to same sex, gay marriage. It is about what you said in that regard. Now you are once again showing your cowardice and refusing to own up to it. So you move the goal posts to try to make it about what you did not say instead of what you did say .

You are not smart enough to gas light me by denying what you said or claiming that you meant something else. For the record, by the time Obergefell was decided gay were able to marry in most states, but if it is overturned many more states that were forced to accept same sex marriage by the lower courts could prohibit it again. In addition, if the majority of congressional Republicans had there way, those states would not have to recognize marriages from other states.

It does not matter what you said or did not say . Those are the facts and I am quite sure that you would be ok with all of it. Unless you are talking about something other than legal marriage with this tripe, your post is pointless and duplicitous. If you are talking about something other than legal marriage, it is still pointless and duplicitous

That fact is, as I have said, you have admitted to being opposed to same sex gay marriage and by your own admission, lied about the reason for you opposition. Now do I have to shove it all in your face again?
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weird shit = lgbtq, trannys, pedifiles, illegals, inflation, AGW, senile Joe, crazy nancy, crying Schumer, CNN, Antifa, BLM.
just for starters.

its you who is dodging with your head up your ass.

Gish Gallop!
Once again you are proving yourself to being a liar, a fraud and a bigot. You think that you’re slick....and you are but only because you are slime.

This is discussion has been and still is about the LEGAL ACCESS to same sex, gay marriage. It is about what you said in that regard. Now you are once again showing your cowardice and refusing to own up to it. So you move the goal posts to try to make it about what you did not say instead of what you did say .

You are not smart enough to gas light me by denying what you said or claiming that you meant something else. For the record, by the time Obergefell was decided gay were able to marry in most states, but if it is overturned many more states that were forced to accept same sex marriage by the lower courts could prohibit it again. In addition, if the majority of congressional Republicans had there way, those states would not have to recognize marriages from other states.

It does not matter what you said or did not say . Those are the facts and I am quite sure that you would be ok with all of it. Unless you are talking about something other than legal marriage with this tripe, your post is pointless and duplicitous. If you are talking about something other than legal marriage, it is still pointless and duplicitous

That fact is, as I have said, you have admitted to being opposed to same sex gay marriage and by your own admission, lied about the reason for you opposition. Now do I have to shove it all in your face again?

You sure seem hot to trot for promoting the institution of Gay Marriage for someone who claims to be normative.

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