Ted Cruz poised to make life miserable for Mitch McConnell

TEDS on radio in audio clips laying out his plans to attack obamacare and other atrocities passed by the dems and mr. Obama . Sounds like TED has a plan that ol Rushbo approves of !!
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TEDS on radio in audio clips laying out hisplans to attack obamacare and other atrocities passed by the dems and mr. Obama . Sounds like TED has a plan that ol Rushbo approves of !!
Well yeah. Limpballs is a big time teapartier.
and good fer Rush , everything Rush knows is what I taught him Sarah !!
McConnell has already isolated Cruz, and Lee has deserted him. Rubio and Paul are going to track him, trap him, and cage him. A cypher, nothing else.

McConnell gave the best and nicest victory speech I've ever heard. He admitted that race was mean and nasty and his opponent withstood a lot. He isn't going to let the likes of Cruz get the best of him. He's the majority leader now and isn't about to give the reins over to Ted Cruz.
McConnell craps bigger than Cruz. Everyone in the party knows it.
Cruz has already been told shut the fuck up and get out of the way by the GOP.
If Cruz attempts to stir any more shit the GOP will have a nice friendly meeting with him and give him two options: Get on board or get the fuck out. Don't ever kid yourself. The GOP 'backroom boys' are the real leaders behind the scenes.
The GOP has a golden opportunity to take the Whitehouse and they know idiots like Cruz are standing in their way.
Sure, split those partyline votes in the Senate. Cruz will just be adding to the do nothingness that generally surrounds the takeover.

Republicans are not near ready for this.

They're more ready to lead than Democrats ever were.

This is going to be a war against elitism and a war against a hostile press.

I figure many media outlets will go belly up because they chose to hitch their wagons to the Democrats.
MSNBC is already on life support.
How long before the LIB morons like Ed Schultz and Sharpton get run off?
NBC needs to fold up MSNBC and run 'Lassy Returns' shows. They'll get bigger rating numbers.
hey Sarah , RUSH is good people !! Good to see that you dislike Rush though , I'll tell him that Sarah dislikes you and yer 20 some years of success , fame and wealth !!
McConnell has already isolated Cruz, and Lee has deserted him. Rubio and Paul are going to track him, trap him, and cage him. A cypher, nothing else.

McConnell gave the best and nicest victory speech I've ever heard. He admitted that race was mean and nasty and his opponent withstood a lot. He isn't going to let the likes of Cruz get the best of him. He's the majority leader now and isn't about to give the reins over to Ted Cruz.
McConnell craps bigger than Cruz. Everyone in the party knows it.
Cruz has already been told shut the fuck up and get out of the way by the GOP.
If Cruz attempts to stir any more shit the GOP will have a nice friendly meeting with him and give him two options: Get on board or get the fuck out. Don't ever kid yourself. The GOP 'backroom boys' are the real leaders behind the scenes.
The GOP has a golden opportunity to take the Whitehouse and they know idiots like Cruz are standing in their way.
You guys are always so good with your sweeping generalizations. Who specifically told Cruz to stfu and get out of the way lol.

The teaparty has been a force and pretty scary to the gop. They didn't want McConnell to win. The teaparty is like the crazy aunt upstairs, the gop will never get rid of them.
Yeah, the TPM is the scary aunt, but she is locked in the attic.
They're trying to control the teaparty just like the gop always tries to control their presidents. An example is Nixon another is GW Bush but there comes a point where the presidents rebel. You might remember Nixon saying I am the president? That was him letting people know who makes the decisions. Bush said I am the decider. Same thing, different language.

The teaparty isn't always going to be relegated to the attic only to be let out when the gop needs them for something. They want to take over..
That's why the GOP mainstream beat them so badly in the primaries this year. Yeah, the JBS-KKK-TPM of both parties crawl out now and then, but until slaughtered this year, this is the strongest they have been since far right in the 1960s.
McConnell has already isolated Cruz, and Lee has deserted him. Rubio and Paul are going to track him, trap him, and cage him. A cypher, nothing else.

The subversive SPY in the RINO ranks has spoken.... You left wingers NEVER give up...even when we all know what you're doing!:rolleyes-41:

Keeping in mind I am not a lefty and you are not a patriot, what did I say above that is not true?

Which part, the fact you are a lefty, or that Cruz WILL make life unbearable for that Bitch Mitch?
Cruz will have his political back broken quickly.

The Canadian Candidate is powerless.
That's why the GOP mainstream beat them so badly in the primaries this year. Yeah, the JBS-KKK-TPM of both parties crawl out now and then, but until slaughtered this year, this is the strongest they have been since far right in the 1960s.

Yes hundreds of millions of dollars spent, Roves $100 million alone in his superpac, was all but depleted paying for ads and TV time to LIE about Tea Party candidates. Now we get a chance to see the Repubick self destruct. after the people telling them, they are fed up with LIBERALISM... You fucking jerks want to WORK with these pond scum... The Subversives treated Repubicks like shit for the last 6 years, refused to work with them, refused to bring to the Senate floor, even House bills passed with bipartisanship, yet fucking assholes like you want to BE FRIENDS with socialist scum... you should disgust any CONSERVATIVE worth his salt!
The GOP mainstream wants nothing to do with Cruz since the deficit and budget battles. He is bad for America, and the mainstream knows it. The far right and TPM love him, but they don't have the power now.

Watch watch what happens with marriage equality, ACA, and immigration. The far right can't lie anymore because the whole country is aware they hide their nefarious agenda behind supposedly a small government lower tax platform.

Thanks for admitting you're a lefty and want higher taxes! and BIGGER gov't... Sooner or later the subversives give themselves up!

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