Ted Cruz doesn’t like Uganda’s new anti-gay

But they are bothering everyone about their homosexuality. They need an entire month to promote their indecency and force everyone to accept it, or be labeled a “bigot”. Plus statistics show that homosexuals groom children and molest them at very high rates. They are a danger to kids. That is why we “worry” about it.
Show your statistics, liar.
They are not bothering anyone?

Since gender confusion has been taught in public schools gender confusion is up 4000% as teachers are actively grooming children into another sex and transitioning them without their parents knowledge and putting gay porn in the libraries for children and every day we here how teachers are molesting children by the day and you ask why worry about it?

I addressed this in my post that you clearly didnt read.
In places ancient Sparta it was socially expected to engage in gay sex, and a lot of times with children

So, what you are saying is that someone could in fact teach you to be gay.

But they are bothering everyone about their homosexuality. They need an entire month to promote their indecency and force everyone to accept it, or be labeled a “bigot”. Plus statistics show that homosexuals groom children and molest them at very high rates. They are a danger to kids. That is why we “worry” about it.
I certainly do nto agree with the way they shove their sexuality down everyones throats.
Thenn again, you have people like you who want to punish adults for who they are attracted to.
Why are you not pushing for laws stoning people for committing adulatory since that is part of God's law?

Why are you not pushing for laws killing kids for disrespecting their parents since that is part of God's law?
Because some transgressions are not as bad as others. A child disrespecting their parents does not warrant a death penalty.

Being gay may not either. As stated before, the actual law in Uganda only allows death penalty for pervs who rape children. Yes raping children is probably the most disgusting thing a human can do and it deserves the death penalty. Or do you disagree?
So, what you are saying is that someone could in fact teach you to be gay.

Unless you think everyone in ancient Sparta had the gay gene.


I think there are a minority that will drift that way regardless, but anciennt Sparta is evidence that it can be socially mediated as well.
I missed in the New Testament where Jesus said to murder...well anyone.
I don't think its in the Torah either, and Buddha didn't say anything about it.

Er...thats next step?
Sounds like you need to read more of the Bible.
Unless you think everyone in ancient Sparta had the gay gene.


I think there are a minority that will drift that way regardless, but anciennt Sparta is evidence that it can be socially mediated as well.

Is it a constant struggle for you each day to remain straight and not turn gay?
Who cares if you believe in your bible....just quit trying to shove it down our throats.
You're free to believe and live by whatever code of conduct you want, as long as it's not directly harming someone else. You're free to raise your family with the same beliefs. Outside of that, fuck off and leave the rest of us alone. You religious fanatics are no different than the far left trying to force your views on everyone around you.
^^ yea sure, from the party of “fuck your free-dumbs” and “take the clot shot or lose your job”.
According to many conservatives, it's a choice. That's why I suppose they have to wake up every morning and decide if they are heterosexual or not.
Wrong. It is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex. If one is attracted to the same sex then something is wrong. Perhaps that person was abused or molested as a child. Or if they were just “born that way“, then they need to learn to overcome it, like anyone else born with a disability.
^^ Translation: “I can’t find any fault in Christ, but I don’t want to follow him and I will attack anyone that does.”
You can follow anyone you like. Just don't base societal laws off single passages you cherry pick from your book of fairy tales that back up your bigotry.
Hey look another guy who can't figure out why attempting to protect societies from a pandemic is a necessity.
Homosexuality and transgenderism is far more dangerous to society than your scamdemic.

More people have died from AIDS and have suffered traumatic experiences due to homosexuals than ever died from COVID.
You can follow anyone you like. Just don't base societal laws off single passages you cherry pick from your book of fairy tales that back up your bigotry.
All of Western Civilization is built off that “book of fairy tales”, if you don’t like it then move to another part of the world. Oh but you won’t, because you like to reap the benefits of Western society.

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