Tearing down idols and Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I was listening to Dennis Prager the other day, and he got me thinking. As many know, Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship. For those that don't know, idols are anything that elevate themselves over the place of God.

Then he mentioned Trump and the Left hatred toward him. He said that he thinks he understands the hatred because Trump is an idol basher. For example, before Trump the media was on a pedestal. Although everyone could see their bias against conservatives and their adoration for Progressives, no one called them on it. They all just smiled and played nice and pretended that the press was not actively trying to help only one party win power. However, Trump ended all that as he began to fight back and call them out for their open bias, thus he smashed an idol of society.

Trump also has done this with academia. Those in higher education were on a similar pedestal as those in the press. Those in higher education were soooo much more smarter than those who were not. Naturally, since they are all Left wing that meant that only the intelligent are also Left wing. Funny thing, they don't use their intellect to fight back on college campus' around the country. No, no, they institute "safe zones" where people are not allowed to "offend" others by presenting opposing views of thought. Also, if you are a conservative, you are often not allowed to speak at a university on the grounds of "offending" people. Again, Trump calls them out and smashes yet another idol.

And there lies the rub. Is Trump religious? Probably not, but he unknowingly is smashing secular humanist idols on a daily basis. Currently he is smashing the idol of the US Federal bureaucracy. No, the DOJ and FBI, among other institutions in the Swamp, are not unbiased organizations that treat us all the same under the law. That much we are learning daily as we watch seditious frauds like Strzok give open testimony on the Trump investigation.
Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship.

If you're not Jewish, don't tell people what Jews believe ... it makes the saints cry.
I was listening to Dennis Prager the other day, and he got me thinking. As many know, Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship. For those that don't know, idols are anything that elevate themselves over the place of God.

Then he mentioned Trump and the Left hatred toward him. He said that he thinks he understands the hatred because Trump is an idol basher. For example, before Trump the media was on a pedestal. Although everyone could see their bias against conservatives and their adoration for Progressives, no one called them on it. They all just smiled and played nice and pretended that the press was not actively trying to help only one party win power. However, Trump ended all that as he began to fight back and call them out for their open bias, thus he smashed an idol of society.

Trump also has done this with academia. Those in higher education were on a similar pedestal as those in the press. Those in higher education were soooo much more smarter than those who were not. Naturally, since they are all Left wing that meant that only the intelligent are also Left wing. Funny thing, they don't use their intellect to fight back on college campus' around the country. No, no, they institute "safe zones" where people are not allowed to "offend" others by presenting opposing views of thought. Also, if you are a conservative, you are often not allowed to speak at a university on the grounds of "offending" people. Again, Trump calls them out and smashes yet another idol.

And there lies the rub. Is Trump religious? Probably not, but he unknowingly is smashing secular humanist idols on a daily basis. Currently he is smashing the idol of the US Federal bureaucracy. No, the DOJ and FBI, among other institutions in the Swamp, are not unbiased organizations that treat us all the same under the law. That much we are learning daily as we watch seditious frauds like Strzok give open testimony on the Trump investigation.
Wow, yiu are giving far to much credit to that idiot.
Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship.

If you're not Jewish, don't tell people what Jews believe ... it makes the saints cry.


Yea, I sure hate to watch them cry.
I was listening to Dennis Prager the other day, and he got me thinking. As many know, Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship. For those that don't know, idols are anything that elevate themselves over the place of God.

Then he mentioned Trump and the Left hatred toward him. He said that he thinks he understands the hatred because Trump is an idol basher. For example, before Trump the media was on a pedestal. Although everyone could see their bias against conservatives and their adoration for Progressives, no one called them on it. They all just smiled and played nice and pretended that the press was not actively trying to help only one party win power. However, Trump ended all that as he began to fight back and call them out for their open bias, thus he smashed an idol of society.

Trump also has done this with academia. Those in higher education were on a similar pedestal as those in the press. Those in higher education were soooo much more smarter than those who were not. Naturally, since they are all Left wing that meant that only the intelligent are also Left wing. Funny thing, they don't use their intellect to fight back on college campus' around the country. No, no, they institute "safe zones" where people are not allowed to "offend" others by presenting opposing views of thought. Also, if you are a conservative, you are often not allowed to speak at a university on the grounds of "offending" people. Again, Trump calls them out and smashes yet another idol.

And there lies the rub. Is Trump religious? Probably not, but he unknowingly is smashing secular humanist idols on a daily basis. Currently he is smashing the idol of the US Federal bureaucracy. No, the DOJ and FBI, among other institutions in the Swamp, are not unbiased organizations that treat us all the same under the law. That much we are learning daily as we watch seditious frauds like Strzok give open testimony on the Trump investigation.
Wow, yiu are giving far to much credit to that idiot.

Really, and why is that?
People don't like Trump because Trump is an idiot, a bully, a whore monger and doesn't understand his job. The only reason his supporters like him is because they are not interested in anything except "sticking it" to someone. When I went to Cali last time, we had some kids over to the house and they were playing a game about New York after a bio terror attack or something. Spray painted on some buildings was "fuck justice, we want revenge"...sums up the Trump supporter perfectly.

It has nothing to do with religion or bashing supposed "idols"...It has everything to do with factual, principled resistance to cheapening the office and hurting the nation; of which he does both constantly.
People don't like Trump because Trump is an idiot, a bully, a whore monger and doesn't understand his job. The only reason his supporters like him is because they are not interested in anything except "sticking it" to someone. When I went to Cali last time, we had some kids over to the house and they were playing a game about New York after a bio terror attack or something. Spray painted on some buildings was "fuck justice, we want revenge"...sums up the Trump supporter perfectly.

It has nothing to do with religion or bashing supposed "idols"...It has everything to do with factual, principled resistance to cheapening the office and hurting the nation; of which he does both constantly.

Really, well guess what, he knows how to use e-mail. Trump also spent far less money to beat Hillary than what she paid to lose.

Also, this idiot paid far less money to Stormy to keep her quiet than Bill Clinton did to keep his whores quiet.

Interestingly, he is the only one called an idiot.

I just love smashing idols.

Now whose next?
I was listening to Dennis Prager the other day, and he got me thinking. As many know, Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship. For those that don't know, idols are anything that elevate themselves over the place of God.

Then he mentioned Trump and the Left hatred toward him. He said that he thinks he understands the hatred because Trump is an idol basher. For example, before Trump the media was on a pedestal. Although everyone could see their bias against conservatives and their adoration for Progressives, no one called them on it. They all just smiled and played nice and pretended that the press was not actively trying to help only one party win power. However, Trump ended all that as he began to fight back and call them out for their open bias, thus he smashed an idol of society.

Trump also has done this with academia. Those in higher education were on a similar pedestal as those in the press. Those in higher education were soooo much more smarter than those who were not. Naturally, since they are all Left wing that meant that only the intelligent are also Left wing. Funny thing, they don't use their intellect to fight back on college campus' around the country. No, no, they institute "safe zones" where people are not allowed to "offend" others by presenting opposing views of thought. Also, if you are a conservative, you are often not allowed to speak at a university on the grounds of "offending" people. Again, Trump calls them out and smashes yet another idol.

And there lies the rub. Is Trump religious? Probably not, but he unknowingly is smashing secular humanist idols on a daily basis. Currently he is smashing the idol of the US Federal bureaucracy. No, the DOJ and FBI, among other institutions in the Swamp, are not unbiased organizations that treat us all the same under the law. That much we are learning daily as we watch seditious frauds like Strzok give open testimony on the Trump investigation.
Wow, yiu are giving far to much credit to that idiot.
tRump isn't doing any of this deliberately. He's just crashing about like the proverbial bull in the China shop.
I was listening to Dennis Prager the other day, and he got me thinking. As many know, Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship. For those that don't know, idols are anything that elevate themselves over the place of God.

Then he mentioned Trump and the Left hatred toward him. He said that he thinks he understands the hatred because Trump is an idol basher. For example, before Trump the media was on a pedestal. Although everyone could see their bias against conservatives and their adoration for Progressives, no one called them on it. They all just smiled and played nice and pretended that the press was not actively trying to help only one party win power. However, Trump ended all that as he began to fight back and call them out for their open bias, thus he smashed an idol of society.

Trump also has done this with academia. Those in higher education were on a similar pedestal as those in the press. Those in higher education were soooo much more smarter than those who were not. Naturally, since they are all Left wing that meant that only the intelligent are also Left wing. Funny thing, they don't use their intellect to fight back on college campus' around the country. No, no, they institute "safe zones" where people are not allowed to "offend" others by presenting opposing views of thought. Also, if you are a conservative, you are often not allowed to speak at a university on the grounds of "offending" people. Again, Trump calls them out and smashes yet another idol.

And there lies the rub. Is Trump religious? Probably not, but he unknowingly is smashing secular humanist idols on a daily basis. Currently he is smashing the idol of the US Federal bureaucracy. No, the DOJ and FBI, among other institutions in the Swamp, are not unbiased organizations that treat us all the same under the law. That much we are learning daily as we watch seditious frauds like Strzok give open testimony on the Trump investigation.
Wow, yiu are giving far to much credit to that idiot.
tRump isn't doing any of this deliberately. He's just crashing about like the proverbial bull in the China shop.

Maybe, but at least you agree with my premise.
People don't like Trump because Trump is an idiot, a bully, a whore monger and doesn't understand his job. The only reason his supporters like him is because they are not interested in anything except "sticking it" to someone. When I went to Cali last time, we had some kids over to the house and they were playing a game about New York after a bio terror attack or something. Spray painted on some buildings was "fuck justice, we want revenge"...sums up the Trump supporter perfectly.

It has nothing to do with religion or bashing supposed "idols"...It has everything to do with factual, principled resistance to cheapening the office and hurting the nation; of which he does both constantly.
Given that it was supposed to represent New York "fuck justice, we want revenge" most likely represents BLM and other black supremacists.

You are the idiots who are running away from justice. Justice is the #walkaway campaign.
I was listening to Dennis Prager the other day, and he got me thinking. As many know, Dennis is a Jew and therefore has an appreciation for the OT and the war against idol worship. For those that don't know, idols are anything that elevate themselves over the place of God.

Then he mentioned Trump and the Left hatred toward him. He said that he thinks he understands the hatred because Trump is an idol basher. For example, before Trump the media was on a pedestal. Although everyone could see their bias against conservatives and their adoration for Progressives, no one called them on it. They all just smiled and played nice and pretended that the press was not actively trying to help only one party win power. However, Trump ended all that as he began to fight back and call them out for their open bias, thus he smashed an idol of society.

Trump also has done this with academia. Those in higher education were on a similar pedestal as those in the press. Those in higher education were soooo much more smarter than those who were not. Naturally, since they are all Left wing that meant that only the intelligent are also Left wing. Funny thing, they don't use their intellect to fight back on college campus' around the country. No, no, they institute "safe zones" where people are not allowed to "offend" others by presenting opposing views of thought. Also, if you are a conservative, you are often not allowed to speak at a university on the grounds of "offending" people. Again, Trump calls them out and smashes yet another idol.

And there lies the rub. Is Trump religious? Probably not, but he unknowingly is smashing secular humanist idols on a daily basis. Currently he is smashing the idol of the US Federal bureaucracy. No, the DOJ and FBI, among other institutions in the Swamp, are not unbiased organizations that treat us all the same under the law. That much we are learning daily as we watch seditious frauds like Strzok give open testimony on the Trump investigation.

All of the institutions our POTUS is desecrating (thankfully) are ones built upon the American cultural revolution of the past six or seven decades. Organizations which had rested easy for many years in the belief they could without consequence do whatever they wanted with and to the American people--including deceive them into a race war, out of their religion, out of their patriotism, and into some twisted new era of gender neutrality and neo-communism. Our POTUS is ruining all of their plans. So the violent militant feminists and Leftist intellectual elites despise him. Keep up God's good work, President Trump.

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