Teacher resigns at school board meeting

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Loudoun County 5th grade teacher Laura Leanne just resigned tonight after the school board forced her to sign a contract promising to snitch on other faculty voicing disagreements with progressive policies. Under this bill, faculty will be punished if they don’t comply with the preferred pronouns of students as early as kindergarten.

The school board banned the public ...you retarded progressive commie rats really are imbecile totalitarian freaks ..

Democratic socialist need to hang
Private Schools are truly the answer.

Let's get that Privatization of Schools started today.
What could possibly go wrong?
What's wrong with sending your children to private schools or even home schooling ?
Nothing, nothing at all.

But these choices are NOT the end all answer.

Students thrive in different environments.
The constant attacks on public school do bother me.

I have had multiple students (over 36 years) that were homeschooling, enroll in math in the public school, because they just couldn't teach that math at home. They needed the Public School's help.

Am I wrong?
What's wrong with sending your children to private schools or even home schooling ?
They make you continue to fund THEIR failed school system even if you don't use or reject it outright for its contemptible policies. They don't care, they get their money same either way, and now you must shoulder the burden of their school taxes then must pay the higher cost of a private education on top of it to add insult to injury.
Nothing, nothing at all.

But these choices are NOT the end all answer.

Students thrive in different environments.
The constant attacks on public school do bother me.

I have had multiple students (over 36 years) that were homeschooling, enroll in math in the public school, because they just couldn't teach that math at home. They needed the Public School's help.

Am I wrong?
Depends on the situation
So why not just leave the white oppressor and homo pronoun shit out of school altogether

None of it is about teaching tolerance and understanding
Can't can yas

Gee I wonder why


Do you have any understanding of an individual that is NOT like you?
Can you tolerate the girl/boy with purple hair?

I get along with people just fine

What's your point homogenized white bread ?

Lemme guess the first time you met a brown or black person was in college?
You can't teach me anything about different people or cultures... most white progressives are to ignorant and not very worldly at all...im and old school cosmopolitan...before the left ruined the word

Only live in very large metro areas my whole life until about 6 years ago Lol teach me all about diversity and tolerance pffft fuck you hick goober trash
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This, ^^^^ , to, too, or two, is why stupid people should NOT try to call other people ignorant.
AWW poor white trash white boy was gonna teach me about diversity

Proper grammar and English is racist ! So seeez the educators


Get bent somewhere else dunce

Loudoun County 5th grade teacher Laura Leanne just resigned tonight after the school board forced her to sign a contract promising to snitch on other faculty voicing disagreements with progressive policies. Under this bill, faculty will be punished if they don’t comply with the preferred pronouns of students as early as kindergarten.

The school board banned the public ...you retarded progressive commie rats really are imbecile totalitarian freaks ..

Democratic socialist need to hang

What did Jesus say about transgender folks ?
Nothing, nothing at all.

But these choices are NOT the end all answer.

Students thrive in different environments.
The constant attacks on public school do bother me.

I have had multiple students (over 36 years) that were homeschooling, enroll in math in the public school, because they just couldn't teach that math at home. They needed the Public School's help.

Am I wrong?
Public schools SHOULD be attacked any time they indoctrinate children into an authoritarian political cult instead of actually teaching them.
Public schools SHOULD be attacked any time they indoctrinate children into an authoritarian political cult instead of actually teaching them.
This ^^^^^ rarely happens, I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but rarely.
Whereas you believe it is an everyday, every lesson occurrence.
This ^^^^^ rarely happens, I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but rarely.
Whereas you believe it is an everyday, every lesson occurrence.
Its the subject of this thread.

I realize you are heavily invested in it NOT being true, but between this and the disgusting CRT racism being crammed down kids throats, it sure seems more common than you are willing to admit.

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