Tea Party Persecution...Why?


Good example. Because the person who made that image is PERFECTLY sane and rational.

Do you believe Bachman is mentally balanced, sane and rational?
Is Obama? Reid? Pelosi? By YOUR reckoning? Same applies, doesn't it?
It's because the Tea Party isn't under the Democrat's umbrella and so they must be vilified and attacked by the liberals without mercy. .. :cool:

Any time the political ruling class join forces to attack a groupe, that groupe must be doing something right. Tea Party is ok for a bunch of stodgy old farts.

they've been around long enough to see where this government has gone....Bloated with useless idiot incompetent congresscritters, take OfailCare for example... agencies on top of agencies we are paying for, waste, fraud, thieves, liars, heading towards fascism, take Ofailcare for an example, etc etc

so of course the elected career politicians throw out their hate against them...what's awful is the people in this country don't see it
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Yeah, that works, but only if you completely ignore the Clinton lawyer filing the suit against Obama's candidacy as described in my link.

That was NOT Clinton's lawyer, that was Pennsylvania’s former deputy attorney general and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter Philip J. Berg.
Smaller government and more individual freedom takes power from Democrats.

Yup.. Democrats/progressives/socialists/ are no doubt threatened.

The middle-class are the only ones truly paying the price for now.

Spin, spin, spin ... the republicans need to OWN the spot they are in.

I agree...you win, for the most part their political idiots holding hands with the Democrats and screwing us all over...wait...I need a... :lol:
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:
It is not your beliefs that makes the Tea Party unpopular, it's the means you advocate of achieving your goals. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't believe in a reduced national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government. It is how we go about doing those things where we differ.
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Good example. Because the person who made that image is PERFECTLY sane and rational.

Do you believe Bachman is mentally balanced, sane and rational?
Is Obama? Reid? Pelosi? By YOUR reckoning? Same applies, doesn't it?

No, those would not be the same apples.

1. Comparing Herself to a Serial Killer
Bachmann kicked off her presidential campaign this week in her home town of Waterloo, Iowa. She made a point to compare herself to fellow Waterloo resident, John Wayne. Yes! John Wayne = America. That is a logical comparison to make when running for President. Buuuuuuuuut perhaps she should've done more than skim the Wikipedia page she got that info from, as the John Wayne who once called Waterloo home is John Wayne Gacy.

Who's that, you ask? Dynamite question. Gacy is a serial killer, better known as "Killer Clown" after he raped and murdered 33 teenage boys in the 70s. Totally spot on comparison when you consider Bachmann's new campaign poster:
(or 6th…or 7th…or, oh fuck it, you had it every year in middle school)

2. Founding Fathers' Mission to Abolish Slavery
Said Bachmann: "The very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States."

Yes yes, our founding fathers fought a vigorous fight against slavery. But just to be sure, let me just crunch some numbers here. By the time slavery was abolished, known slave-owner/founding father Thomas Jefferson had been dead for 39 years and known slave-owner/founding father George Washington had been dead for 66. That can't be right. Oh wait, the founding father she specified was John Quincy Adams. That's fair. He was in fact nine years old when the Declaration of Independence was signed and was clearly a major player. Silly me.

3. Lexington and Concord Fought in New Hampshire
In a speech in New Hampshire, she announced she was in the "state where the shot was heard round the world at Lexington and Concord."

Remember that history lesson you had in 5th grade about the shots at Lexington and Concord? That was a great lesson, right? It evoked the spirit of the American Revolution. It's like you could feel yourself fighting for our freedom on the Massachusetts soil! Key word being "Massachusetts."

4. Just Flat Out Talking Gibberish
She once claimed that the Hoot-Smalley Tariff caused the Great Depression. Listen, we're not gonna pretend that we know what the Hoot-Smalley Tariff is. And that is because it does not exist.

5. Democrats = Swine Flu Fanatics
Finding faults in the opposing party's leaders is not out of the ordinary. You find your weaknesses and you attack. It's an unfortunate, yet necessary, aspect of the two-party system. Like if you think there's a connection between Swine Flu and having a Democrat in the White House, you may go ahead make that claim because it is an obvious Achilles' heel of the Democrats and it needs to be exploited. Democrats love giving people diseases and that's been as clear as day since FDR advocated that all Americans be injected with the polio virus.

Bachmann was astute enough to make the connection that before Obama, the last time we saw an outbreak of Swine Flu was during Jimmy Carter's term. Great catch, Michelle! Also totally false. Not that it matters, but it was actually Gerald Ford in office. Whatever, Democrats love sick people because it's all part of their twisted plan to make sure everyone who needs healthcare gets it. Obviously.

Michele Bachmann's 5 Biggest Factual Gaffes from As Usual and Live Funny or Die
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I think this pretty much sums up the Tea Party:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyIZIiY81Ek]The Mad (Republican) Tea Party - YouTube[/ame]
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You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:
It is not your beliefs that makes the Tea Party unpopular, it's the means you advocate of achieving your goals.
Which means what? Restoring the rule of LAW that the present occupant only does with law he likes? Upholding the LAW doesn't mean picking and choosing to appease your cronies in favour. It means ALL LAW.

And what of reverence for the Constitution...that IS the LAW...but I suppose in YOUR world? Restoring it, and this Republic isn't worth it, right? Status quo all the way with the criminals that run it, correct?

The TPM is all about the Constitution...and getting the elected to pay attention...and adhere. But you admonish it and them...er rather US, by your comment the very same.

YOU are disgusting. Nevermind you support the seeds of even YOUR demise if the Progressives succeed. YOU are an enemy to your own liberty. Typical unthinking progressive dupe.
Yeah, that works, but only if you completely ignore the Clinton lawyer filing the suit against Obama's candidacy as described in my link.

That was NOT Clinton's lawyer, that was Pennsylvania’s former deputy attorney general and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter Philip J. Berg.

Oh, so you DID read the article...eventually.

I think, however, we can all agree that Berg is NOT a TEA Party member. Right?
It's because the Tea Party isn't under the Democrat's umbrella and so they must be vilified and attacked by the liberals without mercy. .. :cool:

The mainstream GOP leadership and membership are grouped with the 80% of Americans that despise the TPM.

At least their less despised than Obama and they're patriotic Americans..
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You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:
It is not your beliefs that makes the Tea Party unpopular, it's the means you advocate of achieving your goals. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't believe in a reduced national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government. It is how we go about doing those things where we differ.
Those are admirable goals, but advocating increased debt, higher taxes, and larger and therefore more wasteful, corrupt, and fiscally irresponsible government probably isn't the way to achieve them.

Might want to tell the Democratic Party.

Good example. Because the person who made that image is PERFECTLY sane and rational.

Do you believe Bachman is mentally balanced, sane and rational?

She was pilloried (unfairly in my view) by the Democrat Party and their media to the point she was rejected by the wimps in the Republican electorate. How many more pounds of flesh do you require.

Should I bring up A. Weiner and beat you over the head with that?...:lol:
It's because the Tea Party isn't under the Democrat's umbrella and so they must be vilified and attacked by the liberals without mercy. .. :cool:

The mainstream GOP leadership and membership are grouped with the 80% of Americans that despise the TPM.

At least their less despised than Obama and their patriotic Americans..

that's the one trick ponies (jakie the fakie) wet dream only..he has such an hardon for them all his postings are about them no matter what the thread is....that's an Obsession that needs a shrink I think....lol
The mainstream GOP leadership and membership are grouped with the 80% of Americans that despise the TPM.

At least their less despised than Obama and their patriotic Americans..

that's the one trick ponies (jakie the fakie) wet dream only..he has such an hardon for them all his postings are about them no matter what the thread is....that's an Obsession that needs a shrink I think....lol

little stephie again, whining and stomping her misshapen little cloven hoov er feet :lol:

The obsession is that the TeaPs think they are holders of American values.
The mainstream GOP leadership and membership are grouped with the 80% of Americans that despise the TPM.

At least their less despised than Obama and their patriotic Americans..

that's the one trick ponies (jakie the fakie) wet dream only..he has such an hardon for them all his postings are about them no matter what the thread is....that's an Obsession that needs a shrink I think....lol

Maybe he went to a Tea Party function and they told him he didn't fit in..:(

Rejection is tough...we should be more understanding, poor heartbroken fellow..:itsok:

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