Tea Party Persecution...Why?

why should they be ridiculed? you are pinning the birther thing on them with no proof whatsoever it came from them...You seemed to be more tolerant but lately I haven't seen it
The birther movement started in Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ?Birther? Movement!

That Hillary -- what a teabagger!! :mad:

1) Some anonymous blogger claims that Obama wasn't born in America.

2) Obama says fine, sends away to Hawaii for a copy of his birth certificate. Gets sent official certificate of live birth just like everyone else who asks Hawaiii for their documentation.

3) Obama puts original stamped certificate in his Chicago campaign office, invites anyone to come look at it.

4) No one comes to look at it except Factcheck and the Chicago Sun Times.

5) Anonymous bloggers continue to say that Obama wasn't born in the US - pretend that certificate does not exist.

6) Obama says fine, takes a picture of the certificate and posts it on his website.

7) Anonymous blogger named "Polarik" says "it's a forgery" (because anonymous blogger is too stupid to understand how .jpeg compression works). No real experts ever step up to say anything of the sort.

8) Stupid people think that anonymous blogger is right, start to scream conspiracy, demand "long form" that Obama does not have and Hawaii does not issue.

9) Hawaii Department of Health says its not a forgery. (They must be in on the conspiracy!!!!)

10) Someone checks newspaper archives, finds two separate birth announcements. (They must have been planted because his mom knew in 1961 that her newborn black son would be President someday!!!!)

11) Still no one goes to look at original certificate in Chicago.

12) Obama is inaugurated. Not one of the 535 members of congress objects. (I guess they are all intimidated and blackmailed).

13) WorldNetDaily jumps on board, starts feeding the flames. WND's page hits go though the roof.

14) New rumors start to fly, made up mostly on FreeRepublic and other message boards by undereducated and paranoid people who never bother to check if what they are speculating about has any basis in reality. Every rumor is treated as true by those who want to believe.

A - "Obama must have abandoned his American citizenship and gotten an Indonesian passport because he traveled to Pakistan in 1981 when there was a travel ban against Americans going there." (problem - there never was a travel ban to Pakistan).

B - "Obama is hiding his long form - he said in Dreams From My Father that he had the original." (Problem - Obama actually said in his book that he saw it at his grandmothers house decades ago when he was a teenager. He never said he had it himself.)

C - "Obama travelled to Hawaii just before the election to destroy the original long certificate and murdered his grandmother to keep her quiet." (Oh come on...)

D - "Obama's Kenyan grandmother said on tape that she was present at his birth in Kenya." (No she didn't - if you listen to the entire tape it is clear that she is talking about being present at the birth of Barack Obama Senior, the president's father).

E - "The announcements in the Hawaiian newspaper were faked - that property has been owned by the same family since the 50s and it's not Obama's family" (problem - other records demonstrate that Obama's grandparents rented that property - ownership is not the issue).

F - "even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he's not a natural born citizen because both of his parents were not American citizens." (problem - this "legal" definition is made up by birthers from an obscure French treatise by a guy named de Vattel. Not only is there zero reason to think that the Founders intended to use de Vattel for this definition, the definition is counter to English common law (which we follow in America) and even de Vattel admits it. Ask any lawyer what they think of this theory.)

G - "Obama's mom abandoned his American citizenship to enroll him in school in Indonesia' (problem - no one can take away your American citizenship but you - not your parents, not the government, no one.)

H - "Attorney General Holder was spotted in Georgia intimidating a federal judge hearing a birther case" (LOL. Actually, some guy says he saw a guy that looks like Holder in a coffee shop - Holder was in California that day).

And so on. More and more ignorant people fall for it.

(by the way, I left out about a hundred more false rumors, all easily explained).

15) Three insane lawyers file lawsuits. The first, Phil Berg, is a 9/11 truther who believes every conspiracy ever. The second, Leo Donofrio, is a professional poker player who thinks that he is being stalked by government agents in yellow rain slickers. The third, Orly Taitz, is a dentist who graduated from correspondence law school and has never tried a case. The several hundred thousand other Republican attorneys in the country recognize a stinker when they see it, and stay well away.

The lawsuits are pathetic on the law and the facts. The lawyers get sanctioned. The birthers decide that every judge in the nation is in on the conspiracy too.

15) Rush, Hannity, Beck, Levin, Coulter and every other major conservative commentator looks into the issue, learns that it is stupidity incarnate, and refuses to play along (OMG, even THEY have been bought off or blackmailed - I weep for America)

16) Obama laughs, says what the hell. Let these people marginalize themselves all they want.


You seem far more concerned with "the birth-er thing" than most anyone.

Most people figure we're stuck with this pathetic "excuse filled" president regardless of that issue.. yeh or nay.
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Why are Teabaggers being attacked by Republicans? Why are the silly hatter candidates being attacked by Republicans?
Because, obviously, the Republicans (or, as they're more accurately described, "The Democrat Party Lite") fear being turned out of office in favor of conservatives.

a liberal cant' understand a party who doesn't walk in lockstep like they do the Democrat party..there can't be dissent, not one difference of opinion, etc etc...so according to them that makes enough reason the Tea party should be looked at as the enemy and should be ridiculed..

that is very sad and speaks a lot about where they are as voters and why these elected Democrats feels it's ok for them to call the people in this all kinds of vile names, terrorist, hostage takers, etc etc

this country is gone and hopeless with a base of people who see's nothing wrong with that
If baggers don't want to be viewed as mentally unbalanced they should stop having mentally unbalanced spokespeople and candidates.

You seem far more concerned with "the birth-er thing" than most anyone.

Most people figure we're stuck with this pathetic president regardless of that issue.. yeh or nay.

Just my response to the "It's Hillary's fault" crowd.

I was a staunch oponent of the whole stupid thing, so I reserched the hell out of it and yes, the voters have not forgotten.
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It may not be right, but politics has always been an image game. The fact that Republicans and the Tea Party are losing that game is a failure on their part.

I suppose if principles and a concern for future generations holds no importance, what you're saying would be true.

Allowing lying politicians to lie and get elected has been a hallmark of politics since politics has existed. Sad but true. :mad:

I can't disagree..at least in the past they didn't just throw it in our faces and laugh about it..sheesh
why should they be ridiculed? you are pinning the birther thing on them with no proof whatsoever it came from them...You seemed to be more tolerant but lately I haven't seen it
The birther movement started in Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ?Birther? Movement!

That Hillary -- what a teabagger!! :mad:

Chronology of the birth certificate controversy.

1) Some anonymous blogger claims that Obama wasn't born in America.

2) Obama says fine, sends away to Hawaii for a copy of his birth certificate. Gets sent official certificate of live birth just like everyone else who asks Hawaiii for their documentation.

3) Obama puts original stamped certificate in his Chicago campaign office, invites anyone to come look at it.

4) No one comes to look at it except Factcheck and the Chicago Sun Times.

5) Anonymous bloggers continue to say that Obama wasn't born in the US - pretend that certificate does not exist.

6) Obama says fine, takes a picture of the certificate and posts it on his website.

7) Anonymous blogger named "Polarik" says "it's a forgery" (because anonymous blogger is too stupid to understand how .jpeg compression works). No real experts ever step up to say anything of the sort.

8) Stupid people think that anonymous blogger is right, start to scream conspiracy, demand "long form" that Obama does not have and Hawaii does not issue.

9) Hawaii Department of Health says its not a forgery. (They must be in on the conspiracy!!!!)

10) Someone checks newspaper archives, finds two separate birth announcements. (They must have been planted because his mom knew in 1961 that her newborn black son would be President someday!!!!)

11) Still no one goes to look at original certificate in Chicago.

12) Obama is inaugurated. Not one of the 535 members of congress objects. (I guess they are all intimidated and blackmailed).

13) WorldNetDaily jumps on board, starts feeding the flames. WND's page hits go though the roof.

14) New rumors start to fly, made up mostly on FreeRepublic and other message boards by undereducated and paranoid people who never bother to check if what they are speculating about has any basis in reality. Every rumor is treated as true by those who want to believe.

A - "Obama must have abandoned his American citizenship and gotten an Indonesian passport because he traveled to Pakistan in 1981 when there was a travel ban against Americans going there." (problem - there never was a travel ban to Pakistan).

B - "Obama is hiding his long form - he said in Dreams From My Father that he had the original." (Problem - Obama actually said in his book that he saw it at his grandmothers house decades ago when he was a teenager. He never said he had it himself.)

C - "Obama travelled to Hawaii just before the election to destroy the original long certificate and murdered his grandmother to keep her quiet." (Oh come on...)

D - "Obama's Kenyan grandmother said on tape that she was present at his birth in Kenya." (No she didn't - if you listen to the entire tape it is clear that she is talking about being present at the birth of Barack Obama Senior, the president's father).

E - "The announcements in the Hawaiian newspaper were faked - that property has been owned by the same family since the 50s and it's not Obama's family" (problem - other records demonstrate that Obama's grandparents rented that property - ownership is not the issue).

F - "even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he's not a natural born citizen because both of his parents were not American citizens." (problem - this "legal" definition is made up by birthers from an obscure French treatise by a guy named de Vattel. Not only is there zero reason to think that the Founders intended to use de Vattel for this definition, the definition is counter to English common law (which we follow in America) and even de Vattel admits it. Ask any lawyer what they think of this theory.)

G - "Obama's mom abandoned his American citizenship to enroll him in school in Indonesia' (problem - no one can take away your American citizenship but you - not your parents, not the government, no one.)

H - "Attorney General Holder was spotted in Georgia intimidating a federal judge hearing a birther case" (LOL. Actually, some guy says he saw a guy that looks like Holder in a coffee shop - Holder was in California that day).

And so on. More and more ignorant people fall for it.

(by the way, I left out about a hundred more false rumors, all easily explained).

15) Three insane lawyers file lawsuits. The first, Phil Berg, is a 9/11 truther who believes every conspiracy ever. The second, Leo Donofrio, is a professional poker player who thinks that he is being stalked by government agents in yellow rain slickers. The third, Orly Taitz, is a dentist who graduated from correspondence law school and has never tried a case. The several hundred thousand other Republican attorneys in the country recognize a stinker when they see it, and stay well away.

The lawsuits are pathetic on the law and the facts. The lawyers get sanctioned. The birthers decide that every judge in the nation is in on the conspiracy too.

15) Rush, Hannity, Beck, Levin, Coulter and every other major conservative commentator looks into the issue, learns that it is stupidity incarnate, and refuses to play along (OMG, even THEY have been bought off or blackmailed - I weep for America)

16) Obama laughs, says what the hell. Let these people marginalize themselves all they want.

Yeah, that works, but only if you completely ignore the Clinton lawyer filing the suit against Obama's candidacy as described in my link.
Smaller government and more individual freedom takes power from Democrats.

Yup.. Democrats/progressives/socialists/ are no doubt threatened.

The middle-class are the only ones truly paying the price, for now.

Everyone should know...Keep piling on taxes/fees/shit etc. on the middle-class and the country is doomed....Dooooomed I tells Ya...:)
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It's because the Tea Party isn't under the Democrat's umbrella and so they must be vilified and attacked by the liberals without mercy. .. :cool:

Any time the political ruling class join forces to attack a groupe, that groupe must be doing something right. Tea Party is ok for a bunch of stodgy old farts.
It's because the Tea Party isn't under the Democrat's umbrella and so they must be vilified and attacked by the liberals without mercy. .. :cool:

The mainstream GOP leadership and membership are grouped with the 80% of Americans that despise the TPM.
Tea Party Persecution...Why?
Credit rating downgrade.


Government shutdown.

Threat to allow the Nation to default.

For starters…

Of course, it’s not ‘persecution,’ as that implies some sort of unjustified attack.

Criticism of the TPM such as the above and more is indeed justified and appropriate, as House republicans have done nothing but obstruct, placing party before country, contributing nothing worthwhile.

You're a fucking idiot. Period.

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